Extra 1: The End

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"As I remember, you would secretly eliminate the women you didn't like." Even if Hè Wenzhao never mentioned some things, that didn't mean he hadn't noticed. "I remember you disliked Gongxi Jin the most, so why haven't you gotten rid of her?"

"Because my husband likes her, of course." There was no emotion in the Violet Spirit Goddess's smile. She resembled a finely-crafted puppet.

Hè Wenzhao opened the album. Each and every woman was beautiful in her own way, but he could no longer tell the difference between their appearances.

"Just look through and pick a few," Hè Wenzhao said, leaving with a disinterested wave.

His wives all looked like what he wanted. Hè Wenzhao knew all their words and actions in advance, because all of them had been created by him, even the future wives he took.

He came to Yao Jiaping's palace. Yao Jiaping was now a god of medicine, in charge of the miraculous medicines of nature. When Hè Wenzhao arrived, Yao Jiaping's wife, Xiao Yi, was tending the herbs in the garden. Upon seeing him, she bowed to him. "Divine emperor."

"Where's Yao Jiaping?" Hè Wenzhao never had much of an impression of Xiao Yi, so the one he created looked exactly like the original, but had a personality like a blank sheet of paper.

"He's treating a patient," Xiao Yi said.

When he heard that, Hè Wenzhao furrowed his brows and barged into Yao Jiaping's rooms. He saw him putting on his clothes, a woman lying on his bed. Her eyes looked like Xiao Yi's, probably a patient or a patient's relative.

"You've already found Xiao Yi, so why are you still doing this?" Hè Wenzhao said furiously, grabbing Yao Jiaping. "Isn't your heart dedicated to Xiao Yi?"

After tying his belt, Yao Jiaping said, "I'm the god of medicine, so what's wrong with me getting with a few women? She can increase her power by dual cultivating with me too. And Xiao Yi is the only one in my heart—with other people, it's only fooling around. Aren't you the same? Your love for Baili Qingmiao doesn't get in the way of you marrying the Violet Spirit Goddess, Gongxi Jin, and all those other goddesses."

"You scum!" Hè Wenzhao sent Yao Jiaping flying with one blow.

Yao Jiaping flew out of the palace, heavily injured. Xiao Yi instantly threw herself in front of him. "If you want to kill my husband, you'll have to kill me first!"

"Your husband?" Hè Wenzhao's eyes turned cruel. He pointed a finger to one side, creating an identical Yao Jiaping. "How about that one?"

Xiao Yi instantly threw herself in front of the other Yao Jiaping, saying, "If you want to kill my husband, you'll have to kill me first!"

"Hahahahaha!" Hè Wenzhao let out a sudden burst of chilling laughter. He took a few steps back, pointing at Xiao Yi. "These two husbands are both yours. Pick one for yourself, hahahaha!"

He left Yao Jiaping's palace, wandering aimlessly in the divine capital. "False," he thought, "all false. It's all my imagination, hahahaha!"

He had woken up from a centuries-long dream. Alone, he had spent several centuries with puppets created from his imagination who would never disobey him.

From then on, Hè Wenzhao no longer pampered his wives. None of them bothered him, each content to stay in their own palaces.

Hè Wenzhao sat on his throne, idly messing with the human realm. He released a disaster here and destroyed a country there, a species. From the divine realm, he watched the destitute refugees of the human realm, but felt nothing.

"So this is what being a god feels like. No wonder you could heartlessly unleash disasters. I get it now." Hè Wenzhao looked to the sky, his eyes empty, talking to someone who wasn't there.

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