Yumi has white hair shook her head signalling that she's not offended. Y/N decides that's enough of screwing around

You: That's enough

Everyone shuts up and start paying attention as the mood becomes serious

You: I'm sure that at least one of you have either spoken with a Lawrence named, Schubet?

Sam nodded

Sam: Yes, we have. In fact, he is currently scouting Mondstadt defences for us to take over

Erika: He's very determined on restoring the "Glory of the Lawrence Clan"

She said as she did a quote on quote hand sign. Yumi tilted her head to the side and point at Y/N which he understood the message

You: Yeah, I just got a run in on the guy while on my way to work. The bastard didn't even let me apologise to him. Anyway, I'd like you girls to continue your work until you received the layouts. And once he gives it to you dispose of it discreetly and contact me as soon as possible

The girls all salutes at him and shouted except Yumi

Girls: Yes, sir

Yumi stomps on the fire putting it out causing the room to be dark


Y/N slowly opens his eyes seeing the familiar ceiling of his apartment and the sun is up. He slowly got off the bed and walk to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Once finished, he walked out of the apartment and head towards Good Hunter for breakfast. He greeted many people along the way be it regular people or his knight subordinates. When he was about to go to the counter, someone call him out

Jean: Good morning, Vice Commander

He look behind him to see Jean with groceries in hand. She was buying stuff for breakfast before searching for tears after she ate. Y/N approach her

You: Good morning, Grand Master Jean. Are you doing well?

He asked as Jean smile at him

Jean: Ah, yes, I'm doing fine. I'm just buying groceries for the month, I'm still buying

You: I see, would you like for me to carry the bags then? Since I'm sure that you have a lot of stuff to carry

Jean: Oh, why thank you, Vice Commander

She gave him the bags which he takes them. They then walked up to a store which caused the store clerk to be surprised

Clerk: Grand Master Jean...and Vice Commander! What a surprise to see you two here together

Jean: The Vice Commander came to help me out with groceries. I'm here for my monthly supplies

Y/N nodded which caused the store clerk to be embarrassed

Clerk: Oh! I'm very sorry. I thought for a second that you two were together or something considering it's a rare sight to see you two here

You: No worries, we just happened to come across one another and I decide to help a lady out

The store clerk nodded seemingly in awe at his words

Clerk: My, your words are always inspiring as ever, Vice Commander

You: (Yes, inspiring it is...)

Jean: (...to the point that you won't noticed the lie in between)

The general public do not always saw them as nothing more than colleagues striving to protect Mondstadt. However, what everyone don't see is a side away from their eyes. In the headquarters of Mondstadt, Jean and Y/N are both superiors for the Knights of Favonius by everyone except for a certain amount of people. For now, it's best to not reveal their relationship to anyone yet

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