Playgrounds arent fun.

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TW!Bullying, Name calling, and telling someone to end themselves.

"School.? What's that?" Asked Dreamery, getting up from his bed after Techno woken him up for School.

Techno grabbed his backpack and looked at the masked kid, "Its a place to learn for when we are older, I'll help you get around the school, let's get you patched up, Phil made us our lunch for later!" Techno smiled, Dreamery sleepily smiled and walked towards the drawer to get clothes.

Techno tied his shoes and looked up to see Dreamery wearing a green hoodie, a black turtle neck shirt underneath and jeans, he got down to slip his sneakers on and waited for the other to finish.

"Ready?" Smiled Techno, Dreamery nodded and they left the house to enter the car where Phil and Wilbur where already.

Before they arrived to school, Wilbur noticed Dreamery was trembling.

"Woah, you alright mate?" Asked Wilbur, Dreamery looked to the ground, "I'm nervous.. what if my mask gets wet?! Or what if it falls off!" He replied in a panic.

Wilbur looked at the back of the car and saw Phil had boxes in the back that were empty, he grabbed one, pulled out a large sharpie and draw a smile face on it and made 2 small unnoticeable holes so he can see, then handed it to the nervouse boy.

"Here, wear this instead, they dont mind us covering our face as long as we have a reason too." Mumbled Wilbur, Dreamery's eyes widen under his paper mask, he grabbed the box, placed it on his head and hugged Wilbur.

As they made it to school, all 3 of them suddenly got stopped by the principal, and hushed them over to her.

"So, who's this new fella?" She replied softly, Wilbur looked at Techno, and Techno looked at him back, "He's Dreamery Mrs. Louse, He is new here and I was wondering if we can have the same classes since he is extremely shy" replied Techno.

Mrs. Louse smiled and faced her direction to the computer for what felt like 5 minutes, until she stood up and went towards the printer and handed a sheet of paper to Dreamery, "these are your classes, they're the same as Technoblades." She replied humbly, Dreamery nodded and walked with Techno to class.

As they entered the 8 students turned their attention towards Dreamery, making the dirty blonde nervous.

The teacher looked at them and frowned, "Who's that?!" She spat, not having any manners towards both of them.

Techno rolled his eyes and just pulled Dreamery next to him to his desk, which led to the teacher go on her computer to search him up.

"Techno.?" Mumbled Dreamery, Techno turned to him, "yeah? You alright?" He replied with a faint smile, Dreamery shacked his head side to side as if saying no, "I'm scared. What if she hates me! What if I make zero friends here!" Replied Dreamery, in a shaky tone.

"Well-" began Techno, only to get cut off by 2 boys, "My boy Blade! Why are you talking to this freak?" Said one of the boys, who had blonde hair and was wearing a real gold necklace and fancy clothing, obviously showing he is rich.

"Hey! be nice. This is my canonical brother." Snapped Techno, the boy snickered at that, making the other boy laugh aswel.

"Shut up Furry." Laughed slightly Techno, making the 2nd boy stop laughing, "OH SHUT UP!" He spat, making the teacher yell at them to lower their voices.

Techno looked at Dreamery and introduced his 2 friends, "Dreamery, these are Punz and Fundy, they are my best friends, Punz and Fundy, this is Dreamery, my canonical brother." Fundy pulled his hand out for Dreamery, attempting to gain his trust.

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