"Yeah let's go. Can we stop at Starbucks first? I need to get myself a soothing vanilla coffee."

Jake smirked "Yeah sure you damn coffee addict."

"I'm not an addict. I just love how it tastes and makes me feel warm inside. It makes me feel like I'm loved by something."

"Which means that you're addicted?"

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever you say. Let's just get me a coffee and head on to my house." We drove to Starbucks I got my coffee and I was in heaven. It tasted so amazing, coffee just makes me so happy. We got to my house and we just started talking about the most random things and played some music.

"So you got any crushes James?" Zoey asked out of complete randomness.

"Maybe... Why do you care?"

"I think I have the right to know who my best friend has a crush on." Zoey said as she put her hand on her heart like I had just injured her. She was so over dramatic it was horrible. Wasn't I supposed to be the dramatic one considering I was the one who was gay?

"Well I saw Ron today I guess he's pretty cute. Then there's a plus... He's gay too! "

"Oooooooo so you have a crush on Ron? Maybe we should make that little idea of yours a reality. We know that he's gay obviously. So why not try it?"

"Maybe because we don't have any of the same interests, he's nothing like me, and I'm me. Why would anybody like me?"

"Why would somebody like you? Maybe because you're one of the most real people in the school. You're really fit, smart, your taste in music is great. You are really really funny, and your laugh is one of the cutest things in the world. That's why somebody would like you!" Jake said.

I was so happy that I had Jake. No he wasn't gay but he was really the best friend ever. He always knew the right thing to say and exactly how to say it. "Jake you don't know how much that even means to me." I don't know why but I felt like I wanted to cry. I went over to the bay window in my room and looked out of it. It was so beautiful outside. I had an amazing view from my house because I lived on the top of a huge hill that over looked the town. I could see the valley and the river. It was just so picturesque and astounding.

"Wait its dark outside already?" Jake asked.

"Yeah its been dark for a while."

"My mom is going to kill me. I'll see you guys tomorrow. It was fun hanging out with you guys as usual. Don't get into trouble while I'm gone." He winked his amazing wink that was pretty much perfect and ran downstairs and left.

I honestly did not want Jake to leave at all. I have to admit that if Jake was gay I would definitely date him. He was one of the best guys I had ever come to know.

Right now Zoey was grounded. If her parents caught her over my house they would probably kill her. They hated me so much. They were homophobes and didn't want Zoey to ever be around me because they thought she would be poisoned by me which made absolutely no sense. Last time I checked humans weren't poisonous animals. Maybe the scientists had finally decided to study Zoeys parents.

I wished that Zoey could've come over without sneaking around. Her parents really never cared when she was out at her friends. She got caught being at my house because her ex-boyfriend was my neighbor. They had a horrible break up. Zoey caught Brad with another girl doing it. She went off on him while he was in bed with this girl. There was a lot of crying involved in the break up and there was also a lot of ice cream. The ice cream part was a plus but the crying wasn't. But there was nothing The Breakfast Club and Grease couldn't fix. I told her she definitely did the right thing even though she missed him a lot. It was kind of normal to miss someone, especially when you were with them for six months.

Once Brad realized that Zoeys parents were homophobes he used it to his advantage. I don't understand why he was trying to get back at her. He cheated on her, she would have never cheated on him. She should be the one trying to cause him trouble. So as soon as he saw her come over my house he told her parents. That was exactly how she ended up grounded.

Zoey decided it was time for her to go home. It was pretty late and now that Jake had left the conversations weren't as fun. When she left I got really bored and then I looked up Ryan on Facebook and Instagram just because I had nothing else to do. I was so tired but why not look at a hot guy I could never have? Sounded like a lot of fun. I was reading a post under one of his shirtless pictures and it said 'Be who you are even if someone tells you otherwise. I wish it was as easy as it sounded. So honestly I have to say that'


Hey everyone. I promise the story gets better so keep reading it. There may be some tears later on in the story and probably some smiles. But if you read just remember to Vote and Comment

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