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Leah Carter didn't care.

She hadn't cared about anything other than herself and her outfits since the third grade. She knew all she needed to get exactly what she wanted was a charming smile and a low-cut shirt. And it worked. 

That'd been her method for as long as she could remember- who can't resist those pearly whites she flashes when she wants something? Her mom taught her that. Growing up in a rocky household with an alcoholic single mother with nothing to give but her looks and an education to the 11th grade wasn't necessarily the most character-building experience for a young impressionable mind but her mother taught her how to survive off of other people. Everything and everyone revolved around her. If she wasn't their first priority at any given moment- she cuts her losses and moves on. Who needs them anyways?

Leah Carter hated herself like she hated the people who don't give her what she wants. She wishes she was more than what she pretended to be. She wishes she was who she pretended to be. Maybe she wouldn't have fallen off the deep end like she did that summer sophomore year had she been as strong as she pretended. 

Acting as if maybe she was the one who caused all of it- that guilt ate her alive. She couldve done something and she didnt.

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