Chapter 8

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Mondstadt will always be the city of freedom and the city of wind. Everything is peaceful on the surface but underneath it evil lurks in the background away from the prying eyes of people. In an unknown secret hideout, three females are sitting on the ground around a fire doing their own things. One of them is laying on a mattress staring at the ceiling looking slightly annoyed

 One of them is laying on a mattress staring at the ceiling looking slightly annoyed

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

??? 1: Why the hell would the boss wants us to meet in the middle of the night?

She was annoyed that she has to be awake for this meeting. To be truthful, she doesn't hate her boss at all in fact can be a bit cranky when she doesn't have enough sleep. The second female is sharpening her dagger as she heard her friend complain

??? 2: You're just cranky that you won't get any sleep for tonight

She then look at the first female

??? 2: And frankly, it was your idea to even come here immediately when he literally said that we'll meet up tomorrow morning

She spoke calmly before continuing sharpening her dagger. The first look at her friend with annoyance evident on her face

??? 1: Oh, pissed off. You're no better as well. You can't wait to see him after the negotiation with that snotty noble

The second female had to agree with her friend on that. She just couldn't take the noble seriously, despite being trained to be a "diplomat" from the beginning in her company.

??? 2: Well, that may be true. At least, I'm more adaptable in that department while you are good at "persuading" intel out from our targets

The third female of the group shook her head at the back and forth of her two friends. Suddenly, two arms wrapped around her waist and pulling her to someone's chest causing her eyes to widen. However, she felt it familiar

You: I see that you two can't stop arguing back and forth again

The guy himself revealed to be Y/N, Vice Commander of the Knights of Favonius. The sudden voice caught the other two females attention causing them to look at him

??? 1: About damn time you show up, Boss. Also, didn't you told the knights at the HQ that you don't touch other girls without your girlfriends consent?~

He chuckle before letting go of the third female who has red tint on her cheek as she was embarrassed. The second female look at the first with a straight face while crossing her arms

??? 2: Could you please stop that, Erika?

Erika who had blonde hair rolled her eyes before turning away and cross her arms

Erika: Hmph. Stop being a killjoy, Sam

Sam who has raven hair silently mocked Erika

Sam: "Stop being a killjoy, Sam". God I wish you can be quiet like Yumi. No offence, Yumi

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