Virtually Connected (Redson x FM Streamer Reader)

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Requested pronouns are she/her
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Whether you are the streamer or the viewer, it can be quite enjoyable. Watching people play games, talk, hang out with friends. It gives people entertainment. Sometimes it can give people a feeling of calmness, just to be able to see someone have fun. No matter what your lifestyle may be, streaming can put someone at ease. Even if that someone is a so called villain who constantly fails his missions against a monkie kid.

Redson 3rd person-

Redson just got back from a fight against Mk. As usual, he didn't win the fight. He fell onto his bed and let out a long frustrated sigh.
He exclaimed. He wanted to prove to his parents that he had the ability to beat the Monkie kid, but it's difficult to do so when he keeps losing. He continues to lay on his bed an began to punch his pillows as he think back on the fight. Thinking about what he could've done, what he SHOULD'VE done. But he couldn't change the outcome now.

As his thoughts raced through his head, a notification on his phone buzzed. He picked up his phone, it was covered in cracks on the screen from the countless times he threw it across his room. He clicked on the notification and it showed that his favorite streamer was streaming. His anger seemed to slowly die down and he opened the stream, just to be greated with her saying his name.

"Redson, what an interesting guy! His firey personality! His flame abilities! He's honestly really cool!"

*greeaaattt....looks like she is going to talk about the fight I had with the noodle boy- wait a minute, did she just say I'm cool?!? *
His mind was racing, he thought that she was going to make fun of him for his loss in the fight, but instead... She was complimenting him?

"Today he had a battle with the famous Monkie kid, but sadly lost"

*Sadly lost? Was she hoping that I was going to win?! *

"Honestly, I was kind of rooting for him. He was trying so hard but despite his efforts Mk still won. I feel like he deserves at least one win? Right guys!"

A smile appears across Redson's face. Just hearing his favorite streamer talking about him made him happy, but she was complimenting him. He was over joyed. It seemed as if all of them anger he had earlier was gone.

"Oh come on, you were just rooting for him because you have a little crush" a voice spoke from behind the streamer.
"SHUT UP!" her face went bright red.

*she has a....HUH*
Redson's mind was racing with all sorts of thoughts. His favorite streamer. Y/n! Had a crush on him?!? His face had a tiny of blush. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"He is a cute guy alright! And handsome... Strong..."
"There you go again"

Redson's face became even more red, but not from his usual anger. He was becoming flustered.

For the next 30 minutes y/n kept talking about the fight and put in a few compliments about Redson every once in a while. Eventually, she moved onto a different topic. No matter what, Redson kept watching. Still in disbelief that she had a crush on him and willingly spoke about it on stream. A stream that HE was watching. She obviously didn't know that he viewed her, because there was no way she would talk about such a thing with full knowledge of his presence.
As he continues to watch her stream, his eyes feel heavy and he slowly falls asleep. The stream was still playing.

The morning sun shines through the window and redson awoke. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, doing a small stretch. He grabbed his phone, only to realise it was dead. Realizing he never turned it off and he didn't put it on the charger.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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