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It is said leadership quality is inborn. However there are a number of people who have learnt the traits of leadership at their own pace. The joy of leading a project is both scary and empowering. Leadership may be inherent in an individual but it can also be acquired. Though leading a group may be easy it requires a lot of planning and effort to take all the challenges coming your way when you lead a team. Just being a leader is not enough. Leadership means being a good influencer.
There are many different kinds of leaders, therefore there are no set qualities that have to be present in all leaders. Rather an effective leader draws from a range of personal qualities to help them deal with different circumstances and challenges. The first step a leader must take is by expanding his/her personal qualities. When we are not strong in a particular quality it is praiseworthy to seek contributions of others who are strong in that quality. This calls for a complementary team. The well-organized person can help to complement the creative person, and the person with a sense of humour can complement the serious minded person.
In real sense a man who successfully marshals his human collaborators to achieve particular ends is a leader. A great leader is one who can do so day after day, and year after year, in a wide variety of circumstances. Youngsters should be made aware of the nuances of a good leader not by lecturing but by actions. If a child observes his elders not hiding from challenging or scary situations; speaking up for what is right even if there is opposition he automatically learns to be courageous for the right cause. Make children think of many different ways to solve challenges instead of providing solutions on a platter.
Stay true to friends and family or team members through difficult times, for deceit and cunningness ultimately leads to devastation. The lesson of loyalty is important and that is the reason why dogs are popular pets in households across nations. Speak truthfully; act sincerely; take responsibility for your own feelings and actions; control emotions and stick to decisions thereby imparting the lessons of honesty and discipline. Self-regulations and forgiveness are tools that all leaders must be equipped with at all times. There is no harm in accepting the shortcomings of others without anger; give people a second chance. Be compassionate- think of how others are feeling. One must have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Learn quickly and think of a good solution. The fire for learning must not be allowed to extinguish. Treat people fairly and advocate for their rights, don't let personal feelings and biased decisions disturb anyone. Afterall fairness in your everyday doings define you. Enthusiasm is a necessary ingredient and a leader needs to demonstrate lots of energy and excitement for life. Above all generosity, demonstration of kindness in public and personal life inspires all and sundry.
Protecting children is good but the over protective attitude of parents is actually proving to be an obstacle in grooming good leaders. Children must be permitted to do things that they naturally gravitate towards. Many will not have the luxury of choosing projects, getting support at every juncture of life, so what, let them go through an entirely different journey. The ride on this journey might be smooth or bumpy, whatever it is one must wear it as a badge of honour. None should ignore their weaknesses. Keep in mind we're all work in progress, and taking stock of where we can improve is part of life well lived. Remember leading makes you strong so be hellbent on becoming an extraordinary leader and not a well-rounded leader.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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