Why is she lying?
I told her not to be embarrassed about her being a virgin. I thought I convinced her.

"You told me you were a virgin last week. Don't lie to me now." I grin at her smothering kisses on her soft beautiful face.

"We met today... Who cares just fuck me!" She almost yells.

I am so confused.
I hate being drunk sometimes. It feels like all my brain cells have completely left me.

"Spread your legs." I place both my hands on her knees pushing them apart.

She listens to my demand as she spreads her legs wide open. Ready for me to fuck her.
Good girl.

I place my erection on her pretty little pussy as she spreads her legs wider, accommodating me.
I hold my cock with one hand as I press my body into her.

So tight, yet so perfect for me.
Only for me.

"Deeper." She whispers into my ear.

And I thrust.
Thrusting into her sweet pussy.

She leans up to a certain extent and kisses me with ferocity as I drown into the softness of her beautiful lips.

I slowly thrust into her again as she continues sticking her tongue down my throat.

I pull out rubbing my cock against her folds.
She's whimpering.
Begging for me.

I lower my head to her clit. Teasing and licking her while my tongue pushes and pulls out her pussy.

I suddenly get a weird feeling.
Confused. Very very confused.
The alcohol is slowly waring off. But I'm too drowsy.
Too nauseous to focus on what's going on right now.

She interrupts my thoughts as she comes.
Her body shudders uncontrollably while she chants my name moving closer to me to give me a kiss.

I stare at her hesitantly.
Blonde straight hair. Brown puppy dog eyes glaring at me.
This isn't my Zara..?
Who is this?

I back up away from her.
"Sorry. What's your name again?"

"Carol." She laughs in confusion.

Shit. I fucked up.
This is embarrassing. Really fucking embarrassing.

"You didn't come." She sighs in sorrow.

Hm. Wonder why.
I thought you were a completely different person. But you don't have to know that.

"Of course I did. It's just too dark to even see right now." I try to laugh.

"Oh yeah totally. Sorry I'm so stupid." She laughs with me.

She's stupid? I'm so fucking stupid and now I'm feeling really fucking guilty for thinking she was a completely different person.
For thinking she was my roommate...
I'm not just going to kick her out of my dorm now so she can feel worthless and unwanted.
I think it's too late now.

"Hey. Uh, we can stay in my bedroom for the night if you'd like. Hallways are dangerous at night." I offer getting off the couch putting my boxers and sweats back on leaving myself shirtless.

"That'd be great actually." She smiles putting her clothes back on with me.

That's the least I could do for her right now.

She follows me while I walk over to my bedroom.
I stop midway. "My bedrooms on the left. I have to make a stop, but I'll be right there."

She nods her head opening the door to my room.

I place my hand on the handle of Zara's door to apologize for what she had to see a couple minutes ago.

Just a quick simple apology.

The door opens slowly as I see her so peacefully asleep. So so gorgeous.

She looks like an angel right out of heaven.
Her hair is in a messy bun as a little bit of drool is slipping out her mouth.

I quietly laugh at the thought of how mad she would be if she saw me looking at her right now.
This woman manages to make drool look cute.
Reason 3896 of why Zara Collins is fucking perfection.

I exhale realizing I have to apologize to her tomorrow making things 10x more troublesome.

I close her door as gently as I possibly could to not wake her as I continue to walk a couple more steps to the entrance of my room to see Carol asleep snuggled into my comforters.

I tiptoe to my side of the bed facing my back to her as we both face opposite directions of the room.
Slowly falling asleep.

This morning is going to be an awkward fucking experience. And exhausting, considering me having to wake up in 3 hours.

Rule #1 - Never listen to Eli.


I'm starting to think me updating constantly is getting annoying. But I'm just so bored. I have to start working in a couple days so I actually might not be as active with updating.

I also was going to make this chapter longer but I wanted to save everything else for the next chapter

Safe PlaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora