?friends with benefits?

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I wake up in a warm bed and cool room with the golden sun shining in through the window. For a brink of a moment I wonder where I am. "This is not my room" I think. I push myself up and onto my elbows when I see him sitting there. "Ooh, right." I think. He looks over to me. "Oh, so you woke up", he says. I grin and rub my eyes sleepily. "Feeelixx, can you bring me a glass of water pleassee" I ask of him. Way too lazy and comfy to stand up and get it myself. He sighs, but ends up getting it anyway. I smile at him brightly when he hands the glass over to me. "Thank youu." "You're welcome" he gives a slight smile. I put the glass on the night stand after taking a few big sips. "You know what's best after waking up from a nap?" I ask him and only moments later I pull him in by his waist and he falls onto his bed. I giggle and he laughs. "Cuddles?" he asks. "Ding ding ding!!!- that's correct." He rolls his eyes but a smile is plastered on his face. "What were you working on?" I ask him. " Just some research on an article I'm writing at the moment about aeroplane mechanics for this discord server I'm in." he answers. God. I love when he is being nerdy like that. "UuuUuUhh, sounds interesting. Tell me more about it?" "So, to put it simply, I am looking at what innovative aerodynamic forms there are which could make travelling with a plane more environmentally friendly and also get you to your destiny faster. There are a few ideas out there already that could work, but every one of them has an issue that comes with it as well. Too heavy, too complicated to engineere etc. There is just a lot that we have to take into account" I was actually interested and gained knowledge everytime he spoke. You know mansplaining? It can be sooo annoying. But he is a man explaining something, he is not mansplaining. It's not the same, you don't feel like he's putting you down in any way when he talks. He isn't completely unproblematic, but I like him... That's how love also sort of works, right? No one is perfect.
This might come as a shock but we aren't a couple. Both of us just don't feel like putting that official label on what we have. We don't think we could marry each other, but we do feel attraction to each other. Just a nice teenage love to gain some experience and fulfill our romantic and... also sexual needs. For me personally, the romantic aspect is something I crave sometimes, but I don't want to commit to anyone. Especially because I know I get bored of love connections easily. We are just also both too busy and focused on ourselves. See, he is a very active nerd, I'm a social butterfly as well as invested in local activism. It's like we're a couple,, but more aware of how it'll probably end sometime. Lust, attraction, excitement and some love will fade. We'll grow out of it and maybe even meet someone else.

The bell rings and I am suddenly sent back to reality from my daydreams.
This is... what I would want to have, if I knew a guy who would be willing to join me and would be able to satisfy my needs. I think it would be fun...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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