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First of all... are you even a succubus to begin with? Here are the symptoms:

- You start to feel more energized during night time and not day time.

- People (usually men) often dream about you in a sexual way (normal ways are possible too).

- After sex you feel energized and satisfied as if you just had a big meal.
--> Your partner on the other hand seems weak, tired and complains about feeling dizzy or weird (drained).

- You have the ability to get whatever you want from men.

- People often tell you that you look younger than your actual age.

- Men tell you often that the sex was unlike anything they've had before.

- You know how your significant other feels just by looking at them.
You can tell when something isn't right.

- Men you hooked up with keep coming back to you.

- If you haven't had sex in a long time you feel very weak.

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