(𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞) when it's cold, i'd like to die

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the next day

"SO HOW DID YOU MEET EDWARD MUNSON?" The officer asked, staring at Faye with a persistent glare that she did not return. Faye stared at the floor, tears escaping her eyes as her leg bounced up and down. Her arm was in a sling and she held her hands together awkwardly, spinning a singular ring around her thumb.

"Miss Harper?" The officer asked again, "I understand you've been through a lot but we're trying to help you"

"I know" Faye whispered as another couple of tears fell down her face, "me and Eddie went to school together but uh... I met him last year properly because he played music at the pub I work at"

"The hideout?" He asked as the man shuffled through papers, "correct?"

"Yeah" Faye spoke very quietly.

"We've been looking for you Faye... everyone's been searching for you, your aunt and uncle have been so worried not to mention your little sister"

"I've seen them... my aunt and uncle I mean" Faye sniffed, "and I'm here... so can we get this over with... please?"

"Of course" the man forced a smile, "your uncle, Howard Harper, made reports saying that Eddie had lied to you, that he'd manipulated you. How would you describe your relationship with Mr Munson?"

"I loved him" Faye's voice broke as she said it.

"How did you and Mr Munson fall in love?"

"It's not that simple" Faye frowned, "that's a stupid question... I can't describe how I fell in love with him... it just happened"

"Your uncle said that for a while you stayed at Eddie's trailer when you were waiting for him and your aunt to sort a lease out on their new apartment. Said that Eddie helped you out and let you stay with him"

"Yeah" Faye's leg continued to bounce out of her control, "yeah things were horrible at home... my brother... my brother abused me"

"Robert Harper?" The officer asked even when he already knew, "the same Robert Harper who was lost in the earthquake that happened yesterday"

"That's right" Faye stated.

"You never filed any report against him—"

"I was scared" Faye snapped, "the situation was complicated with Cindy and Kurtis... not to mention my mom... it was easier to just get me out of there and I did... Eddie offered me a place to stay and I took it"

"Were you and Mr Munson a couple when you took that offer?"

"No" Faye shook her head, "No that happened later"

"How long were you together before you found out what Edward did to Chrissy Cunningham"

"Five months" Faye answered.

"And how did you find out what happened to Chrissy?"

"He called me" Faye started to explain, "he called me and told me something terrible had happened. He asked me to bring him food down to the boathouse behind Rick's house... his drug supplier. I went and... and that's when I knew"

"That's when you knew you'd been manipulated?" The officer asked.

"Yes" Faye said very quickly. It was one of the hardest things she'd ever had to say in her entire life.

"What was Edward Munson like in that week he held you hostage at the boathouse"

"I was scared" Faye sobbed at the words she spoke as tears decorated her face, "he told me... he told me he'd never loved me and that it had all been for sex... he told me he wasn't going to kill me... not yet and... then... then he... he"

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