My tiredness taking away my filter, I found a way to get some kind of answer, "Ana lee must have loved Christmas then, huh?"

Colby replied, "Yes, but she wasn't the one I was talking about."

I yawned, and at the worst time possible found myself losing consciousness. But not before saying, "We'll spend Christmas together this year, and i'll get you the bestest gift ever."

A small laugh, "You being here with me is all I need... Goodnight darling."

Then with a final kiss to my head, I fell asleep.


"Livia dear, please don't shake the presents. What if there's glass in one of them!" My mom called from the kitchen, keeping a close eye on me as a snooped around the tree, trying to figure out what I possibly could have gotten for Christmas. Why did my family make us wait until after we at breakfast before opening gift.

"Oh please Mary let the girl have her fun. Besides, you and I both know we don't trust her enough to get her anything that nice. I think coal suits her well." Dad teased, earning a scoff and an eye roll from me. I break one vase and suddenly I'm a criminal...

..okay wait-

"All you're getting for Christmas is a trip to the old folks home." I hissed back, earning a giggle from mom. I mentally high-fived myself at the quick remark.

"Amos, I think Livia is asking to take out the trash." Lili emerged from the kitchen, grinning deviously at me while placing a hand on dad's shoulder. My eyes doubled in size the second I say my dad's brow lift.

"Actually, that's a good idea. Livia can you take out the trash? It's already full and it'll be more full after breakfast, might as well empty it now." He instructed.

I groaned, "What! Why can't you do it." I huffed like a child.

"If i'm old enough to go to the old folks home then I must be old enough to be too weak and tired to do such a task. Go." He demanded like the old man he is. I groaned and sent a glare at Lili as I stood up from the single couch I was sitting on and walked past her. She snickered like the suck up she is.

"Bitch." I hissed at her, punching her stomach.

"Amos! She hit me!"

"Oh grow up!" I yelled back, quickly grabbing the trash and walking out the back door before dad could scold me again. I did it all with a laugh, loving the banter.

Not having the best Christmas's growing up, I find myself acting childish around the holidays. My therapist says it my inner child seeking a make-up for all those Christmas's spent in Cold rooms, eating cold soup, and surrounded by sick kids in desperate need of proper medicine. It's one of those things I can't control, which I don't mind. But the realization did make me a little sad. Just more proof that I am messed up.

Other than that, Christmas has been going well so far. When I arrived back from new York Lili came to pick me up, and it was nice seeing her again. After the quick question of, "Have you taken your meds today?" We have been acting completely normal. She still made her monotone remarks and I continued to be snarky and annoying to her. Just as best friends do.

I have been attending the occasional Christmas celebrations. First, the usual Police department Christmas party, which mainly consisted of drinking and lame party games. It was entertaining at least, something that I got a good laugh at. Then There was this Christmas reading thing at the library that Mr. Barry said I had to attend because apparently I owed him something. All I had to do was read Christmas stories to little kids and give them cookies.

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