First day on the job

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Sam and bladewolf had got two giant villains downed and the media trying to get as much information about the futuristic duo but to no avail as they take off before the cameras are even close enough to see the meat chunks after that the two found a spot to rest for the night for their new employment

The next morning they took to the roof tops jumping to UA after arriving nezu gave sam his schedule and approved bladewolf being around getting to the his first class to teach straight after homeroom is class1-A

Aizawa : and now for a new subject that has become a part of your mandatory curriculum philosophy your new teacher for this should be here soon

Sam: speak of the devil

Aizawa : and here he is so behave and listen I'm going to the teachers lounge

Sam: alright so first order of business you will call me sam for in my class formality is not necessary

Midorya : uh s-sam was it what is that thing next to you

Sam: oh Wolfy he's my teaching assistant

The class: EHH!

Sam: now secondly anything you've learned about hero rules and regulations forget it here I teach the truth and if you can't handle it get out

Bladewolf :we will also test your resolve in tough situations that will be your test grade

Sam:any questions?

Midorya : yea what is your quirk

Sam : I don't have one

Class: WHAT?


Bakugo was cut off by a red blade sitting on his neck

Sam: listen my loyalty to this school is on a string so thin my breath can cut it so if you want to keep your head you shut up and listen

Iida: you threaten to kill your own students what kind of hero are you

Sam: ah here we go a good question to start off the class but let's rephrase that what kind of person am I

Midorya : your a hero that is not afraid of the public or the consequences of killing your opponent

Iida: a hero who deserves to be punished

Bakugo: a quirkless bastard who trained and got lucky

Sam: anyone else?

Jiro: a warrior who found himself among heroes

Sam:oh and how do you figure that

Jiro: well you may not remember but a rapist you killed would have got me and my friend if it wasn't for you and you had said and I quote " another one huh as a warrior this is boring but as a hero it gets the job done"

Sam:I'm impressed you remember that

Jiro: thank you

Bladewolf : now can anyone guess who your teacher is before or class ends

Midorya : well judging by the suit he is wearing plus the sword on his hip the name sam *gasps* YOUR JETSTREAM SAM THE KILLER SAMURAI HERO

Sam: correct now this week's homework is to ask yourself why do people become villains I want a small one page essay on Thursday any last questions

Mina: does it have to be a full page

Sam: no just a bit more than half the page is enough

The bell rings and the students are off to lunch most of the faculty are in the teachers lounge

Midnight : sooo sam I've been wondering do you have a girlfriend

Sam: nope and I don't plan to anytime soon I still need to finish my twenties before I start to think about settling

Midnight : *pouts* well that's just too bad no isn't it

Sam: well I'm done for the day I only need to teach the first years apparently until they graduate I'm getting a new batch when they become second years tho then my shifts become longer anyway I'm going on patrol you coming Wolfy

Bladewolf : I'll catch up in a bit I'm going to do one last security check before leaving

Sam: suit yourself wolfy

Midnight: hey Wolfy

Bladewolf :only Samuel may call me that you may call me bladewolf

Midnight :right bladewolf tell me how do I win his affection.

Bladewolf : I am sorry but I am afraid I don't even a clue on the heart and mind of Samuel even for how long we've known eachother he is still a mystery to me

Midnight : dammit well something will work

Bladewolf :if I may add he does hide his emotions better than most even controlling his own heart rate to hide them so you may have a chance

While midnight pondered the orb of words miriko was taking out the stress of wondering why she couldn't get Sam's smug smirk off her mind

While midnight pondered the orb of words miriko was taking out the stress of wondering why she couldn't get Sam's smug smirk off her mind

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Miriko : that damn smirk is so hot yet so infuriating dammit!

Hawks : you OK miriko you seem frustrated

Miriko :I'm fine I just can't figure out why I can't get him out of my head

Hawks:who exactly

Miriko : ughh jetstream sam the hot bastard dared to call me bunny

Hawks: haha I never thought I'd see the day where the great I will never fall in love miriko fell for a man with a ponytail ha haha

Miriko picked up Hawks and pinned him to a wall

Miriko : now listen here bird brain if you tell anyone about this the next time I see you you're going to lose a few weeks of duty in the hospital

Hawks:of course rumi please air

Miriko dropped Hawks and continued the day not talking to him unless necessary
Back with sam him and bladewolf had an uneventful day for the most part nezu did give them an apartment to live in while they get used to the hero world as well as get comfortable for the year is going to be interesting

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