A Cannon's Shrapnel

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[Author's Notes]
Why hello there, everyone! Wow, two one shots in the span of less than a week; I truly am blessing you all! - Okay, time for me to get off my high horse for a second... *carefully dismounts Steppe-bred horse* - I've just got some extra motivation and have had some spare time recently to create some awesome things!

This story was originally written for the folks at fanfiction(dot)net and I decided to put my own spin on this before publishing it for you all on Wattpad! I know this is most likely not going to be my best smut work considering I am VERY rusty when regarding TiPo, especially their sexual dynamic; I am still trying to figure it out for all of this time but I've reduced what I would try and write for the sake of not taking up an eternity of your time as well as making sure this thing isn't fully cringe! - That's unavoidable, though!

What happened after the massive battle at Gongmen City and after the fireworks show? What happened between Po and Tigress more specifically? Both have endured an immeasurable amount of hardship and I feel as if there's a HUGE gap between Po coming home to greet his father as well as the aftermath of that fateful day and so... I wonder how the previously hardcore feline would react to Po perhaps treating her wounds and testing the limits of her trust whenever he must inspect some sensitive places? - Especially when Tigress decides to be a little more revealing to bolster the panda's weak confidence and that revealing nature results in a flame blossoming between the two that stretches beyond a mere confession through words...

VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! THIS IS NOT WRITTEN FOR A YOUNG AUDIENCE BECAUSE IT CONTAINS SCENES OF SEXUAL NATURE! - All Kung Fu Panda-associated characters relate to Dreamworks and NBCUniversal. - Plot lovingly crafted by Naidvar.

Without further ado, Naidvar proudly presents to you:

A Cannon's Shrapnel

Several hours had passed since the fateful sinking of Shen alongside the remnants of his army. A previously triumphant sunrise had turned solemn and unrelenting once rains from the heavens above poured onto the city, weeping thanks to the amount of destruction caused by a lord who represented such a settlement of innovation.

Many of the villagers had dedicated themselves to cleaning up their sacred city in one way or another. Although the rain may have hammered whatever protection they were able to fathom at that moment, whether it be using a makeshift umbrella to wearing something concave yet robust such as a pot or a pan on their heads, these villagers were dedicated to reviving whatever remnants remained of an ordinary life.

Thunder ripped through the skies as they cried, the surges from the Gongmen river proved almost impossible to navigate regarding the search crews that were attempting to rescue Shen's fallen body alongside the body of the Boss Wolf. Shen's most sacred general had been mercilessly attacked and most likely brought to their early demise thanks to their display of mercy all the while Shen crumbled in the remains of his own creation, most likely being banished to a dark and forsaken corner of the Spirit Realm.

A whirlwind of danger blowing around smoke, shrapnel as well as splinters of wood was ripping through Gongmen City, placing further strain on the city and its weakened foundation. As the Tower of the Sacred Flame had fallen and the villagers were attempting to lift the weight off the city walls, none other than the Furious Five, Master Shifu as well as the Dragon Warrior were being examined by the finest healers Gongmen City and the remnants of the government could pay out of pocket.

Master Shifu paced around anxiously in circles, gripping onto his staff for he was mostly unharmed alongside the rest of the Furious Five... All but Tigress. Po had managed to patch himself up fairly well considering he had a mild expertise in the art of healing thanks to the scrolls he studied back at the Jade Palace. Part of him was unsure about what called to him about herbs as well as treating others beyond merely getting involved with action-packed adventures and missions but he was drawn to the effects that a humble meal or row of bandages could truly have on another animal.

Whilst the Furious Five attempted to get some rest on their wooden stools or in Crane's case, sleeping upright; Po found himself nervously twiddling his paws together the best he could considering how sore he was after being hit by a cannon, treated by the Soothsayer as well as rescuing China by catching cannonballs fired by Lord Shen. Upon Master Shifu's noticing of the wakefulness of the Dragon Warrior, his pondering and pacing briefly paused and a creak from the wood before him was heard by none other than the exhausted panda.

"Po? What are you doing awake? Shouldn't you be sleeping with the others by now? You've been hit by a cannon, convinced us you were dead and came back from the clutches of the grave only to catch cannonballs! Shouldn't you be taking some time to relax, you have earned it, after all," Master Shifu couldn't help but furl his brow and remain slightly abrasive all the while Po paused and merely stared at the door in which Master Tigress was being assisted by the healers. "Ah, I understand," Shifu cryptically acknowledged Po's concerns and merely went back to pacing.

"Do you think she's going to be okay? She's survived worse, right? I mean, the training hall can be a pretty scary place if you ask me!" Po kept his voice to nothing more than an exaggerated whisper to match up with the howling wind outside. "I know I suffered my fair share of injuries after I started using it to train my agility," Po further remarked, drawing Shifu's attention as he paused a second time, this time slightly more relaxed by the presence of someone else's mind.

"Tigress has never been stricken by something this harsh. I initially thought she was fine but she's been in and out of consciousness, not to mention her ignorance when it comes to seeing a healer. This is our third attempt sending in a doctor to wake her and examine her and every time, she seemingly gets agitated and ends up scaring them off," Master Shifu's expression lowered as he found himself merely staring at the grain of the wooden floorboards as well as the jade rug with fireworks knitted into them. "Seeing Tigress collapse like that was quite a shock... Then again, I hate to be insulting but she doesn't have a belly's worth of defence strapped around her body. She may be strong and she may be talented, yet the body has its limits and it is simply impossible to come out of such a blast unscathed, it's lucky you caught her."

