Entry #2 - July 3rd

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So I met someone called Chihiro, and turns out they have a diary too! Isn't that, as I have heard humans say, 'super neat'? I am so thrilled about finding a human to connect with, and talk to! I do have a few close friends, like Saihara, Akamatsu, Amami or Momota, but...I can't understand them. There are no topics of conversation I can bring up, and when I asked Saihara about my singing career, he...Threw up!- but that doesn't matter. Hopefully I can build my friendship with Chihiro to the point where we become...What is the acronym, again? Bff's? Yes! Thank you for your support in listening to me, diary,

Lots of love, sincerely, Kiibo

xx <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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