002 :: mr california

Start from the beginning

People would try stir up rumors about the two, since they often displayed affection towards eachother, but, Charlie wasn't into girls.

All of a sudden, the pair's conversation was interrupted by the roar of a camaro, the car pulling into one of the few empty spaces in the parking lot. A fiery redhead who looked around the party's age practically ran out of the car and towards the middle school, skateboard in hand.

Then, a boy stepped out of the sleek black camaro, dressed in almost all-denim. He looked like a typical California boy, like the ones you'd see in magazines, but much better looking.

"He is the hottest boy I have ever seen..." Scarlet said quietly.

"He's beautiful." Charlie whispered, making sure not to be overheard.

The boy with the dirty blonde mullet turned his head and started at her, seemingly mesmerized by her. She stared back into his piercing blue eyes, a confident smirk on her face. He sent her a wink before throwing his cigarette to the ground and walking towards the high school building.

"Now, what was that?" Charlie basically squealed.

"I don't know." She breathed out, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. "It's probably nothing..."

"Nothing? I can hear the bells already!" The Wheeler boy teased. "C'mon, you've been out of the dating pool for so long." He was referring to her short relationship with Steve.

"Shut up." She giggled, walking towards the High School, the dark haired boy still by her side.

Meanwhile, at the other side of the parking lot, Carol, Tina and Nicole glared at the girl, enviously, but went unnoticed.

"So, the new boy has a thing for that freak?" Scoffed Carol, practically turning green.

"Oh, he won't when he finds out she's the zombie girl." Said Tina.

"You and Tommy called it quits again?" Questioned Nicole.

Tommy H and Carol were always on and off again, and even their own friends couldn't keep up. Whenever the two were separated, they would sleep around with other people to make the other jealous.

"Yep, and I want a piece of that new boy." She smirked evilly.


The Hopper girl stood alone at her locker, her best friend had disappeared to try locate and speak to Tyler Munson. Charlie had told her they were apparently 'lab partners', but she didn't believe it since she  knew he always skipped science. She knew there was something else going on, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She saw Steve and Nancy having a cute moment across the hallway, him spinning her around before pulling her into a passionate kiss. Scarlet's faced softened, staring at the couple longingly. All she could think was that it could've been her sharing kisses with Steve— if she wasn't the second choice.

She felt as if she was second choice to everyone. Charlie probably wouldn't have stuck by her if he and Mindy didn't fall out, Steve chose Nancy over her and all her former friends distanced herself from her after Nancy came along.

God, how she envied Nancy Wheeler.

She wished she could be her— perfect grades, a relatively normal family, perfect boyfriend and probably would go to college and get out of this cursed town.

She was the polar opposite. She couldn't focus on school, and it got even worse after she was trapped in the upside down. Her father was broken from Sarah's death and his divorce with Scarlet's mother, but Eleven was bringing them both closer together but she couldn't even tell anyone Eleven was her sister because of the government. To top it all off, because of her grades, the junior was certain when she was a senior, she probably wouldn't even graduate or make it to college.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇- stranger thingsWhere stories live. Discover now