"I don't really know what she was thinking but I'm thankful I didn't get hit by another cannon. For the first time ever, it felt as if she was... Being protective of me? She's usually trusted me for these awesome missions but- I don't know if it's because of Shen or the fact I was having issues with my memory brought on thanks to him but she's been more... Motherly?" Po couldn't find another word to describe it as he cracked part of his knuckles to relieve some pressure. "I know, it sounds dumb-"

"It sounds like you're onto something but this may be a conversation for later. The matter at hand happens to be Tigress' injuries and assessing the severity of them, I can only hope that she cooperates with the healers instead of allowing her stubbornness and hardy nature get to her," Shifu's stomach let off a mild rumble at that moment and he sincerely hoped the thunder rumbling outside would hide his appetite quite like how the lanterns in the room hid the melancholy being projected inwards from the weather outside. "The only thing I can say from a purely academic perspective is Tigress seems to be opening up to you, one way or another. She's more protective of you and sees you as a student as well as perhaps a friend... Okay, maybe I shouldn't get carried away, but it's clear that she cares for you beyond merely having your back," Shifu was attempting to convey his message but it was clear the Dragon Warrior was oblivious to Shifu's true suspicions about Tigress having feelings brewing for the Dragon Warrior.

"I mean, of course she's going to open up to me! I think she opened up to the gang eventually, right? I know it takes time to trust people and to bond with them, you should see me trying to make friends at the noodle restaurant!" Po's emerald eyes were met with resistance from Shifu's turquoise orbs as he merely shook his head. "Are you saying this is a little... Out of character for her? Is she sick? Has she been sick this whole time?" Po's innocence was truly bringing heartache to Master Shifu as well as some alleviation thanks to his pure intentions.

"No! Master Tigress isn't sick! At least not mentally. Physically, she may be wounded but mentally, there has been a development. You're the only person other than Master Oogway and myself that she's started to open up to and trust beyond merely being a master or in your case, a student of Kung Fu. If there is one thing I should probably make clear to you now, panda... It's the fact that Master Tigress has never attempted to socialise with anyone beyond the bare minimum, nor has she trusted someone to the point where she takes something from them; quite like that time you made her a Master Oogway action figure to remind her of our late and great master," Master Shifu felt himself further hitting his head against a rock mentally all the while Po's exhausted mind attempted to process what Master Shifu was trying to tell him.

"So you're saying Master Tigress wants to be my friend? But why me? Is it because I'm the Dragon Warrior? I don't really get why she would want to be my friend when she has the awesomeness of the Furious Five to enjoy," Master Shifu facepalmed at that very moment as he dragged his hand across his face and slowly sunk down into his staff, eventually sitting down on a stool adjacent to the pudgy panda. "I'm not helping you out here, am I?" For once, Po acknowledged that his mind was beyond the understanding of Shifu at that moment as his master quietly nodded.

"Perhaps I won't be the one explaining this to you but it will be Tigress herself. I cannot speculate nor can I be judgemental. However, it is clear that she has developed quite the friendship with you and most likely knows you the best out of everyone in the Furious Five. Even I'm attempting to unravel some of your mysteries such as how you're able to be that agile whilst carrying two-hundred and sixty pounds of flab on you but there are some mysteries that we discover the meaning to in time and I imagine this will be no different as I have no answer for you," Master Shifu immediately recoiled as he realised he backed himself into a corner. "She's developed a trust that's beyond necessity and she's developed that trust with you, Po. That's all I'll say; and that trust might be useful because this is our third healer and it's been suspiciously silent out here since you got back-"

"GET OUT!" Accompanied by a thunderous roar, Master Tigress seemingly awoke to the third healer of the morning attempting to feed her some form of soup whilst unravelling part of the garments that had been wrapped around part of her wounds as well as her clothing. A second later, the sliding door to the treatment ward slid open and a rose-pink peahen sheepishly retreated into the waiting room to inform Master Shifu of the news. All the while, Master Tigress' fiery orbs briefly met the wilderness that awaited in Po's eyes and felt part of her heart inexplicably quell its unsettled temper all whilst the door slammed shut behind the peahen.

"Unfortunately, even with a female healer, Master Tigress refuses to be thoroughly examined nor does she wish to have any dealings with any herbal treatments. Throughout the three times she was drifting in and out of consciousness, she kept asking for the Dragon Warrior and I see that he has arrived," The peahen turned her pink eyes towards the Dragon Warrior, who was wrapped in his own bandages. "Dragon Warrior. May I briefly bring you into the room to assess you in an attempt to comfort Master Tigress and show her an example of bravery. It is very likely that she is concussed and she needs a person by her side that she can trust, somebody such as yourself," The peahen's gentle words awoke the rest of the Furious Five from their slumbers as Po lifted himself up from his seat, winced as well as walked forward onto the jade rug.

"I can only patch myself up so much and reach the corners that I need to with stitches and bandages so sure! I can do one of your exam-thingies if it comforts Tigress and helps her with healing. I mean, I knew it took me a little bit of encouragement to come here in the first place from a wise red panda I know. If it helps Ti, I'm all in!" Po lifted his fist in an attempt to perform a celebratory fistpump yet was humbled by his injuries. "Yup, on second thought, I'm gonna need this. I'll see you all soon!" Po gently nodded towards Master Shifu as well as the waking Furious Five as the sliding door to the assessment room was opened by the peahen.

She crept behind the Dragon Warrior as Tigress did her all to lift up her head, visibly overjoyed by Po's arrival as she wore one of her rare smiles as her eyes glimmered against the brave panda's own and she did her best to lift herself up whilst being surrounded by several wooden tables and resting on a royal red bed which was supported by a massive wooden platform. Po's nose was intrigued by the scent of the herbal mix that the healer had brewed as she popped out from behind Po and stepped atop a ladder accompanied by a platform to match his height.

