Lending a hand

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She rang the gate. Bell and they gate keeper replied by saying hello who is it hinata said hyuga hinata heir of the hyuga clan the gate was opened in less than 5 seconds and hinata was walking in into the mansion ground's she opened the door with a spare key neji gave her .

She was walking around saying anyone here . The next second a golf ball was  launched at her . Luckily after all the Marshall arts she did she was able to dodge it without trying then tenten ran to  her and gave her a big hug and said i missed you so much . They sat there hugging  and hinata told tenten what had happened . Then she  felt a sharp object at the back of her neck . And Neji sais step away from my wife hinata replied by that's no way to say hi to your cousin Neji looked at hinata properly and gave her a big hug and said what brings you here hinata sama ? Well i was wondering if i could spend som time i don't wanna stay at my house . Neji was about to ask why then tenten pulled neji into another room and told him what had happened . Neji came out of the room with murder in his eyes  .Hinata said no worry I'll be fine .

Tenten walk with hinata and said you wanna pick which room you can stay in ? Hinata nodded like a child replin to her mom if she wanted ice cream . Hinata and tenten always had a mother daughter réalisation ship.this room hinat nodded softly . Okay tenten said with a smile she gave hinata pyjamas a said lets go get a drink in the lounge of my house tenten said she accepted while they were walking there they saw neji watching a tv show called wife search and sasuke uchiha was the host . The producer kakashi had said yes ladies he is now free the show is starting on Monday next week so join our show by signing the slip . Tenten said ,"Hey Hinata why don't you join? No way said hinata in a light voice . They drank all night and tenten signed the paper for hinata to join wife search wile she was drunk .

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