(𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧) it's finally my year

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THE BATS CLATTERED AGAINST THE WALLS OF THE TRAILER with horrible screeches that seemed to echo throughout every room. They scraped their talons along the scrap metal in a way that sent Faye's nerves on edge and she could hear them throwing all the power of their leathery wings into the boarded up windows and doors. Faye's heart went on and on and on steadily counting down as she looked fearfully towards Eddie.

"Hey, it's alright" Eddie turned and saw the fear stricken expression moulded over Faye's features. He took her arms and pulled her forwards into his chest, wrapping his arms around her as Faye watched out the small cracks for the tiniest of shadows to appear between the gaps in the metal.

"They can't get us here"

"You sure about that?" Faye stated in fear as thunder clapped loudly above their heads, "because I'm not entirely convinced"

"Here" Eddie turned and grabbed the spears and shields they'd set against the walls. He threw two in the direction of Faye and Dustin who caught them perfectly before he rolled the carefully nailed shields across the floor. As Faye held the metal handle tight in her hand, she didn't feel anymore safe than she had done a second ago.

"There's loads of them" Faye spoke in a scratchy voice.

"Yeah and we boarded up this place for good reason" Dustin pointed out as he held his own spear and shield tight in hand. Steadily they faced all corners of the room with their backs lightly against each other, turning in a slow pattern as they listened to the screeches and snarls of the many bats outside. Faye's heart seemed to beat louder than ever, the thunder threatening them from way above their heads.

The creatures continued to slam their bodies against the sides of the trailer and Faye tightened her grip on the spear, staring at the point of the knife as it glinted in the dull light. She couldn't help but lift her eyes to the gateway thrumming above their heads, she saw the warm light seeping out of somewhere she had once thought of as home but felt they couldn't be further away.

As though someone has turned down a volume dial, the crazed noises of the bats started to die out. Faye looked around in surprise as the chattering of teeth and scratching of claws turned to small whispers and the world went dead around them. She craned her neck to stare at Eddie who looked equally as confused as she was.

"Hey dipshits!" Dustin yelled loudly which caused Faye to jump, hitting her back against Eddie's shoulder, "give up that easy, huh?"

"Shhh" Eddie hushed violently, "is that really necessary?"

Suddenly from above their heads Faye heard a loud clattering sound followed by a soft thumping, all of their necks snapped up in an instant to stare at where the noise had come from. Faye's heart created a racket in her chest.

"They're on the roof" Eddie stated uneasily as the three of them turned slowly and stared at where the small thuds and chitters of annoyed bats were coming from.

"I don't like this" Faye groaned quietly, "I really don't like this"

"Shit, shit, shit" Dustin continuously repeated in a whisper as their eyes traced over many of the thick vines on the ceiling, listening intently to every movement that the colony of bats continued to make.

Their steps were light as ghosts as they walked carefully across the floor with Dustin in the lead. Faye stayed close to Eddie's shoulder with a terrified expression permanently painted onto her eyes. The thrilling of the swarm seemed to get louder as they walked further into the room and as Faye's gaze gravitated onto where it was coming from, her eyes collided with a small plastic white vent.

"Shit" Faye stated simply.

"They can't get in through there, can they?" Dustin asked anxiously.

All of a sudden one of the mottled, disfigured creatures stuck it's screaming head through the hole in the ceiling. Faye yelled loudly in panic, dropping her shield onto the floor. Dustin screamed too as the creature tried to shove its writhing body through the space it'd created.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐬 | eddie munson Where stories live. Discover now