"Hey, Ti," Po softly knelt next to Tigress as she warmly gazed into his jade eyes. "How are 'ya holding up?" He inquired, hoping to get some competent answer out of Tigress as the healer readied a secondary bed for the panda to sit atop.

"I-I could be better, Po! I just got shot by a cannon! The last thing I remember is lifting you out of the way and being struck by it," Tigress recalled, unable to bring forth her memories beyond that. "It felt like what happened afterwards was a dream... I know I survived as I'm here but... Did we hug after I saw you catch cannonballs or am I just making that up?" Tigress' innocent questions brought some concern to the panda, yet he was delighted that Tigress retained whatever dry humour she had left in the tank.

"As much as you'd hate the thought of hugging me a second time on the same day... Yes, we hugged afterwards. You had the strength to pull me out of the water after I battled Shen and the ship went kaboom behind us! - Yes, I did catch cannons and threw them back at Shen, too! It's how I won that battle! I wish Shen survived, though; at least he can't bother anyone else," Po's tendency and warmth to mercy was somewhat charming to Master Tigress, who did her best to nod without allowing whatever emotions she was feeling at that moment to crack through her weak defences.

"Hugging you after that seems kind of fitting. You did defeat Lord Shen. I think part of my memory is gone thanks to amnesia but I hope it'll come back to me... I don't want to forget this!" Tigress' energy was surprisingly high when in the presence of the Dragon Warrior as she attempted to lift her neck but was calmly held down by Po.

"Easy! The healer hasn't looked you over yet and you could be injured, Ti! That's why I'm here! I still haven't been checked out myself as I mainly just pieced myself together but I'm also here to-"

"Nag me about getting assessed with those gorgeous green eyes of yours?" Tigress let off a mild blush as well as covered her mouth with her paw. "Damn, did I say that out loud?" Po was met with a similar blush spreading across his face as several of the orange lanterns illuminating the room flickered due to the wind breaking through some of the intermittent openings of the window shutters caused by the storm.

"I wonder if this is what Shifu meant by trusting me. Yes, you said that out loud. You're probably going to say a lot out loud as I've done a bit of learning about concussions but it's okay! Sometimes we can't control ourselves and I think you're happy that I'm alive, that's all," Even Tigress couldn't believe Po was that oblivious as he was tapped on by the healer as well as one of her metallic assessment tools as she silently called him over to the bed which was literally four feet away from Tigress.

"I'm more than happy, Po! I'm ecstatic! I thought I had truly lost you at that moment and honestly... Well... It's shameful to admit this but I lost hope in myself at that moment. Without you around, I don't know what I would've done being chained to Shen's ship that was surely set to sail to my death," Tigress used her only good arm to raise her paw up to her head, clutching it. "Ow, I don't usually complain about pain but I've got quite the bad headache and my ears won't stop intermittently ringing," The striped feline remarked as Po sat up against the bed and was being assessed by the rather short rose-pink peahen as she examined some of his own bandage work.

"Ti, this is kind of why you need to let the healer examine you. It's not easy being hit by a cannon's shrapnel... We've gotta stick together in this! Owch!" Po felt his back being jammed into by some acupuncture needles that tested his nerve responsiveness. "It might hurt but they need to examine you everywhere and that might mean- you know-" The Dragon Warrior attempted to point towards Tigress' chest before shying away and instead focusing on the healer, who was now using a metal rod to test his reflexes in his knees.

"It's not that! It's the uncomfortable mixture of- whatever on earth that green stuff is that they're trying to feed me! I don't mind if they have to poke around in certain spots but they tell me to drink the soup first or else it'll hurt. Don't these people know I can handle pain?" Tigress boasted, almost as if she was trying to promote her numbness to pain as a good thing. "Plus, you know... I don't really trust anyone else to look at those areas of my body... Except for you," That's when the bomb dropped on Po and he truly realised his purpose at that very moment.

"Well, I truly am honoured to- WAIT, WHAT?" Po's exclamation of bewilderment suddenly ruffled the feathers of the peahen assessing him, who was beginning to construct a sling for his arm whilst remaining fairly unphased by the ongoing conversation. "Why me? Why not Master Shifu? I mean, isn't he the student of Oogway and your father?"

"Because you won't judge the scars," Tigress replied with her voice sinking into the depths of the Pacific at that moment. "I don't think I need to narrate too much of my story battling my womanhood but no robe was made for a female warrior. Literally nothing accommodates ladies and the mesh I had to wear physically ripped through part of the skin around that area," Her eyes darted around the room and for the first time, she could see the orange lantern in the corner alongside the wall filled with medical examination equipment and cupboards for herbs as opposed to it being a blur.

"I... Understand that, Ti. I promise not to look for too long-"

"Po..." Tigress let off a slight chuckle. "You're going to have to look if you want to give me a thorough examination, right?" The striped feline instantly swallowed her words and shook her head. "Did I just try and flirt with you?" She pondered to the open air, watching as Po completed his examination and the peahen ordered him off the bed.

"I don't know- did you?" Po sharply responded back, feeling blood rush to his cheeks as his arm was placed in a sling by the peahen and she patted his back. "Is this joking around and being goofy or is this the concussion speaking?" The Dragon Warrior looked around the room and towards the horrid mixture sitting on the spruce table next to Tigress.

