A day date downtown <3

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18th October 2022

It's so important to nourish relationships, create memories and collect experiences with another person to build a bond

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It's so important to nourish relationships, create memories and collect experiences with another person to build a bond. Being in different life-situations together helps you get go know each other better; how are they when rushed? happy? frustrated? hungry? relaxed? How do they treat others and behave in certain moments? Trust is established, comfort felt, love found. Also discovering small things that vary in everyone such as their favourite desert and memorize those, take notes on them and get an impression of their persona. Share valuable time. For some it is their live language, quality-time.
A date.

It was a sunny-cloudy, cool day. I texted him good morning and he responded. I asked wheter he had anything planned for the day and he didn't. So I suggested going downtown together, he liked the idea and agreed to it.
Some time later I was ready and as always he was late. I am not the most punctual either , about 5 minutes late always but he is late 15-20 minute EVERY TIME... a human flaw he has. So i decided to walk towards his apartment, not too far from mine, and waited in front of it. Soon he managed to come down as well. I jumped at him with a hug and we complimented each other's outfits. We both liked fashion and dressing up. There was always something to talk about with him and we never got bored of each other. We were walking to the train station. A habit of mine is hooking myself into the other persons arm when walking- it gives me a sense of security and belonging. I balanced on a beam and he held my hand. At the end it looked a little higher up and he helped me jump down, catching me.
Shortly after buying the tickets, the train arrived and we walked in, he doesn't like sitting backwards the driving direction because it makes him feel dizzy, sick; so I quickly take that seat making him sit in the seat in front of me. On the way we talked about our spiritual growth and how we thought that we knew it all a year ago but noticed now that we truly never stop growing. "I always that I had it all figured out, knew all but the past year I really did learn a lot more. I never was completely wrong with my perspectives and opinions but I didn't knew how to handle them correctly. For example I always thought my right was right and I had a hard time understanding and accepting that others might have different perceptions of right and wrong." he said. We always listened to each other, not once interrupting disrespectfully, nor looking at or phones, any kind of distraction. We were really into the conversation. Later on I shared something "Honestly, before I even had some time where I thought I was better than everyone else and worth more. I think it was a sort of extremeness that comes after big insecurity but now I really understand how everyone is equal in worth. Everyone truly tries their best, even Psychopaths think that what they're doing isn't wrong."
These kind of exchanges continued all day long.
After some time we arrived at our destination. Exiting the train I said "You know I don't know these places. I rarely come here. You are our navigation here." He laughed "I got this...wait do we go out on the left or right" "it's left, come on even I know that. This happens every time we come here. You never know which way we need to go" I smile and drag him lightly.
"I'm kinda hungryy" I whine. "What you wanna eat?" He asked me. "Hmm. I don't know, nothing in particular in mind. You choose, I don't mind. I've also become less picky with food too sooo" I answered. "How come?" he wondered. "I don't quite know but I think it's part of me growing up..." I gave away. "Omg so relatable. I wouldn't eat any vegetables when I was younger. Like any at all. It was bad." he laughed. "How about pan-fried noodles?" he suggested. "Ohh yesss. OH and I want spring rolls." I said. I ordered because he's kind of socially uncomfortable. I usually am too but with friends around I get a weird sense of confidence-boost. Usually I am the one that orders for the group, does the talking; a social butterfly some might say.

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