Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
ME: so are we playing doubles or taking turns?
JS: doubles
ME: and my partner is?
MO: hubi
Morgan says with a nervous tone
ME: are you guys for real???
I feel a bit nervous, we dated for two years, and things ended well, but I haven't seen him in a long time, I hope it's not weird.
HH: y/n! It's awesome to see you here!!
ME: hubi it's been a long time!! But I'm glad you are here!!
HH: wow you get more beautiful ever single day
Morgan looks at me worried
MO: oh yeah off course she does, she is awesome
She says this to make things let's tense i know her.
HH: yeah you both are beautiful women!!
Morgan was also a WTA player but we know each other since high school, she was hubis best friend but when we broke up she took some distance as a good best friend should do.
We head into the court and play for around an hour, there I run out of water and we decide to take 5 so I run to the clubs cafe to get a Gatorade.
LM: y/n??
No way, I know that voice it's Lorenzo musetti.
ME: Lorenzo??
I stare at him while he has a wide smile, I try to smile in a calm way but I'm passing out.
MO: just don't get to drunk for the night session.
ME: nobody's gonna know don't worry
MO: well you've already had 4 cosmopolitans I think people may notice.
Me and my friend Morgan chat while we are waiting on a bar at the palace hotel before heading to the us open night session. I had my heart broken a month ago, and I've been having a rough time looking my best to head out. Tonight was different, I went to Red Valentino and got myself a complete look, then my hairdresser came to my apartment to get me ready, and when I got into my outfit and had my hair done I stared at my mirror and then at the view from my pent house into de Central Park and I remembered who I truly am. So I was feeling very confident and ready to have the time of my life.
MO: let's leave now, I don't want to be late and I want to give jannik a hug before the match.
ME: play starts in two and a half hours are you really making me leave the bar right now?
MO: yeah your driver is already outside let's leave.
I knew she was making me leave with so much time ahead of us because she didn't want me to get drunk before the match but I had a secret flask with whiskey hidden in my purse for the night.
As we headed outside of the bar and into the lobby of the hotel Morgan started speaking with a tall guy, my vision was already blurry but I could tell he was one hot piece.
MO: this is my best friend y/n, she lives here in ny and was wta number one player the year before I was.
LM: y/n it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Lorenzo musetti.
He said as he kissed my hand.
Wow who is this player and why haven't I heard from him, he was tall and very handsome.
ME: yeah it's nice to meet you
LM: so are you watching the match tonight?
MO: yeah we are heading to our car right now, I hope you have a good one but jannik is going to win the us open no matter what.
Oh so Sinner is going against the cute one tonight, interesting.
LM: oh we will see on that one
He says laughing
COACH: Lorenzo they just told me that our bus is stuck in traffic and it might take a while for it to arrive.
MO: oh no you must leave asap
LM: agh this is terrible is sinner already there?
MO: yeah he went there at like 3, he had a press conference.
ME: you guys can take my car, we Can wait for the driver to drop you off and come back for us.
LM: oh no that will be to much to ask for.
COACH: we should take the offer it's perfect timing.
LM: what car is it? Don't you think we can all fit?
ME: I am not sure which car did the driver bring tonight, let me check.
MO: she loves cars she has plenty of them
Morgan tells Lorenzo as he seemed impressed .
I head outside and noticed my driver Duat waiting besides my Tahoe. I head inside to tell them.
ME: he is driving the Tahoe, it has three lines, we can all fit if you guys would like to.
COACH: perfect thank you so much for the offer.
He calls the physiological and he head outside.
LM: you are so nice, you don't understand how thankful I am.
We head outside and Lorenzo is walking next to me, I thought he was going to sit next to Duat but the coach takes that place.
Duat helps us open the third line and the physio climbs the car, María was about to climb but I wanted her to be comfortable.
ME: Friend don't worry I'll go back with him
MO: no it's okay I don't want you to get dizzy
She says while she winks at me
MO: she's been drinking, we don't want an accident
Lorenzo let's me climb before as he hands Duat his equipment.
He then sits next to me as Duat closes the door and to my surprise he doesn't sit by the window but in the middle next to me.
I start playing some music from my playlist and he seems to enjoy it, we share some flirty looks ( which is normal for me when I'm drunk)
We have a fun chat while we get to the stadium and share some laughs.
When we finally got to the stadium he got close to my ear and whispered
LM: how drunk are you?
ME: not very drunk, Morgan was just making fun of me
( I was very drunk)
LM: so you can still make smart choices?
ME: yeah always
LM: let's make a deal
ME: what kind of deal
LM: if I win tonight you kiss me, but if I loose I kiss you
ME: so you get a kiss either way?
