Celebration :)

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After 3 weeks, it finally came, the day this year's school ended, making every student excited for next year or to just get out of school.

Once last period arrived, Dreamery walked to Mrs. Louse room to stay there for the rest of the period, well at least he thought he would.

One simple knock did the trick and she opened to door to see Dreamery, "Hello there! What made you visit me?" She asked, Dreamery ignore and made his way inside onto the pillows, near a dinosaur plushie that he decided to name Frankie.

She sighed and said something Dreamery didnt expect, "Listen, I know you want to stay but not today Dreamery, I'm really busy and I think it's better if you spend it with your classmates, alright?" Those words made him sit up automatically.

Before Dreamery could say something, he was lead out the door but given stickers and the dinosaur plush as a gift.

As he entered the class and apologized to Mr. Smith on being late, he walked towards Fundy and Techno and sat closely near Fundy.

They talked for a while till they decided to join the truth or dare game with the entire class while the teacher did his work.

As everyone took turns, Dreamery always denied going since he was shy to speak or talk to anyone other than Techno and Fundy.

When it reached Niki's turn, she had other thoughts in mind.. "Dreamery, truth or dare!" She said, making everyone look at him.

He didnt know what to say, it's the first time he was called on and being too shy to say something truthful about himself, he said dare, "well, I dare you to smack a sticker on your favorite people in this class!"

Dreamery was relieved and stood up to look around, some kids were waiting while other eager to know if it will be them, Dreamery quickly ran towards Techno and slap a smile sticker on his face, then walking towards Fundy and gently put it on his arm.

As the announcements came on, the students were dismissed and left to wait for the bus, for their car or walked home, tho, Dreamery had other thoughts in mind.

He ran out the school and bolted towards his favorite person.

As the kid only had a millisecond to turn around, he was pushed onto the ground into a hug, he looked up and saw Dreamery which made him laugh, making some kids look at them with a judge expression.

"Sapnap!" Yelled Dreamery, Sapnap laughed through it and replied, "Dream!" As both boy stood up, Sapnap gave him a orange bracelet that he called 'Friendship Bracelet' since he had a green one.

Both boys spend the rest of their dismissal together since Sapnap was changing schools next year due to bullying, making Dreamery upset.

As they talked, a tall like demon human came up to them, making Sapnap jolt up and hug it before introducing them to Dreamery.

"Dreamery, this is my dad! Bad! His full name is actually Darryl Bad-Lucifer" he said, Dreamery said hello and watched his best friend leave, making him tear up.

As he headed towards Phil's car, Techno asked what happened but Dreamery said nothing instead kept it to himself, he hugged Frankie and looked out the window the entire time.
(Frankie is a dinosaur plushie that Sapnap gave him)

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