"Honestly... I don't know, Po. The last few hours have been somewhat nightmarish but some part of me now sees you a little differently, almost like I don't want to just lose an amazing friend but perhaps I don't want to lose someone who I have a genuine interest in- romantically..?" Tigress paused to catch her breath for her nerves were reduced to jitters at that moment as Po merely had an eyebrow raised as he assessed the mixture before him. "Relationships are forbidden in the quarters of the Jade Palace and-"

"Are you saying that you love me, Tigress? Like... Loooove me?" Po softly joked all the while he threw some herbs and spices inside of the bowl before stirring it around. "Hey! Peahen lady who just made me a sling! Thank you but I can handle it from here, I know my stuff when it comes to this whole medical... Shenanigan- thing where you examine people and such," The gentle panda softly asked as the peahen nodded.

"Sure, I'll give you two some privacy. Thank you for your help, Dragon Warrior," The rose pink peahen slid out of the room via the sliding door and soon told Shifu of the news that none other than Po was going to conduct the examination on Tigress. After realising that this would mean that he would see his daughter in a potentially compromised position, he let off a sigh before nodding in approval; sitting back in his chair and merely waiting out the storm and the Dragon Warrior's verdict.

"Anyways, where were we?" The jade-eyed panda locked eyes with Tigress' orange orbs with a warm smile spread across his face. "Something about relationships in the Jade Palace, how romantic acts are forbidden? Something about my idol perhaps having feelings for me?" Po let off an innocent chuckle before placing a spoon inside of the soup. "We can finish our conversation after you've guzzled this down, Ti..." Po handed Tigress the bowl as she hesitantly started drinking the mixture that tore her insides apart when it comes to her tolerance levels. "It's nice to know you feel the same way-"

With a sudden bubbling of the broth Tigress was drinking followed by a jet of her medicine hitting Po's fur head-on, the Dragon Warrior was literally doused with surprise from the master of Tiger-style Kung Fu, who did her best to cover her reaction by gagging thanks to the bowl whilst wafting the rest of it down.

Both Tigress and Po exchanged mutual glances of surprise, with Po even doing his best to lean in as she finished off the medicine, let off a tiny burp and then placed the bowl aside. The striped feline, despite all of her agony, put in her all to sit up for the panda and let off a relaxed grin alongside a sigh.

"All of that horrible food they gave me in the Jade Palace before you came along and whatever on earth that sour brew was has never made me spit out my food but you and your surprises, Dragon Warrior; you sure know how to get Master Tigress all riled-up and in contact with her wild side. Am I even talking in sentences at this point?" It was clear Tigress still had some mental difficulties to overcome yet the ringing in her ears and throbbing in her brain disappeared after she drank the brew. "Hey, Po? Has anyone told you how fluffy your fur is? It feels like I'm rubbing a cloud," Tigress further found herself relaxing thanks to the sour medicine as she leaned forward and found herself up against the same mixture she had spat against the Dragon Warrior.

"Has anyone told you that for someone who has such a hardcore way of life, your fur is somehow as soft as mine?" Po was expecting a reaction from Tigress but instead felt her attempt to raise her left arm but to no avail. He assessed his surroundings as well as the joint only to find that Tigress' arm had popped out of socket after collapsing to the floor earlier on. "Okay, Tigress... I'm sorry if we're having a moment but I'm going to have to pop your arm back in its socket and it might hurt a little bit, alright?" Po grabbed hold of Tigress' paw, climbed up onto the bed and placed his other paw behind her shoulder.

"You're taking care of me... Maybe I was a little harsh on you in the past when I called you a disgrace to Kung Fu..." Tigress' expression sunk into the floorboards as Po dragged her arm outwards and gave it a jolt, popping it back into its socket with a slight clicking sound. "Ouch!" The leader of the Furious Five winced but was able to rotate her left arm yet again, being able to operate it fully as she felt Po's fur once more.

"Of course I'm going to take care of you, Ti! You're my friend, my idol, my literal hero! You're the reason I got into Kung Fu in the first place! Watching you whip butt all the time? Now that's what I call an inspiration!" Po mimicked some of her moves excitedly whilst dancing around the room before landing a small kick on the bowl Tigress had discarded on the table. "And now I'm going to have to... Inspire you to close your eyes or perhaps just think about me as the fantasy man if you have one that's assessing your body for damages because I need to take off your qipao to assess the damage that cannon did to ya-"

"I'm just going to imagine you because you're the only panda, master and person I can trust to see me partially naked but hey, how come I didn't get to see you with your clothes off when you were assessed by that nurse?" Tigress questioned the panda with scepticism, feeling her consciousness fade back into existence after being under the spell of her concussion for so long. "Wait- hold on, what did I just say? What have I been saying? Oh, by the great Oogway's spirit- NOW I GET CONTROL OF MOST OF MY MIND BACK? WHAT SECRETS HAVE I TOLD YOU, PANDA?" Tigress' previously warm and soothing smile that she beamed at the curious panda turned into one of neutrality and interrogation as she looked down and discovered that Po was preparing to unrobe her in anticipation of inspecting her.

"And... She's back!" Po quipped, playfully removing his hands from Master Tigress' robe. "Although I do have to ask... Now that you're feeling okay, you are going to let me assess you, right? You've been shouting at the nurses and demanding my presence ever since you woke up," The Dragon Warrior's question rattled Tigress, who was now beginning to realise the magnitude of the situation. "If you're wondering what you've said. Well, my father told me not to take a dish with too much salt but you've flirted with me, called my fur soft, teased me about taking your clothes off... Joked about seeing me naked the moment you got some of your control back-"

"You know what- I think I've heard enough of my embarrassment, thank you very much!" Tigress peered down to see that part of her qipao was unfurled yet she hadn't been stripped down fully at that moment. "Well, we're already here. I was going to be more elaborate about how to confess my love to you considering I'm Master Tigress, someone who most likely wouldn't be so persuasive when it comes to confessions; I wanted to do it at the Sacred Pool of Tears but it seems my own brain has obstructed that decision by being filled with shrapnel-"

"Tigress. You took a cannonball that was destined to hit me. If that isn't love, I don't know what is," Po humbly stated, softly grabbing hold of her good shoulder. "I've learned from my father that love doesn't need to have some ceremony around it, it doesn't have to be something you see from romantic scrolls, either! From the words of my father himself... 'Love is passion, something you take pride in, something you adore. It may even be someone you adore. So long as you accept that life has troubles, you will be able to cherish someone or something like a customer and noodle soup!'. That last part is just about my father and you know- business," Tigress felt her tears welling up at that very moment... Po wasn't as oblivious as she assumed.

