late night drives (fluff)

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(help i am so scared but excited for vol 2 tomorrow 😭😭)

"Fuck holy shit! Nono, no! Steve run, please!" Eddie yelled in his sleep, tossing and turning around in bed. This caused Steve, who was sleeping beside him, to panic and instantly wake up. He turned towards Eddie trying to shake him awake the best he could. This was the third night in a row that this has happened, but Steve wasn't mad or bothered at all. "Hun I'm right here, please wake up." Steve shook him with a little more force as he spoke.

  Eddie finally woke up, sweating and panting. He looked at Steve and as soon as they made eye contact and he saw Steve's caring expression he couldn't hold back. He began to sob and Steve just held him, trying to calm him down by whispering sweet things into his ear and gently rubbing his arm.
Eddie has been having nightmares almost every night since they killed Vecna. Yeah, Vecna may have died months ago but the traumatic memories are still there. Luckily, Eddie has Steve to comfort him. Steve is the only person who's able to.
"Thank you, Steve." Eddie said, sniffling. He had finally calmed down for the most part. "Of course, baby. I love you so much, I just want you to be okay." They smile at each other lovingly. Then Steve suddenly gasps and sits up. "I have an idea." Eddie jumps at the sudden movement then furrows his eyebrows giving a confused look. What could Steve possibly be thinking, especially this late at night?

Steve got up and held his hand out for Eddie to grab. "Don't worry about getting dressed, just come with me. Please? I think I know how to make you feel better.", Eddie took his hand and stood up. "Steve I already feel better." He replied, smiling.

Steve shook his head, "Well yea but I mean like, I wanna make you feel even better." They both put on shoes and while Eddie was putting his on Steve went to quickly look for his car keys. When Eddie walked out of the room, Steve grabbed his hand and guided him out of his house and opened the passenger door to his car. "C'mon, get in." Eddie gave him a confused look but still got in the car. When they got in Eddie asked "Uh, where are we going?" To which Steve looked at him with a smile and replied, "Nowhere really. Just sit back and enjoy this. It's gonna be fun, I promise."
Steve opened the glove compartment and pulled out a CD that contained all of Eddie's favorite songs. Eddie looked at him, smiling so wide his teeth were showing. His eyes were sparkling. He always gets overly happy when it comes to music. Steve smiled back, thinking to himself about how adorable Eddie is.
He began to drive, "Still Loving You" by Scorpions playing in the background. Eddie stared at him as he drove, admiring his every feature. His hair, eyes, nose, lips, neck, the way he still looked attractive when focused on the road. Eddie's so in love it's almost miserable.

A few minutes later the radio is turned up to full volume and Steve is driving a lot faster than before. He could since no one else was out this late. Both boys laugh and sing along to the music, feeling nothing but love and pure happiness. Eddie got two pairs of funny looking pink sunglasses from the back seat and he and Steve both put a pair on.
They switched to the regular mainstream radio now, and start screaming along to "Girls Just Want To Have Fun." when it comes on. Anyone around most likely woke up from all the noise outside but neither Steve or Eddie really care, all they care about in this moment is each other and the stupid song.
After the song starts to end, Eddie reaches over to turn the radio down so he can speak. "Thank you for this, sweetheart. You were right, this made me feel even better. I think I really wanna do this more often if that's okay. I'm having a lot of fun."
  Steve replies, love somehow heard in his voice "Oh yeah of course! This is no problem, I'm having a lot of fun too. Yes we can do this more often. I just love making you happy, Eddie." Eddie smiles at him and turns the radio back up. 

Steve continues to drive for about thirty minutes before turning around to drive back home, and when he looks over he sees that Eddie is asleep. His heart flutters, wishing he could take a picture. Eddie looks so peaceful and cute. 
When they get home and Eddie's still asleep Steve decides he doesn't want to make him wake up because of how damn peaceful he looks. After he parks he gets out and opens Eddie's car door. He very slowly picks him up, being careful to not wake him. Steve is fairly strong so he's able to carry him inside. He sets Eddie on the bed and takes off his shoes, then sits down to take off his own. As he's doing this, he hears Eddie groan in his sleep. Scared that he woke him up he quickly looks back but sighs in relief when Eddie is still lying there, sleeping like a baby.

Steve gets in bed and covers them both with the blanket, still being careful to not wake his lover. He almost falls asleep as well but his eyes shoot open when he feels something grabbing him. He calms down once he realizes it's Eddie grabbing him in his sleep. He smiles, letting Eddie hold him. He plays with the other boys hair until he also falls asleep himself. There are definitely more late night drives to come.

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