Suzuki: We're here.

Miyasono: Everyone we're back!

Their group started to come out the first two were students named Aoyama Nozomi, and Momosaki kazumi.

Aoyama: Thank god you two are safe!

Momosaki: Did u guys find any food yet?

Suzuki: Sorry we couldn't because we were attack by giant bugs.

?: Don't apologize, i am just glad you guys are back alive.

More came out, students named Usui Kyou.

?: What's all that noise?

Then a tall student came out, his name is Minowa takeshi, he is from the judo club and one more is a teacher named Chuujou Marika. 

Marika: So this is everyone? [She notices the spears] Why are you all holding spears and weapons?

Kai: Well these are for just only when we go out to protect ourselves.

Marika: I see. Who is the current ring leader of this group?

David: Ma'am so far we do not have a leader but i have been helping my friends survive out, here, we have called for help and the military confirmed and will send help within 4 days.

Marika: Within 4 days? Very well, you must the the transfer student. Mr l/n yes?

David: Well its not just us, we also have a few more classmates from school guarding our current home for the next few days, we have also build a wall with nothing but wood to keep the animals out.

Aoyama: A wall, how did you even build that by yourself?

Anthony: He did not build it by himself we all took part.

Marika: Is this true Mr l/n? 

David: Yes. We are offering you to come with us, if you want. 

Marika's group turned to her for judgement.

Marika: We will come with you, we will help u until rescue comes in exchange for food if you have any.

Anthony: Quick question, when was the last time you guys took a shower or used the bathroom at all?

Minowa: Probably before we got on the plane.

Kai: Well good news we also have a shower and bathroom, to sweeten the deal.

Marika's group faces lite up when they heard about the opportunity to get clean, the group agreed to come with them.

David: Make sure you guys get your phones or any personal stuff before we leave and hurry because the sun is going down.

They went and got their stuff but then they heard something in the water, something scaly, it cut through the water like paper, everyone eventually hurried, but when they came back outside, they saw it coming out of the water. It was an Alligator but not any type of alligator, This one it was 20 ft long, and its coming out of its home.

Usui: [Scared] Is that an alligator?!

Minowa: [Scared] Look at the size of that thing!

David: Quick eveyone out of the swampland! 

They eventually ran but seen more alligators and crocodiles coming out of the swamp. Oribe then looks up.

Oribe: Everyone climb into the trees!

They made their way up but miyasono slipped and fell into the water, anthony went back down to pulled her back up, but one of the crocodiles are getting close miyasono grabs a nearby stick and bonk one of the crocs on their snouts forcing them to back off. Anthony grabbed her and pulled her onto his back as he climb up with her.

But now they are stuck in the trees.

Usui: What now?! We are stuck up here with the crocs and gators waiting for one of us to fall in their mouths!

Oribe then notices the vines and branches.

Oribe: Wait, do guys see those branches and vines? Lets use those to swing across from tree to tree, and then once we are out of the swamp, we can make our way back before the sun goes down.

Naruse: She's right! Its like how monkeys do it to get around faster.

They use this technique to escape once they are about to get out david vine snap and he fell into the water. 

Oribe: Dave!

David resurfaces.

David: I'm fine! You are almost out of here, i'll climb back up!

He makes his way to the trees but then then a Alligator sneaks behind him and when he hears the gator he turns around and pulls out the spear as the alligator is about to bite.

David: Back you filthy reptile!

The gator Hisses at him and gets closer. Just then suddenly Naruse jumps down and stabs the gator in the nose and runs to David.

Naruse: Hurry climb!

They both climb back up as the alligator struggles to get the spear out of its nose, they get back up in the trees, and rejoin the others.

Naruse: [Concerned] Are you alright? 

David: [Breathing heavily] Yes, thank you.

They all get out of the swamp and back to the Safehouse, when they got there...

Mirka: Is this supposed to be a wall?

Anthony: It may not be bigger than the wall of china but's it stable enough to be a wall. Nothing's perfect.

Suzuki: At least its very tall.

Momosaki: I don't care if its big or small as long as nothing can get in, i am happy.

They went inside the building, happy to be around people, and have power.

Marika: Well done, i think we could hold out in here for more than 4 days.

Miyasono: I hope its not too much to ask, but can we use your showers?

Anthony: Sure, you guys look like you definitely need one.

Marika group: Thank You so much! 

They made their way to the showers. David then see Akira moving perfectly on two legs again.

Akira: Thanks to you guys, i am back on my feet again.

David: That's good, just make sure really 100 percent ready. 

Akira: Yeah.

Now that more are added and the son is going down, they started to gain morality.

To be continued. 

Island of Ark (Kyochuu Rettou Fanfiction) Oc insertsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora