Chapter One

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Hi Readers,

May 3, 2024 roughly 4:00am Central US time

Tempt Me Officer has been moved and will be showing up soon if it hasn't already by the time you see this on Kindle Unlimited under Kay Cooper as the author. It's still me. The ebook will be available for purchase on Amazon within the next 72 hours. I've decided to move as many of my books to Amazon and for Kindle Unlimited. Now, I've only gotten Tempt Me Officer ready for KU. I've changed the book cover it is new and improved. (Still has the fuzzy blue handcuffs ; ) ).

I want to thank all of you for your support of reading my stories especially the support I've received for this book alone. I just want to reach a wider audience and it's been almost 2 years. I'd like to finally make a profit from this story as well as other stories. Soon, Succumb to the Storm, and X and OH My will move eventually. X may get a title change. All my stories will be under Kay Cooper on Amazon/KU.

If you've read my profile you know I write for the Dreame app under Kay C many of those stories will be joining Amazon. Some I won't be able to move due to a contract being signed for those books. I've got many more books too I've been working on including the sequel to Tempt Me Officer. I just began writing it a few days ago. I've been a little busy so I don't have too much just yet. Plus, my computer has been having fits due to very nasty weather around my area. Dare Me Officer will be published on KU as soon as possible, but I do need time to write it. I want to give a good quality book and not just one uploaded by the seat of my pants. I'm not used to finishing the whole book to upload...

I've been editing TMO over and over again trying to fix every error and I've added some new content to the book to clarify some questions you all posed as you read. I'm still not perfect, but I'm trying my hardest to give as close to perfect book for you all to enjoy. I love that you'll be able to see how I see my book. What I mean is that what I write looks vastly different than how it looks on like here for example. I'm sure that is no surprise. However, now you'll get to see how I set up the book originally and I've added a few eccentric flairs like icons and such. I've tried to make it look as professional as possible.

I would absolutely love it if you would be on the look out for it over on KU and or purchase it on Amazon by searching the title. If you do read please whether you love the book or not leave a review. If you really would like to support me it helps to leave a review good or bad and not just rating the book.

Many of you may be like, but I'm mad at you for moving it to where financial or a subscription is charged. You have to understand. I've spent hundreds of hours on this book alone. I've constantly edited each time I've revisited this book over the past almost 2 years to make sure the errors are fixed. I'm human I know I missed many still. But in all this time I've been paid $0.00 for this story you have enjoyed maybe more than once. Ask yourself would you expect to put the amount of time and effort into something to not be paid anything?

I just want to maybe make enough money eventually that I can help my family out more financially. I'm not doing this to be 'rich' because that would probably shock the hell out of me if I made any substantial amount of money, but it is also good to have the dream that, that's a possibility if I continue to work hard at my craft. And I work hard at it. I research constantly to improve my writing for you my readers. I make my book covers (I'm NO artist I can't make stick figures look all that great. I try though. I meticulously draw each stitch stroke. Well, now I've moved to using Canva and a combination of drawing. So, all the book covers will improve. I've even completed STTS' cover and it looks just as amazing. Much better than what you currently see.

I'm sorry for not warning you all, but I've been so busy these last few months. Real life has been very demanding lately adding in trying to write and such, just yeah. I still feel really blessed regardless of what's been happening.

Most importantly on your take away is that I am forever grateful to all of you that have read my stories and supported me over this time. It humbles me to no end that you read what I created. Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart. And thank you in advance for your continued support if you choose to.

Thank you!

KayeChase aka Kay C aka Kay Cooper

Tempt Me OfficerWhere stories live. Discover now