Comming Home to Chaos

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America pulls into the driveway and immediately realizes something is wrong. It's quiet... Too quiet. America parks her car and gets out of the vehicle, gently closing the door behind her. She walks up to the porch and opens the front door.

As she enters the house she hears two things, the fire alarm going off and mischievous laughter coming from above her. Looking up she spots Florida swinging on the chandelier. Kicking off her shoes she holds out her arms just as Florida loses his grip on the chandelier.

He falls into her arms, with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey mom, how was work?" He asks casually, as if America didn't just save him from a hospital trip.

"Work was good." America replies, setting him down. He immediately runs off to probably cause more chaos.

Closing the door she walks further into the house, she enters the kitchen her mouth dropping open slightly at the massive fire destroying everything in sight.

She quickly moves to the hall closet nearby and grabs a class B fire extinguisher, starting from far away she starts spraying it at the flames, slowly moving closer to the burning stove, where the source of the fire is.

Once the main fire is extinguished she looks across the room and spots both California and Oregon on fire. Delaware is about to dump water on them.

"Wait no!" America shouts, Delaware stops what he is doing, looking at her confused America explains while dropping the fire extinguisher.

"It was a grease fire, adding water will make it worse, go get a heavy blanket. Delaware rushes out of the room. America turns to her states on fire.

"Stop drop and roll, remember?" California stops waving her arm which is on fire, and throws herself onto the ground beginning to roll around.

Oregon is a human torch and is just standing there sighing and slowly lowers himself onto the ground. Delaware returns and throws the blanket onto both of them effectively smothering the fire. Once everything is under control the fire alarm stops going off abruptly making America's ears ring.

Moving on to the dining room she finds Texas, Montana and Wyoming having a standoff, nerf guns drawn with matching southern attire.

She finally notices Idaho playing dead on the ground, he is laying in a very dramatic position, one hand over his brow and the other clutching his chest.

Picking up his nerf guns America joins the trio's standoff, firing two foam bullets at Wyoming and Montana, as soon as they are hit both fall dramatically to the ground and lay in positions much like Idaho's.

Laughing America turns her attention to Texas who fires a bullet at America who dodges it. She fires another bullet at Texas knocking off her hat. Texas manages to fire another shot and hits America right in the stomach.

Following what the other two did, America slowly and dramatically falls to the floor making sure to take her time "dying". Texas rolls her eyes, and begins picking up the nerf guns and foam bullets, the others join her.

America gets up and goes to the living room where screaches can be heard. She reaches her destination just as a pillow comes flying out of the doorway. America sidesteps dodging the pillow as she enters the room.

Unlike the other two rooms, this one is complete chaos. Maine and South Dakota are playing the floor is lava, and are throwing pillows at Vermont and Virginia who are running around like headless chickens trying to dodge them.

Hearing hysterical laughter coming from above her, America looks up only to find herself gazing at North Dakota and Oklahoma hanging into the ceiling fan which is on the highest setting.

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