LM: unless we tie
ME: trust me I know tennis, you can't tie
LM: we will see
He stared at me with flirty eyes while climbing out of the car.
I just stood there processing everything when to my surprise he went to the other side of the car to my door and opened it for me.
LM: Let's let the future decide what happens tonight
ME: are you flirting with me?
LM: we will see that
Then his coach screamed
COACH: Lorenzo hurry you must heat up.
LM: enjoy the match y/n and thanks for the ride
I wave at him while his hair bounces.
MO: what just happened
ME: what are you talking about
MO: Lorenzo was clearly flirting with you and you were into it
i tell maria what Lorenzo told me and she got very excited
MO: I guess he is kissing you because jannik is winning
ME: I don't know if there is actually going to be kissing but we will see
I head to our seats at janniks box while Morgan goes to give him a Pre match kiss
While I'm hanging there I noticed the Kordas around so I go to their seats to say hi, then I come back to my seat and take some huge secret sips from my flask before Morgan comes back
MO: what did I loose
ME: oh not much I just had a chat with the kordas
MO: now you are definitely drunk
I could feel it but I didn't knew it would be that notorious.
The players come in and when they say Lorenzo's name and he gets inside waving I can't help to get on my feet and clap.
Morgan pulls from my shirt.
MO: what are you doing remember you are in my boyfriends box which is sinner not musetti
ME: luckily because I want musetti to be my boyfriend
CLAUDIO: haha so you met musetti?
ME: yeah we even have him a ride
CLAUDIO: i always knew you would be into musetti if you met him but dear y/n tonight you are team jannik
Claudio was right I had to support my best friends boyfriend, sinner has been a very close friend of mind and I do want him to win the us open. I'm kissing Lorenzo anyway.
The match was long, every change over Lorenzo will look at me, and i would pretend I didn't notice, a fun game.
Finally sinner won and we headed to the players lounge to congratulate him.
As morgan and him were kissing and hugging Lorenzo came near me.
LM: so I lost
ME: you played amazing either way
LM: you think that?
ME: offcourse. Your backhand? Superior
Lorenzo laughs.
LM: I owe you something
ME: what is it then?
LM: are you free for dinner?
I gave sinner and morgan a look, they were so into each other that the wouldn't miss me.
ME: okay but only if I choose the plan
LM: I'll just follow you then.
We jump into my car and I tell Duat to drive us to Ralph's, which is one of my favorite restaurants
ME: yeah hey it's y/n can I please get my always favorite but this time two and I'm pecking it up... great thanks
LM: so what's the always favorite?
ME: You'll see
We get to Ralph's and Duat parks and goes to pick up the bag, in this moment Lorenzo tries kissing me, but I move my head.
ME: be calm
We get to my pent house
LM: you live here?
ME: yes, well not always but yes
LM: by yourself?
ME: yeah
LM: but it's so big don't you feel alone?
ME: no i love space
I show him around and I set the table on the terrace that faces Central Park. We have dinner and end up taking about how we feel about our lives and our dreams.
LM: I haven't had such a real talk with someone in a while
ME: yeah it was a great one
He looks into my eyes and gets closer to me, this time I don't move.
He first kisses me softly, I kiss him back. In no time we are making out in one of my outside sofas.
We get interrupted by his coach calling him
COACH: where are you it's 3 am we are leaving tomorrow
LM: yeah just see you later
ME: so you must leave?
LM: basically but I don't want to
Then everything comes to my head, it's not a good moment for him to stay over, or spend the night at my place
ME: don't worry Duat will drive you
LM: it was a lovely night and I hope to share more moments like this one with you
ME: yeah me too
I walked him to the elevator and watched as the doors closed.
He stopped them, gave me a final kiss and went back to the elevator.
When I heard the elevator a few floors down , I started dancing and jumping.
Then I realized I had no business feeling excited for a man or catching feelings.
I went upstairs and packed, I was going to africa for social work later that day, and i was not taking my phone with me.
LM: I've missed you, I texted you on ig but you never answered, I tried reaching out but everyone told me they couldn't share your number with anyone.
Oh after I came back from africa I had so many messages that I had my assistant to read them for me and just answer the ones from work, business, family or friends. She definitely didn't recognize lorenzos name so she must had ignored it.
ME: oh I was in africa and i couldn't communicate with anyone from there
COACH: Lorenzo come here we must train
LM: look I have to leave but write the address of where you are staying here
ME: I'll just save my contact, text me and we can speak later
LM: are you free tonight?
ME: i think so
LM: let me take you for dinner
ME: okay great text me

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