God met Outer God

Start from the beginning

Still, I accept her request and the interview about what it is like to be in college begins.

Before giving my response to her questions, I first asked the exact part of it then calmly analyzed and gave an answer free of bias.

I may haven't experienced all the things that I stated to her.

But it doesn't mean that what I said isn't right.

Observing the other person's facial expressions, body language, use of words including the tone and analyzing her response together with the reactions.

By putting it all into account, I then created my own hypothetical profiling of my client.

There I simply expressed what she wanted to hear as the finishing touch.

The university related questions then lasted for a half an hour.

She genuinely appreciated my time as well as the advice then excuse herself from the office.

“Good afternoon, Ayanokouji-sensei.” greeted someone.

“Good afternoon.”

And then after that, juniors and seniors students frequently visited my office, expressing their harmless problems, mostly stress about school related stuff and sometimes a topic of romantic relationship will be discussed.

And speaking about love, if my memory didn't fail me, three female students jokingly confessed to me.

Of course, I awkwardly shrugged it off. There is no way that I will accept any of their feelings or even go with the flow as I am aware of the work ethics.

“Good afternoon sensei.” waved a familiar person to me.

“Good afternoon.”

This particular female student in front of me is one of those that teased me.

“Can I visit your office right now?” she leaned her body towards mine.

There is no rule written that a student can only drop by at the counselor office if they are struggling over something or are referred by a third party.

Even if a student just wants to chill out there, as long as they aren't dissing class, it's perfectly fine.

In other words, asking me out in the open and acting overly familiar with me is done deliberately for whatever purpose she had.

I apologize sweetheart, but I have no time to play.

“I have an appointment this afternoon. So I kindly decline.”

“Hmpt.” she pouted.

She pulled back her body then folded her arms around her waist.

“Uhmm, then treat me something sweet.”

Just what is wrong with this girl?

I adjusted my fake glasses.

“I apologize, no can do.” I calmly answer. “If you will excuse me.”

The students near us, probably her friends and classmates, giggled about what happened.

However, as far as I am concerned, there is no risk of bullying among their peers since they are that kind of group.

My bet is that she lost in a certain game and was told to do it as her punishment.

Continuing walking towards my office, that girl called me one last time.

“Stop teasing me, sensei~”

However I didn't halt nor respond to her. I badly want to sigh and shake my head, but the thought of showing any kind of reaction as being counterproductive, stops me from doing it.

CounselorKojiWhere stories live. Discover now