The Spy Part 1

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Maddie woke up with a searing pain in her head. After her eyes finally adjusted to the light, she looked around to find herself in a very familiar room. "How the hell did I get back here?", Maddie asked herself while getting out of bed. Maddie was looking around her room until she saw two small pieces of paper on her nightstand. She picked up the first note that addressed her as Ms. Byers before she started to read.

Dear Ms. Byers,

I know the circumstances of last night and this morning may be confusing for you. Unfortunately, last night you had a period where you weren't in your right mind. Because of this you were taken out of the situation. We apologize for any pain or confusion we might have caused. But for your own safety, we ask that you remain at your home. If you attempt to enter the facility we will be forced to remove you, under any means necessary. Thank you for your cooperation and understating. 

Hawkins Lab

The other letter that Maddie picked up addressed her as Mads. 

Dear Mads,

I'm so sorry. I didn't want to leave you alone, but we are all okay. Hopper is fine and Will is going to get a couple of tests done. Everything is okay here. I left a couple of pills and a glass of water next to this note for your headache. Just please stay home. 

I love you,


Maddie quickly took the pills next to the note before walking out of her room. Maddie quickly grabbed her car keys and her bag, checking to see if her gun and walkie were still in there before exiting her house. As soon as she exited her house she was about two seconds away from loosing her shit. 

"You've got to be shitting me!", Maddie screamed looking towards an empty driveway. Before Maddie completely let it all out, there was a call on her walkie. "Maddie, Maddie do you copy? Over", Lucas asked. "I copy. What's wrong?", Maddie answered pissed off. 

"Dart is a Demogorgon and he grew. Dustin told me to tell you to meet him at our spot, over", Lucas added while breathing heavily. "Why are you breathing so hard? Over", Maddie questioned Lucas. "I'm biking to get Max, over", Lucas answered simply.

 "You told Max?", Maddie asked confused. "Yeah, but I want to show her proof, over", Lucas said. "Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can. Over and out", Maddie said before shutting off her walkie. After looking at the spot where her car used to be, Maddie sighed looking at the ground. "I guess I needed a good run", Maddie mumbled before jogging to the junkyard where they all hid before.

"I said medium-well", Lucas joked before waving to the two boys. Maddie finally made herself known walking up next to Max completely out of breath. The whole group looked towards Maddie in confusion before she put a finger up signaling that she needed a minute. After Maddie finally got her breathing under control, she looked up seeing the group still looking at her. "So what's the plan?", Maddie questioned the group.

Maddie, Lucas, and Dustin were all huddled behind a car, while Dustin questioned Lucas, "You told her?". "So what?", Lucas answered before Dustin added, "So what?" in a mocking tone. "You wanted to tell her, too", Lucas stated. "But I didn't, all right? We agreed not to tell her and to look for Dart", Dustin said impatiently. "Who you conveniently found", Lucas stated sarcastically. "Are you suggesting that I'm lying?", Dustin questioned angrily. "Boys", Maddie stated in a warning tone while closing her eyes against the bright light. 

"I'm saying you have a creepy little bond with him", Lucas said before Dustin added, "Yeah, that was before he turned into a Demogorgon". "And you haven't heard from Mike?", Lucas asked Dustin who replied with a quick, "No". "Or Will?", Lucas questioned again causing Dustin to say "No" again. "Hopper", Lucas tried one more time before Dustin answered, "No! No one is around. Why do you think I'm with Steve Harrington?". 

The boys continued to talk while Maddie blocked them out thinking about her family being in the lab. Dustin lightly nudged Maddie's arm causing her to look at the boys in question. "Do you know where they are?", Lucas asked Maddie. "They're busy", Maddie replied dismissively before blocking the conversation out again.  

The next time she was nudged she turned to the person and yelled, "What?". Steve looked at her alarmed before Maddie started at him with wide eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry", Maddie repeated before standing up and picking up equipment while Steve watched her with worried eyes. 

As the sun started to go down, the three kids and two teens entered the bus. Maddie went to the back corner before sitting down causing Steve to look at her worriedly before looking away. 

Soon after the kids got onto the bus the sun went down. Lucas stayed on top of the bus as the look out, while the rest of the kids were inside of the bus. Steve was sitting on the floor messing with his lighter, Dustin was pacing, Max was sitting in a chair towards the back of the bus, and Maddie was sat in the very back of the bus squeezing her gun while being curled up into a ball. 

The silence was finally broken when Max questioned, "So you really fought one of these things before?". Maddie and Steve both nodded even though Max was looking directly at Maddie questionably. "And you're, like, totally, 100% sure it wasn't a bear?", Max asked causing Dustin to snap. 

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay? It wasn't a bear. Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home", Dustin stated causing Maddie to scold, "Dusty". "Geesh. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?", Max asked sarcastically before climbing up the ladder to the roof of the bus.  

"That's good. Just show her you don't care", Steve said causing Maddie to scoff. "I don't", Dustin stated while Steve winked. "Why are you winking, Steve? Stop", Dustin added. "That's terrible advice Dusty. You have to show that you care", Maddie said dryly.  

Steve then approached Maddie asking "Addie, can we talk?". Maddie didn't say anything but didn't stop Steve when he sat down next to her. "I know I haven't been the best friend that you need. I've just been going through a lot especially with Nancy and then I saw you walk down the hall with this new guy and then the party was just the last straw", Steve started and then continued when Maddie didn't flinch. 

"I'm sorry Addie. Like really really sorry", Steve finished waiting for Maddie to say something. Maddie finally looked up before saying, "I'm dating Billy". Steve stared at her for a second before stating, "Okay" causing Maddie to look up at him in shock. "Okay. Who am I to tell you who you should date. You never judge me on who I date. But if he so much as looks at you the wrong way, I will kick his ass", Steve finished with a smile making Maddie smile. Maddie quickly wrapped her arms around Steve while quietly mumbling, "Thank you, Stevie". Their cute moment was ruined when there was a very distinct growling sound coming from the distance.

A/N: I love that Steve and Maddie finally made up. Please feel free to comment, I would love to hear your opinions. As always I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote. Love from the author, over and out!  

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