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"Your friends left? I'm so proud you made friends at very first day!" mrs.joe clapped her hands .

"I am really sorry! " we saw ashi running as if her life depended on her phone ,and radha followed her .



Mrs.Joe turned to look at the person with 'not so common in our house' high pitched voice . Me and tanz never had female friends before .Its not like we were awkward or something ,its just that we had eachother and we felt complete so never made any close friends .

And let me tell you ,tanz looks so extrovert and cool now but he was that nerd introvert back when we met .But youtube molded him in a very fine way .I'm so proud of him ,he's so confidnet about himself .

Anyways,I keep going off the topic .So I was saying,Mrs.Joe is not habitual to girls and I don't know how she'd react .I'm not scared ,but the Indian boy inside  me shows up sometimes ,I worry about things that are not even worth thinking about .

Ashi stopped running as soon as she was a meter away from tanz .

"Here's your phone!" tanz handed her precious phone to her with a infamous smirk dancing on his lips .

"Thank you so much for keeping it safe." ashi tilted it more than one time to check whether its ok or not . 

"I'm so sorry for bothering you guys  ." radha elbowed ashi to apologize to and ashi did the same .with all this going on they were totally oblivious to mrs.Joe's presence ,who was standing behind the girls,waiting patiently with a smile crept on her lips . She smirked at me and tanz as we faced her and we both rolled our eyes in unison ,following our gaze the girls turned around to see Mrs. joe's smile turning into welcoming one ,then it dropped ,she stared at radha for good 10 seconds ,her eyes dilating and relaxing .That's weird . 

"I'm so sorry I didn't notice you ,Hello,I'm ashima Khanna ,nice to meet you uh-" 

"Aunty,call me aunty,I take care of your friends ." mrs.Joe hopped a little on her place but soon composed herself and cupped ashi's face fondingly and eyed us .

"oh,they told us ,Hello I'm Radha Raghuvanshi ." radha flashed her bright smile and I saw amusement, shock, sorrow, happiness ,I don't know what ,in mrs.Joe's eyes . Is she that happy to see we made 'girl' friends?

"She looks so overwhelmed man ,what's with her ?" tanz nudged me .

"she's just happy to see our friends?" It sounded more like a question when the words came out of my mouth and he shrugged at me .

"you girls are so pretty,I'm so glad that I got to meet you two." mrs.joe said ,her eyes sparkling .

Me and tanzeel stayed there ,without a word looking at them chatting until we heard radha say "I think its really late now ,we will see you soon ,aunty." radha said,here expressions quite not visible to us as she had her back at us .

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