"S-so you're saying I'm l-like noodle soup to you but as a tiger?" Tigress peered up towards Po before letting off a little squeal of excitement. "That's the... Sweetest thing anyone has told me. I-I thought I was alone with this whole love thing. Falling in love with the Dragon Warrior, how foolish could I seem to everyone else?"

"Falling in love with the Dragon Warrior? Now, that might seem pretty whacky but have you heard of falling in love with Master Tigress? The greatest master of Tiger-style Kung Fu in all of China and the woman of the Dragon Warrior's dreams? - Because that's how I feel and that's how foolish it sounds out loud! I love you, Ti... Whether you want to keep whatever we have secret or announce it, I'll support you and I doubt anyone will try and go against you considering you're Master Tigress and can be pretty scary sometimes," Po casually quipped, maintaining as much eye contact with the feline as possible in spite of his mild social awkwardness to show that she can trust his word.

"I can be scary now, did you say? Would you like to say that again, panda?" Tigress raised her voice as well as let off a low growl before merely relaxing her face into a subtle smile. "I'm just messing around you with you, Dragon Warrior. I think I've learned that from being in your presence long enough and thanks to someone known as Master Monkey trying to prank you during your first few months at the Jade Palace," The anxious feline was trying to stall the inevitable but found herself rising up her paw and softly placing it on Po's shoulder.

"I love you too, Po... We can announce our relationship when we get home to Master Shifu but for now... Let's keep what you do here a secret, hm?" Tigress grabbed hold of part of her qipao and began pulling it down before the Dragon Warrior's beady eyes, exposing part of her tightly-knit wrappings that protected her womanhood from the outside world yet perhaps flashing part of her cleavage for the almighty Dragon Warrior to witness. "You are here to examine me, right? You're not here just to stand around and lament on how a cannon's shrapnel can do a lot to a girl's heart, huh? - Come on, Po... I'm not going to bite so long as you keep this a secret between us," At that moment, Po mustered up the courage that was required to maintain a fixation on his next objective, which would be the unwrapping of Tigress' clothing and a thorough examination of her ribs; which happened to include navigating around her breasts.

The anxious panda contemplated all of the decisions leading him up to that very moment before he eventually reached the stage of exposing Tigress' womanhood and unravelled Tigress' robes alongside qipao for the first time, anticipating a sight of scarred glory to greet him; yet, when Tigress' mighty breasts sprung out of her qipao in their petite and beautiful glory... Even the Dragon Warrior had to perform a double take as well as take a step back to acknowledge the fact that he was there to treat wounds, not to enjoy himself.

"What's wrong, Dragon Warrior? Does my womanhood bother you?" Tigress teased the innocent panda, who grabbed some soaked sanitary cloth with some wooden tongs and gently pressed it against some of the mild scrapes that surrounded Tigress' tremendous tits. "You can look at the main show, Po... I'd be insulted if you didn't-"

"I-I just- didn't- ahem~ E-expect them to be th-that beautiful w-when you t-told me you had scars?" Po winced, finally taking the time to gaze upon Tigress' feminine beauty for the first time whilst attempting to hide the fact that his secondary dragon scroll was preparing to spring out beyond his patched-up tan pants.

"Scars? I may have scars from combat but no one has dared touching these things before you considering you've made a point about me being intimidating. You're the first man to touch them and you'll definitely be the last... Those scars I was talking about?" Tigress brought her non-injured arm forward and gave her right breast a slight riggled, her fur rippling and further prompting the panda to become flustered as he peered at the crimson nubs that made up Tigress' ripe nipples. "They come from inconsiderate men ogling me on the streets, some day wishing for these to greet them in their dreams when you don't even have to dream of these and you get to see them for free~" Tigress cooed as she observed Po's curiosity breaking down as he couldn't help but stare, even for a second as he continued to work tirelessly on the striped feline's wounds.

"Well- uhm- I see the scars you were talking about- they're really not that big of a deal; but you've got a cut here that I just wanna- WOAH-" Po was taken aback by the squishy yet soothing texture of Tigress' furred breasts which sat before him, neatly coated by a cream-coloured coating which contrasted against her black and amber fur. "They're so soft," The Dragon Warrior gently commented, noticing his bulge slowly expanding from within the confines of his pants as he sought to readjust his position as he further cleaned her wounds. "Apologies if I'm- you know- what's the word? Ogling? You're just- b-beautiful with the clothes off- I can't believe I just said that."

"T-Trust me- you're not the only one? Am I stammering? Why does my face feel so warm? I'm speaking out loud, aren't I?" Tigress looked up towards Po with a blush flaring as she found her fiery eyes glaring down towards the bulge erupting from his patched pants all the while she attempted to fixate her attention back on Po's emerald eyes as opposed to his 'dragon scroll' which was poised and ready to reveal some of her own secrets. "You're not ogling at all, Dragon Warrior... In fact, I inspire you to observe and grasp my beauty whilst you can as this is the only time you're going to be able to see your faithful Master Tigress this nude in front of you~" The striped feline may have sprinkled a serving of arrogance upon the black and white panda at that moment but she couldn't help but experience an unfamiliar soothing sensation running throughout her mind.

"I'm sure you uhm- realise I'm going to- aheh... How do I say this, Ti? - I need to remove your undergarments to assess for further damage when I'm done- that's sort of the reason why I'm cleaning you up instead of the healer," The socially anxious and further aroused panda couldn't help but feel a slight beam of confidence erupt from the confines of his cheeks in the form of a rich and lush blush as the striped feline tilted her head. "Just got... A little bit more to clean and- shakaboey! You should be all good to go with putting your clothes back on once I apply this," The Dragon Warrior took some adhesive and upon soaking part of the herbally treated bandage onto it, placed that bandage on the underside of Tigress' right breast to cover up the slight wound that was present.

"Well... I've already got my wraps off; you might as well experience the entire might of this Tigress instead of seeing it in segments," Tigress reached for the waistband of her silky garments, already scarred by a slice to the side which revealed part of her thighs as she started pulling it down. "Po. Stop looking away," The feline dominantly commanded, prompting Po to gaze upon the sight of Tigress' heavy and moderately thick thighs being revealed before him alongside the slender yet muscular tone of her abdomen ravaging his mind with thoughts; it was only a matter of time until Po's erection became visible to the world and he was soon greeted by a slight chuckle from Tigress as her striped thighs were revealed and her trousers were down to her ankles.

"O-O-Oh m-m-y g-great D-Dragon Scroll b-bestowed by O-Oogway w-what is that on your wrappings?" Po nervously pointed towards the slight wet patch that was becoming pronounced by the second as the striped feline looked down to see that her own heat and passion for the panda standing before her was beginning to soak into her wraps and she felt herself instantly fall victim to the plague that Po was attempting to avoid when she pulsated upon the sight of observing the Dragon Warrior's raging member. "W-Well, I can already see that you m-may not need any examination of the front- m-may you turn onto your knees, M-Master Tigress?" The striped feline's tail was beginning to swish rapidly as she turned around, messing with the grip that her wraps had on the rest of her body as Po gently caught her tail with his paw and started observing her juicy buttocks as well as innocently looking for any injuries.

"Anything in particular that's concerning you, Dragon Warrior? Or am I medically clear to compete?" Tigress' wraps were on the verge of slipping off her, being held on by the clutches of her own pulsating pussy all before the dam finally broke and enough cream had erupted from her entrance purely thanks to her arousal for the panda and the compromising situation she was placed within as her rich, dripping and delicious slit was revealed to the Dragon Warrior the moment he went to observe for damage between the legs.

"O-Only c-concerned about h-how I-I'm struggling to maintain my composure. Uhm- y-you're clear to compete; but compete for w-what exactly?" The pudgy panda immediately felt himself launched into the air as Tigress tugged hold of his shorts from her position, luring Po in with her compromising position as she felt his muzzle briefly touch up against her own vigorously quivering vagina all before Po was pinned down by the frivolous feline upon the same bed she was previously resting in all before Tigress held her paw atop Po's pants. "T-That escalated quickly-" He managed to eke out as Tigress was at her wits end and using nothing but her own manner of communicating through body language and actions to express for the Dragon Warrior how much she wished for him as she took her paw and began gently peeling down his patched pants.

"It's time to reveal the true secrets of the Dragon Warrior as well as his own personal Dragon Scroll of sorts; you've kept this hidden from me for too long, Panda. I've been eager for this the moment I learned you were still alive and I want to secure my position as your mate for life before I bear witness to you ascending to the Spirit Realm if our next adventure together is truly that turbulent," Tigress lightened up for a second and gently smiled whilst holding her paw a mere inch away from Po's throbbing member, her two humble yet grandiose breasts gazing into Po's orbs with their crimson tips to match her pussy lips all before she softly brought her paw across Po's soft chest fur. "Don't lie to me, panda... You've been fanboying about this ever since you hit puberty. Do you give Master Tigress the consent required to reward you with one of the most eventful mornings of your life as a 'thank you' for caring and for returning for me? For saving me from Shen's wrath?"

"I-I-I- Y-YES!~ A THOUSAND TIMES YES!~ I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M ABOUT TO HAVE SEX WITH MASTER TIGRESS-" Po's mouth was eventually sealed by Tigress as his speech became muffled for a brief moment and Tigress exposed Po's member to the world in all of its throbbing glory. A scroll, a member and a pulsating penis measuring roughly six inches in length was presented for the noble Tigress; who was attempting to fathom how she was going to squeeze such a beast into her tiny and tight hole alongside syphon all of its wisdom into the depths of her precious pussy. "M-My member hasn't really- been the pride of my life but... Would you say it's worthy?" He was swiftly enlightened by the jaw and muzzle of none other than Master Tigress crashing down on him, gracing his member alongside his two dumplings laying beneath his spring roll with her saliva as well as her rough tongue all the while Po found himself with his tongue hanging out of his mouth for the first time.

The grateful and appreciative feline attempted to fit the Dragon Warrior's raging beast into her mouth all the while the candles around her flickered, signally a change in the attitude of the air all the while the Furious Five alongside Master Shifu remained asleep; clueless and oblivious as to the chaos that was about to ensue inside due to Po and Tigress conducting a rigorous examination upon one another upon having their respective ailments treated.

Master Tigress found herself gagging as a brief gust of wind broke through the shuttered windows. It was lucky that this room was elevated above the common property in Gongmen and that everyone had their shutters closed as for a brief moment, the world would've been graced to the sight of the frisky feline blowing her one and only protege whilst assessing his flavour.

