Midnight Conversations

Start from the beginning

"Even if it was her imagination, which I doubt," Rory said, " Why don't you let her enjoy it? It clearly makes her happy."

"I don't know," Peter admitted. Lucy's imagination had always run wild and he loved seeing her happy. But these were dark times, he couldn't let his baby sister get caught in fantasies when there were people out there fighting for their lives. But he also didn't want to be the one to take away her imagination and childish innocence.

Rory noticed his struggle and squeezed his shoulder in confort.

"You are a good brother Peter," She mentioned absemindely, "Maybe you should go back to being a brother instead of a parent figure."

Her words reminded him of what his younger brother had screamed in anger. Peter frowned.

"Yes, Edmund was so nice to remind me of that," Peter remembered acidly, " I know I could never be Dad. He always knew what to say or how to act. I, on the other hand , have no idea what I'm doing."

Rory frowned at the blonde's self- deprecation. She slipped out of his embrace and forced Peter to meet her eyes.

"You are making the best out of a horrible situation." Rory reminded him gently.

"But, Edmund ... " Peter tried to complain.

"Edmund is a thirteen year old in the middle of puberty," Rory reminded him, "He is taking out his anger on the only people he has. And unfortunately that's you and your siblings. That doesn't mean you are doing a bad job or that you are failing."

Peter smiled at the girl in awe.  Rory had to have one of the kindest and most knowledgeable souls he ever met.

"How do you do that?," Peter told her earnestly.

"Do what?" She asked, confused.

"Know just what to say to make me feel better," Peter answered, still starstruck,"And not just with me, I see it with Lucy and  even Edmund "

The Browning girl shrugged a bit embarrassed by the compliment.

"I don't know," She replied honestly , "I just like to listen."

"But who listens to you?" Peter inquired, " C'mon Rory, what happened today?"

Rory shook her head but Peter insisted. In the end she caved in. Told her about how much of a horrid morning she had cleaning old artifacts with the Macready's incessant nagging. She had her up since early morning and never gave her a break. Then she talked about her dreams. They had talked about  how her dreams kept her awake but Rory had never shared the content of what happened in them. She finally told him about the talking lion and the vision of her parents in crowns and regal clothing. She finally concluded with her own discussion with Aunt Mary about fairytales and how she had snapped as if she had asked questions about her parents.

"I just don't understand any of it," The brunette concluded with a sigh, "It's starting to look like my parents are fairytale characters themselves which is why Aunt Mary gets testy whenever we talk about it. God, I probably sound insane.!"

"Even more insane than a land hidden in a wardrobe?" Peter raised his eyebrows teasingly.

"Touche," Rory smiled .

"You never know," Peter smiled mysteriously. Rory tilted her head as if to ask what he meant.

"You do have the look of a princess," Peter answered.

Rory playfully punched his shoulder as he groaned exaggeratedly and dramatically rubbed the place she had hit.

"Honestly Rory, nothing stays secret forever," Peter said seriously, "Eventually you are going to know about  your parents. And who knows maybe you ARE a princess,"

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