Ben shows the man a look of pity, not sure what to say to that.
"The thing is, she was a single mother, and she appointed you as guardian of her daughter." Mr Williams says as he looks at the boy.
Ben's eyes widen. "W-what? But- but why me? It would make much more sense for the father to be her guardian. I don't see why she would pick me?" He rattles.
Joe takes Ben's hand in his own. "Benny...- That's why she picked you." He whispers with a soft look on his face.
That's when Ben realises it. "N-no, it can't be. The math doesn't add up. She would have been pregnant while we were going out. Surely she would've told me if I... if I had gotten her pregnant?" He whispers the last word, not daring to say it out loud.
Mr Williams looks down at his lap. "She found out when she was already pretty far along in the pregnancy. You two had just broken up, and she didn't want to tell you. You were away to film Bohemian Rhapsody and she didn't want to ruin that." He explains.
Joe starts gently rubbing his thumb over Ben's knuckles, as a way to let him know he isn't alone. "Ben?" He gives his boyfriend a worried look, clearly seeing that the blond is in shock.
Ben just stares straight ahead, his breathing speeding up a little. "I... I can't believe I have a kid. This can't be true." He whispers.
"I don't have any proof, but-" Before Mr Williams can finish that sentence, he is interrupted by Ben. 
The boy shakes his head. "I don't need proof. Sorry, that's not what I meant. This is just... so sudden." He admits.

The older man nods. "I get that. I begged her to tell you, you have to trust me. I've been looking for you ever since she passed away to tell you." Mr Williams says.
Ben takes in a shaky breath. "I don't blame you, not at all." He tries to show the man a reassuring smile, but he knows it's not very believable. Then he suddenly realises why Mr Williams must be here. In a slight panic, Ben looks at Joe. "I... I don't know anything about being a father. I'll ruin her if I take her in now." He whimpers as tears appear in his eyes.
Joe shakes his head. "Ben, how could you possibly think that? You won't ruin her." He says.
But Ben stays silent.
"I'm not asking you to immediately take her in, Ben. But with my age, it's getting harder and harder to take care of her. But when she starts crawling I won't be able to keep up with her anymore." Mr Williams says. He is about to continue talking, but he can tell the young boy is very overwhelmed.
Ben closes his eyes, trying to think sensibly.
"Would you like to see her?" Mr Williams asks.
Ben looks up. "She's here?" He asks in a shaky voice.
Mr Williams and Joe both nod.
Ben bites his lip. "I... I just need a minute, please." He whispers, his eyes still watery.
Mr Williams nods before getting up. He walks into the guestroom, giving the two boys some privacy.

"Talk to me Benny. What are you thinking?" Joe asks before pressing a gentle kiss onto his boyfriend's cheek.
Ben takes a deep breath. "I think.... that this was unexpected." He mumbles with a soft sniffle.
Joe smiles and leans in for another kiss, noticing how Ben loosened up a little after the previous kiss. "I know love." He whispers. "But do you think you want to be a part of her life?"
Ben sighs softly. "It's not the ideal way to become a dad, but I think I do. I'm her father. It's my job, my responsibility. I want to be there for her, a hundred percent." He says with a small smile.
Joe smiles as well, proud of his boyfriend.
A brief silence falls.
"Maybe I should start looking for a new place first before I completely take her in." Ben suddenly mumbles.
Joe looks up in surprise. "A new place? Why would you move out? This place is big enough for the three of us. We'll just turn the guest room into a nursery." He says, vaguely gesturing with his hand towards the door of the guest room.
Ben frowns. He looks down at his hand, which is still in Joe's. With a soft sigh, he pulls it out of Joe's grasp. "I meant a new place for me and her, Joey. We've only been dating for six months. I know we've been moving fast in this relationship. I mean, we moved in together after only two months of dating. But going from moving in together to raising a kid together is a huge step. I won't force this kid upon you. You deserve better." He says with a sad look on his face.
A stunned look appears on Joe's face. "Are you... are you breaking up with me?" He asks. He sighs relieved when Ben shakes his head.
"No, of course not. All I'm saying is that we should take a step back. I'll move out to focus on the baby, and later on we can always move back in again." Ben explains.
Joe shakes his head. "I don't want you to move out, Ben. I love you. And I will love this little girl just as much. I know we haven't been together very long. But I want to do this together. I want to be there every step of the way." He smiles reassuringly at his boyfriend before leaning in for a passionate kiss.
When they break the kiss, Ben shows Joe finally a genuine smile. "I love you too." He whispers.
"Will you please stay?" Joe pleads.
Ben nods. "Alright then." He whispers.
"Should we go see her?" Joe asks carefully.
Ben nods and gets up from the couch. He takes Joe's hand and intertwines their fingers. Together, they walk into the guestroom.

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