As she attempted to hold his balls in her mouth before eventually choking, letting off a gag as well as being forced to gently relieve herself of Po's violently pulsating beast, she found herself using her paw to softly stroke him off all the while she gave a gentle nod to Po alongside a rather trusting smirk.

"You know, for a panda... I'm more than impressed with your size. You truly are not the common specimen, though. You've eaten more than bamboo as a panda, you've trained in the art of Kung Fu as a panda... You've even tamed Master Tigress as a panda. I think if you were three inches or six, I would still appreciate you either way but you need to cure your lack of confidence and well..." Tigress gently took her paw, rubbed her throbbing clit for the first time before reaching for her entrance and lathering the Dragon Warrior's tip up with a generous deposit of her own creamy, warm and sticky goodness presently erupting from the valley between her legs. "I think it's about time that we tamed that ailment of yours, don't you think? - I've never been good with words; I don't know how to say I love you properly so... Consider this me relieving myself of months worth of heartache and lusting~"

"T-Tigress... If y-you think you're going to be re-relieving yourself of months worth of lusting then just know this Dragon Warrior of yours has years of awesomeness to erupt within you!" Tigress soon deadpanned the panda as she softly took his good arm as opposed to the one in a sling and pinned it behind his head all the while he was forced to fixated his gaze upon her and her tremendous tits for the first time; picking between the two intermittently.

"Po. Whatever you do... Please do not call your semen and your orgasm something as silly as awesomeness... I know you might've just made the connection that Mr. Ping is your adoptive father and you may be adorable beyond belief but please be honest with what you feel... Because I'm feeling tingles that need to be treated by reading that Dragon Scroll of yours," Tigress was admittedly being slightly hypocritical as she shoved part of her paw into her tight entrance, feeling her cream and lathering up Po's chest as she freed his only working paw. "I want your paw on my waist, I want you to express all that you have for me and please try not to cum in two minutes, panda," Little did Tigress know, it would become a chore for her to suppress her own feelings as she lowered herself onto Po's mighty member, oblivious to the tingles alongside the intense feelings of lust and arousal that were to greet her next.

The moment Tigress' plump pussy lips was introduced to Po's colossal cock, a chain reaction of enlightening alongside truly blissful emotions flooded Tigress' body as she felt her hymen bend, bow and eventually snap underneath Po's weight as her tight alongside welcoming pussy wrapped around the Dragon Warrior's member with ease. The Dragon Warrior felt as if his member was swimming within a creamy spring of warm goodness as Tigress let off the first of many winces that would accompany her throughout this whole journey as Po's paw made its way onto her waist and she held one of her paws on his shoulder and the other around his own.

"Hoo- y-you are surprisingly warm and tight, Ti... Perhaps this is all of those years of training and remaining a little uptight in the Jade Palace, hm?" Po teased the feline as she found herself letting off a slight subconscious moan in response to the panda's sensual and sexy voice, of which it dropped an octave lower merely to ensure Tigress' senses tingled. "Go ahead, Master Tigress... Show me all of what you've been taught throughout the years, what's the worst that could happen?~" Tigress found herself glaring down at the panda with a face filled with awe as her sticky fluids wrapped around the extremely juicy noodle the panda had to offer as the striped feline softly ascended and then descended down onto Po for the first time; presenting an ocean's worth of tingles for the both of them. "Oh, that felt nice~"

"Oh, is that so, panda? How about I do it again?~" Tigress physically had to hide the winces alongside suppress the swishing of her excited tail as Tigress located a nearby rag and soon used it to tie one of Po's ankles to the side of the makeshift medical bed she was formerly resting on; discreetly locking up the other and spreading Po's legs further as she wrapped her warmth around Po's body and established a rhythm filled with an orchestra of sexual euphoria. "AAH~ O-Oh f-fuck, P-Po~" Tigress kept her moans to a whisper as she knew keeping up too much noise would result in her being busted. "S-Shit... Y-You feel so... Awesome~"

"Haha~ OOH~ y-you said the thing! A-And y-your pussy wrapped around m-me feels- MPH~ q-quite awesome too, my fantastic feline!~" Tigress blushed at the fact Po was putting in some effort of his own after treating her own wounds as well as thanks to the intense amounts of bliss she was feeling. "Y-You know, when I became D-Dragon Warrior... I never knew it meant I-I'd g-get my own personal s-sex servant- MM~" Po reached around and spanked Tigress' surprisingly rough backside, being met by a slight challenging chuckle from Tigress in the process.

"S-spank me again, M-Master P-Panda~ - I promise I'll show you a lot more than just being your personal sex servant~" Tigress' needs were soon met when a thunderous slap resonated across the room emitted from Po's striking of her backside, which resulted in Tigress repositioning herself and soon riding him at a more moderate pace. "F-FUCK!~ UNH~ O-Okay- n-now we're getting somewhere, wouldn't you agree? I-Is this a suitable way to repay you, my faithful master? I know you're most likely going to be succeeding S-Shifu soon... MMM~ W-Why not become my new master's favourite?"

"I-I-I mean surely I-I won't be becoming master of the Jade Palace anytime soon, right?-" Po sheepishly asked all the while he let off several enlightened moans of his own as the sexual orchestra of stickiness, wetness alongside the prelude to climax as Po's mighty panda penis was drenched with Tigress' rich and endearing heat filled the couple's ears.

