"No, no, no. Please Powder! Powder!" I start frantically crying as she yanks the cloche off to reveal not any kind of food, but Caitlyn's head. I cry and scream louder than I ever have, thrashing against the ropes while tears stream down my face. Powder makes her way over to me with a needle filled with purple, glowing liquid that I instantly recognize as Shimmer.

"We'll always be sisters, just like you said," she tells me before injecting the Shimmer into my neck. Fiery pain shoots through my entire body, setting everything inside ablaze.

My eyes fly open as I scream, shooting myself upright.

"It's okay, Vi. It's okay," a soft voice says next to me. I barely register it as it's drowned out by the deafening sound of my heart pounding in my ears. My breaths come out in heavy, shallow pants and I feel a bead of sweat drip down my nape. Gentle fingers cup my face, breaking me out of my haze. My eyes meet two brilliant blue ones in front of me. Cupcake. I lunge, pulling her into a hug, my head pressed against her chest. Her arms rest around my back and shoulders as one hand sits on the back of my head and the other rubs my back. I feel her breathing in and out deeply and I follow, trying to calm my own. Once I feel calmer, I pull away but keep a grip on her hand. She lays down and motions for me to join her. In a heartbeat, I'm next to her.

"Do you want to talk about your dream at all?" she asks after a minute of silence, her tone concerned but not pushing. I want to tell her but I don't want to bombard her with more lovely stories than I already have. Lovely stories that are the shit show that is my life. I shake my head. She bites her lip in contemplation before speaking.

"Do you get nightmares often, Vi?" she asks hesitantly and I look up at her concerned gaze. This time I nod my head.

"I used to have nightmares every once in a while when I was younger but I never told anyone about them. I felt it was my job to worry and look after my sister and Mylo and Claggor, not bother them about something as silly as a nightmare. So, I kept them tucked away. Ever since I left my sister, though, I've had them basically every night and I wake up screaming a majority of the time. This is the first time anyone's ever comforted me from one."

I look down, avoiding Caitlyn's eyes, almost ashamed and gripping onto her hand tighter.

"This is the first time you've been comforted?" she asks, sounding incredulous.

"As soon as I left Powder, I was taken by an enforcer and thrown in Stillwater, alone in a concrete cell. I guess I did have the guards come see me when I caught their attention with my screaming. Their 'chats' were very comforting," my voice laced heavily in sarcasm and I feel Caitlyn tense next to me. It's silent before she speaks up again.

"When I brought orders in for your release, the warden assumed he needed to have a chat with you. I questioned him on how many of those chats he had had with you and he said he never bothered to count. Such an asshole." My brows shoot up as I laugh humourlessly.

"I lost count years ago. That's what happens when you have a chat every day for seven years." I see the look of pure fury in Cait's eyes. I sigh heavily, knowing my pain caused that look. I really should shut up about myself. I sit up and get off the bed, starting to head to the door.

"Wait, Vi. Where are you going?"

"Going to rest in another room, so you can sleep in peace," I respond, now at the door and my hand on the handle.

"Vi, that's ridiculous."

"Cupcake, I.."

"Get your ass back on the bed," she says in a firm voice, getting my attention away from the damn door.

"I don't want to wake you up again with any more potential nightmares," I mutter, walking back and flopping back down on the cloud that is her bed.

"Vi, the idea of you being in another room and suffering through a nightmare with no one to comfort you is far more upsetting. I would much rather be woken up and be able to be here to comfort you," she says, moving a hand up to brush my hair out of my eyes, her fingers lingering against my cheek. I sigh, closing my eyes and leaning into her touch.

"I don't deserve.."

"Yes, you do. Don't even finish that thought. Vi, you feel like you have to be responsible for everyone and everything that happens and that's not fair. You've had so much shit happen in your life but nothing is your fault."

"I left my sister to that monster. I tried to go back for her. She is who she is now because of me."

"Vi, you just said you were going back for her before you got taken. You weren't going to leave her."

"But if I never left in the first place, she.." I don't know how to finish my sentence, as a stubborn tear falls down my cheek.

"That's one way to drive yourself mad. What matters is what we can do right now and how we can fix this mess that we're in. We still have time before our meeting with the council so let's get some more rest." I nod, too tired to argue any more. I shift myself until I'm cuddled right up against Cupcake. Her arms wrap around me and I feel the softest kiss pressed to my head.

"You're not alone, Vi."

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