ok so maybe there wasn't literally one chapter

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Enjoy this bonus chapter which I definitely didn't wait till I had 999 reads to finish-

Luca POV??? 3rd person POV??? Honestly idk-

Dear Luca,

I can't wait until your summer break, I haven't seen you in so long! Massimo and I have been cleaning up the house for days, there's so much stuff everywhere. I've been working on a surprise for you, and you'll find out what it is when you and Giulia arrive.

See you soon, Mi Amore!

Luca smiled as he re-read Alberto's latest letter for what was probably the hundredth time. Him and Giulia were currently on the train back to Portorosso for the summer holidays, and it would be the first time he was seeing Alberto in person since the day they kissed.

"Giulia, how long until we get there?" Luca asked impatiently.

"You literally asked me a minute ago, Luca," Giulia rolled her eyes. "Like I said last time, half an hour."

"It's so long awayyyy!" Luca sulked.

"It's not that long, you'll see your boyfriend soon," Giulia teased. Luca turned red.

"We aren't dating, we've only kissed once!" Luca protested, flustered.

Giulia raised her eyebrows. "So you don't want to date him?"

"I-I, well, I d-do," Luca stuttered. Giulia laughed.

"I'm just messing with you, I know you love him and you'll take your time with getting together,"

"Arghhhh!" he said, his face going beetroot red at the L-word. "I do want to get with him, but I don't know how! I've never been in a relationship before, and I'm not sure how I'd even ask him!"

"Calmati, Luca, I'm sure you'll know what to do when the time comes," Giulia said reassuringly. "Now come on, how about we play a card game to pass the time?"


"Giulia! Giulia! Giulia! I can see the island!" Luca shouted, his face pressed against the train window, as he saw the island where it all started. It disappeared from sight as the train entered the short tunnel, and then he saw it. Their stop, Portorosso.

"Look, there's Papa!" Giulia squealed excitedly. "And your family is here too! But where's-"

"Alberto isn't here," Luca said sadly, suddenly less excited to get off the train than he was before. He promised to be here! Luca thought, tears pricking at the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sure there's an important reason why he isn't here, how about we ask Papa when we get off?" Giulia suggested.

"Okay," Luca mumbled, wiping the tears from his eyes and plastering a smile on his face for the sake of his family. The two friends grabbed their luggage and hauled it off the train towards their families.

"Luca!" Daniella shouted, running towards her son and pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. "We missed you so, so much!"

"Mum, you're going to strangle me!" Luca chuckled. He turned to face the rest of his family.

"Ciao, Dad, Grandma," he said, hugging them both.

"Ciao, Luca, Ciao, Guilia," Massimo said, pulling his daughter into a bear hug.

"Where's Alberto?" Luca asked as he escaped his mother's clutches. The adults looked around at each other nervously.

"Uhh... we can't tell you, sorry Luca," Massimo said, scratching the back of his head sheepishly.

a gayer ending to LucaWhere stories live. Discover now