"O-Oh, I-I know you're going to become the- OOH~ the next master of the Jade Palace, my Dragon Warrior," Tigress was seriously finding it difficult to keep everything together considering the circumstances as Po's mighty member filling her up with his goodness, the quivering her muscles were already experiencing alongside the jiggling of her breasts in which Po was watching with a keen eye all started to add up in her mind and stimulate her massively. "I-I've s-seen everything but- AAH!~ Y-YOU'RE G-GONNA B-BECOME M-MY MASTER TOO- S-SHIT!~" She did her best to suppress her own enjoyment but eventually found herself confiding within the lips of her black and white companion, their love further starting to be expressed as their session became more intimate and Po gave it his all to begin thrusting back to match Tigress' groove.

The pair of lovers eventually were forced to surrender their kissing after a minute of non-stop action, their moans further obscuring the fact they were able to keep their lips together as Po's emerald eyes locked up with Tigress' fiery orbs and found nothing but passion alongside an undying flame within the feline master's eyes. Po firmly grabbed hold of Tigress' spinning breasts for the first time, pinching their nipples and later spanking them before giving her one gracefuls spanking on her buttocks all the while Tigress left a hickey on Po's neck which would certainly not go unnoticed by the rest of the masters yet she didn't care.

Tigress' heat was beginning to melt onto Po's member at an increasing rate as it started staining his tenders alongside the fur that lined his abdomen as she further rode him as if he were an ancient Chinese rollercoaster ride, her brain swelling with thoughts alongside emotions she never thought were possible all the while Po was preparing to erupt inside of her as he began to jolt, pulsate as well as moan more violently.

"O-OH S-SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!~ TIGRESS! AAH!~ B-BABY! I-I LOVE YOU SO MUCH B-BUT- I THINK Y-YOUR DRAGON W-WARRIOR IS ABOUT TO- O-OH MY- T-TI! I'M GONNA CUM!~" The Dragon Warrior exclaimed loudly as Tigress' eyes lit up and she felt herself unleash a massive moan that was being suppressed since she truthfully mounted the Dragon Warrior alongside his glory.

"A-AAH!~ P-PO!~ B-BY THE SPIRITS ABOVE YOUR NAME IS NICE TO MOAN!~ OAH!~ F-FUCK!~ M-MY DRAGON WARRIOR!~ I-I'M G-GONNA CUM FOR YOU TOO!~ I-I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, MY PRECIOUS PANDA!~" Tigress pulsating pussy was at the brink of erupting with a juicy, gigantic as well as climactic orgasm all the while Po's member was poised to shoot his own sticky wisdom directly into the womb of his precious feline if he so wished. "F-FUCK!~ P-PO!~ I-I'M GONNA CUM!~ D-DADDY!~ M-MASTER! P-PO! P-PO!~ F-FILL ME!~ F-FUCK!~ M-MAKE ME INTO YOUR SLAVE- C-COME ON!~ D-DO IT- F-FUCKING FILL ME!~" Tigress attempted to cling onto whatever control she had left until her eyes rolled into the back of her skull, her pussy clenched up for the final time onto Po's member and her muscle started to twitch, fibrillate as well as her mind experienced euphoria as a creamy waterfall erupted onto the panda's throbbing member.

"T-TI! T-TIGRESS!~ O-OH TIGRESS!~ M-MASTER!~ AAAAAAH!~ OOOOH!~ MMMPH!~ T-TI!~" Po attempted to gasp for breath as his own eyes rolled into the back of his skull and he felt himself lightly shaking from the massive climax he was experiencing, staining Tigress' pathetically tiny pussy with his sticky loads as shot after shot entered the clenching and quivering mess which was made of Tigress' humble pussy. "O-OH D-DUMPLINGS IN STICKY SAUCE! T-THAT WAS AMAZING!" Po found himself being crashed down upon by none other than Tigress, who continuously pulsated alongside contracted with her pussy mimicking her own heartbeat briefly before calming down in its rhythm upon her erupting with glorious passion for her panda.

"P-PO!~ P-PO!~ O-OH F-FUCK!~ T-THAT WAS EUPHORIC!~ I-I CAN'T WAIT TO DO THAT AGAIN!~ T-THAT WAS THE GREATEST EXAMINATION EVER!" Tigress' Po side began to show for a brief moment as she cleared her throat, peered up towards the panda with a grateful yet woozy smile on her face all the while she gave him a casual smile. "Ahem... I mean, you have served your master and your feline companion well, Panda... How long did it take us to cum?" Tigress peered around the room and observed a clock only to see that it beamed back with six minutes of time compared to when she first started riding her precious panda. "Six minutes, not bad... Considering I was hit by a cannon yet the shrapnel avoided me~"

"Or maybe it hit you a little harder than expected- I mean, one could call me a cannonball that just rattled you from the inside with how hard you came for me! I never knew your eyes or your body could do that, Ti!" Po mocked the striped feline before him as his humid breaths mixed with her own all the while she sought to pull herself off the pulsating mess that happened to be Po's vigorously throbbing and cum-covered member all the while her insides were filled with the Dragon Warrior's steamy wisdom.

"Po, you do realise I have the power to do that to you again, right? Just be glad you weren't caught and you get to cash in the cheque for this memory another day~" Tigress looked towards her wraps alongside the clothes she had abandoned and strewn out across the floor as she gently ascended from Po's body with a smirk on her face. "Come on, Dragon Warrior... It's time to show Shifu and the Furious Five that you truly are the healer of ailments... Maybe, just maybe; I wasn't even sick in the first place and just wanted some private time with you to confess how I truly felt..."

"WHAT?" As Po's mind was left a wellspring of potential thoughts alongside feelings for the scheming feline's intentions alongside the plan of action that she followed, he found himself feeling satisfied alongside feeling colonised by a warm colony of butterflies swimming throughout his stomach as well as his own mind as he felt satisfied by the fact that so much can be revealed by someone merely thanks to the aftershock alongside feelings awoken by a cannon's shrapnel.


[The End]

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