How he knew about you!

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Petter knew about you within high school. Luckily you were in the same school as him. When he first saw you step in the classroom he kinda knew you'd be the one for him. But due to him not good with talking to people he actually ignored you and grew to regret it. But.... There was this.. one moment.

You were running late to class and as you were about to head inside you bump in to someone.
"UGH! WATCH WHERE YOUR- Oh....." he stepped back a bit. "Oh no I dropped everything!" You scrambled around picking up your stuff. When suddenly. He started helping you. He didn't say a word and nether did you. But once you were both done. He just looked at you and walked away not even giving his name but little did you know. You would meet him again in the future ;)

The time he saw you again was when he was on a walk and passed by the dinner. When he first saw you he couldn't believe it. And after your shift he saw the guy and knew you were in trouble. Therefore he followed you. And saved you. But ran away because he thought you would see him as a monster.
But little did he know. You wouldn't see him that way! <3

There may be much more to your story than you think reader :)

{Peter} Yb x Reader! your boyfriend!Where stories live. Discover now