Landing kinda

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All you could hear were blaring alarms and beeps for what had seemed like an eternity until you accidentally hit the power off button (you pea brain) causing the ship to lose its power and start falling down to planet Diluc.

"HOLY SHIT!" You scream, panicking, you begin your magical girl transformation to help impact you from the fall. When you felt the ship crash it had caused you to faint.

You begin to open your eyes to be greeted by a warmly lit room, draped with a radiant red everywhere.

"Who died in here?" You began to sit up but was interrupted by a deep and gravely voice,

"Surprisingly, no one." He says causing you to turn to his direction.

"Uhm, who are you?" You inquired.

"My name is Diluc Ragnvindr." He kept stern eye contact.

"My name is Y/N, charming I know." you fiddle with your fingers thinking if what you just added at the end was dumb. (such uwu)

"Intriguing, you look like you need to calm down. As a complementary for crash landing here, I'll provide you with a free room and services until your ship is fixed." He said as he stood up ushering you to where you would be residing.

"This is your room, I've already drawn a bath for you and I'll retrieve your clothes for you." He practically ran out of the room leaving you alone.

"Red heads." You mumbled completely ignoring his generosity and going to the bathroom.

*skippy Wippy because uh how write before bath?*

As you were just beginning to relax in your bath the door was opened to reveal Diluc kinda just standing there. Luckily you weren't stupid this time and closed the curtain all the way so he just closed the door slowly. You rushed your bath after that and soon came out.

"Well he certainly didn't lie about the clothes atleast.." you changed into your epic uwu clothes (fortnite t-shirt with minecraft creeper shorts)
and sat on the edge of your bed brushing your hair with a random brush you found.

"I'm hungry-" before you could actually finish your sentence you heard a knock so you went over and was about open the door before the little slit in the door opened and food because to slip through. You grabbed the tray and sat down on the bed.

"Thanks I guess!" You yelled out but received no reply. You examined the food, just basic stuff they said the men in the moon had. You began to eat the food, surprisingly it wasn't that bad. Soon you were done and slid the tray back through the hole and heard it clank on the ground.

"I'm done!" You yelled and heard some rustling from what you good assume was under you.

"So there's more than one floor hm?" You turned off the lights in the room while hearing the tray get picked up.

"Goodnight Diluc!" You yelled.

"Rest well, Y/N, I'll be up for a bit longer so feel free let me know if you require anything." He said back.

You heard his foot steps fade as you crawled into the bed before passing out.

- end -
Most of this is my friends writing but whatever

Diluc sphere ( Diluc x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon