Kya walked into the bar, on a mission.

Lin wasn't answering messages or calls. Her Sato mobile was still parked outside.

"Excuse me, have you seen a woman here, about this tall, with a couple of scars on her cheek?" Kya gave a short description of Lin.

"Yeah, she was sitting here, but she went to the bathroom about five minutes ago." The bartender said.

Kya walked back to the bathroom and opened the door. "Lin?" She called inside.

A toilet flushed and a stall opened.

"Lin?" Kya asked.

A woman with blonde hair and heels walked out looking at Kya confused.

"Oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else." The woman washed her hands and left.

A cough came from another stall on the end.

"Lin? Are you in there?" Kya knocked lightly.

"Oh, uh- Kya," Lin said from the other side. "How'd you know I was here?" She asked.

"You called me. You left me a message saying you were here. To join you for drinks." Kya said.

Lin was leaning against the door. She knew she had too much to drink, and now Kya was here to see her as the mess she is.

"Lin, are you okay? Did you drink too much?" Kya asked, getting closer to the stall door.

"Yeah- yeah I'm fine. I can hold my alcohol fine." Lin said, slightly slurred.

"Look, I walked here. So, I'm going to get you to your Sato mobile and drive you home, okay?" Kya said.

"I.. I can drive myself, Kya." Lin said.

Lin struggled to even keep her balance. Kya could tell that by the way she kept shuffling her feet.

"Yeah.. okay yeah you can drive but do you mind if I go with you? Just to make sure you get home safe?" There was no damn way Kya was letting this woman drive. She just needed something to say to get Lin out of the bar.

"Yeah, I can take you home if you want." Lin said.

"Okay, so can you open up the stall so we can get out of here?" Kya asked.

A few moments passed. The lock rattled as it moved.

"Let's go, I have to work tomorrow." Lin slurred out.

She lost balance and tripped into Kya.

"Yep, let's get you home and in bed. Come on." Kya put Lin's arm around her neck and helped her to the car.

"Where are your keys?" Kya asked.

"Why do you want my keys? I'm driving." Lin argued.

Kya let out a small chuckle "No you're not. Give me your keys." She said.

"No." Lin said with an attitude.

Kya let out a large sigh before pushing her hand into Lin's front pocket. "Hey, stop it! I can drive!" Lin protested.

Kya reached her hand into the other pocket and found the keys.

She unlocked the car and got Lin into the passenger seat.

Kya got into the driver's seat and started the car.

"You're not licensed." Lin said.

"I'm also not sober. Don't distract me and we'll make it to your place perfectly fine." Kya said.

Kya/Lin Beifong OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now