Chapter Four: Suck or Lick?

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"Turn that frown upside down because we're recording."

Jc tried to stretch my mouth into a smile but it wasn't working so I licked his finger instead.

"You just licked my finger Alice."

He wiped the finger on my arm as if he was going to catch something from my saliva. I rolled my eyes; boys could be so overdramatic when they wanted to be.

"You pretty much just guessed the video."

What did Kian mean? All I did was Lick Jc's finger. Then a light bulb went off in my head, I knew what the video was going to be. It most likely involved sucking and licking things like the title suggested. I was most definitely the slow Sugg.

"Now onto the main attraction, I'm Kian."

"And I'm Jc and today we are joined by Alice Sugg, say hi."

I took the cue from Jc and waved at the camera.


"Today we're doing another challenge video. We like to call it 'suck or lick?' Jc explain."

"Well Kian in these bags in front of us are lots of items both edible and inedible. We'll take it in turns to pull one item out at random and then we each decide whether or not we'd suck or like it. You then have to do it on camera for everyone to see."

I put my head in my hands and groaned, this video was exactly what I expected it to be.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

"Whipped cream and condoms Miss Sugg."

I looked up at Kian who wore the biggest grin, I'd never once thought about whether or not I'd suck or lick a condom. It wasn't on the top of my to do list, but I was up for trying new experiences.

~1 Hour Later~

"And my final item is..."

I thrust my hand into the bag by my feet. I'd licked a condom, sucked the head of a tuna fish as well as licked whipped cream off Jc's chest. In all fairness I did ask where I'd have to lick it off and Kian volunteered Jc who didn't say no. In return Jc licked whipped cream off my arm and Kian sucked whipped cream off Jc's head. There were very few items left in the bag but I felt a bottle and assumed it would be a safe bet.

"Chocolate sauce, yum my favourite."

"What will you do with that chocolate sauce Alice?"

I pondered Jc's question for a few seconds before holding the bottle out to Kian who took it and looked surprised. That made me smirk, I was about to make the few #Kalice shippers out there very happy indeed.

"I think I'll suck it off something Jc. I've already licked white stuff off you so it's only fair that I suck chocolate goodness off Kian."

Kian's mouth dropped open for a millisecond before he composed himself. This would be a great way to end the video. I casually turned to Jc who matched the grin on my face.

"Jc since Kian decided which body part for you, why don't you decide for him?"

"With pleasure Alice."

Kian shook his head while Jc pushed me aside to exam Kian's body, I was not getting in between that bromance. Jc poked and prodded Kian for a good twenty odd seconds before sitting back down.

"You have to suck chocolate sauce off Kian's fingers, all ten of them."


"Ten fingers Kian, don't be such a little bitch and let me prepare the chocolate sauce."

Jc drowned out Kian's complaints and set about pouring lashings of chocolate sauce across the ten fingers. Was I regretting my decision to let Jc decide? He knew exactly what he was doing to the fangirls who watched the channel.

"There we go my lady have at it then."

The sauce dripped from Kian's fingers as I analysed the best angle to get minimal chocolate sauce on my face and body.

"Maybe get on your knees, that way the excess will drip into your mouth Alice."

I cocked an eyebrow at Kian who winked back at me. He knew how to make any situation sound dirty.

"I'll get behind the camera like the director. Act as if I'm not here guys."

Jc stood up and took his placed behind the camera. I shook my head.

"Wow let's just turn this into a full out production then."

I got off the chair and onto my knees, but not in a dirty perverted way. More like the best position to suck chocolate sauce off my friend's fingers.

"Three, two, one action!"

I ignored Jc and put Kian's first finger in my mouth, his entire body stiffened as I sucked it in and out between my lips. I supposed it wasn't every day that a girl sucked chocolate sauce off his fingers in such an intimate fashion and on camera for millions to see.

"Get a room you two, nine fingers to go. Kian put away that boner man."

"Shut up Jc!"

I removed the first finger and stared at Jc before flipping him off. Kian chuckled as I set about sucking the remaining nine fingers. It didn't take too long before I got into the rhythm and picked up the pace. Jc continued to make dirty remarks throughout the video for entertainment purposes. Once I'd sucked the sauce off it was the boys turn. Both of them decided to lick the sauce off both of my cheeks at the same time. It was a bizarre way to end a pretty bizarre video. But would I film with Kian and Jc again? The answer was yes.

The guys let me wash my face, and I had to change my top because chocolate sauce had dripped down my tank top. We chatted for a bit before I got a frantic call off Lily, saying that Joe had been to see her and had asked her out after she finished her shift and that she was nervous. I calmed her down and assured her that Joe liked her personality so she shouldn't pretend to be someone she wasn't just to impress him.

I then got a call off Caspar telling me that Joe had rung him for the same reasons that Lily had called me. So we hatched a plan. Joe had told Caspar where he was taking lily and it happened to be a little restaurant where youtubers went because we didn't get hassled by fans. I was going to pick Caspar up and the two of us were going to do some old fashioned spying on our two best friends. It was maybe wrong of us but Lily and Joe were nervous and we needed to make sure things went right for them.

"So we'll upload the videos on the tenth of next month. It was awesome seeing you both but now I have to go and spy on my brothers first date with Caspar. Bye."

I hugged both Kian and Jc and they said goodbye but not before mentioning a youtuber party being held next week which me, Joe and Caspar were invited to. It was at their house because they'd only just moved in. I would definitely be there because I loved a good party and youtubers had a reputation for throwing insane parties.

Alice Sugg (Zoella/Danisnotonfire) Book 3: TTS Trilogy *COMPLETED* #wattys2016Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