Chapter 21: A Duel Ill-Advised

Start from the beginning

Then Grim says, "Ah, good, you're already up."

Then Ace, Decue, and the others walk in. Ace and Deuce are both wearing their dorm uniforms.

Determined, Ace says, "Today's the big duel! Let's DO this thing."

"Oh um, sure," Briar replies. "Just give us a few minutes to get dressed."

"Yeah yeah," Ace says.

A little time later, after everyone is dressed and have their breakfast. As they walk down Main Street, Briar is still deep in thought about the duel Ace and Deuce have against Riddle at the Heartslabyul Dorm. Along with the incident from yesterday at the unbirthday Party, the strange aura Riddle has around his body, his magepen turning black, and the strange black ooze. She has to wonder, what in the world is going on.

Suddenly, Briar hears the sounds of more dripping, and begins to clenches her head in pain again. Unknown to Briar, more droplets of black ooze fall to the floor and they fuse together to create an even bigger puddle.

"Briar, are you alright?" Sereia's voice asks.

Briar looks down to see Sereia and Trinket looking at Briar in concern.

Deuce asks, "Are you getting the headache again?

"I'm not sure. I don't know what's going on," Briar says.

"Maybe after the duel, we'll take you to see the office, if it gets any worse by then," Deuce says.

"Alright," Briar says.

The group continues to walk towards the mirror hall where they'll be heading to Heartslabyul Dorm.

Sometime later, at the Heartslabyul Dorm's Rose Maze, word has gone around about Deuce and Ace's challenge against Riddle, which spread like wildfire. With that, all the students of the dorm are talking about it.

One of the Heartslabyul Students says to the group, "Did you hear? They say someone's challenged Housewarden Rosehearts to a duel!"

Then the other student says in shock, "Riddle Rosehearts? Seriously?! Whoever it is has gotta be outta his mind. Riddle will have his head off in five seconds flat."

The third student says, and is actually excited, "Still, it's the first challenge since Rosehearts took power. I'm pumped!"

Meanwhile, Cater and Trey are having a conversation of their own.

Cater asks in shock, "You're saying Ace and Deuce are challenging Riddle for the housewarden's seat?! Please tell me you're kidding.

"I tried to stop 'em," Trey says, feeling regretful.

"Of all the stupid ideas... I just hope this doesn't make everything worse," Cater says, growing deeply concern,

Trey feels the same, "You and me both."

Later on, the challenge Ace and Deuce vs. Riddle is about to begin, Briar and the others of the Ramshackle Dorm and the student body of the Heartslabyul Dorm are at the rose garden maze that has been made into a battlefield.

Crowley announces, "We are about to commence two challenges for the housewarden position at Heartslabyul House. The first challenger is Ace Trappola. The second challenger is Deuce Spade. The current housewarden they have challenged is Riddle Rosehearts. Now, in accordance with the duel rules, please remove the magic-sealing collars as they would provide an unfair disadvantage."

Soon, the collar has been removed from Ace and Deuce's neck.

Ace is more than relieved, "Ah! FINALLY, the dumb collar is off!"

"Enjoy your moment of freedom. The collar will be back on soon enough. I could hardly believe it when I heard you two intended to duel me. Is this a joke?" Riddle replies with a serious smirk on his face.

Ace crosses his arms and sternly asks, "Do I look like I'm joking?"

"I'd never propose a duel as a joke," Deuce replies.

"Hmph. Have it your way. Let us get this over with," Riddle says, feeling pretty confident about it.

Cater walks to Riddle and asks, "Uh, Riddle, what do you want to do about today's afternoon tea?"

But Riddle answers, "A foolish question. You know that the rules stipulate I take my tea every day at 4 p.m. sharp."

"It's just that it's already past 3:30..." Cater explains.

But Riddle interrupts him, "And you fear that I will be late? All the more reason to end this promptly. It appears I have little time to waste. Rather than facing my opponents in succession, I will take on both at once.

Just then, the students cheer, "You can do it, Housewarden! Knock 'em dead, sir!"

Trey however isn't saying a word and worried about the results.

Briar and the others are not too pleased with the dorm students' chanting. Ace and Deuce feel the same.

Deuce angrily says, "Cowards."

Then Grim says, "Myah. I got a bad feelin' about this."

"Hey, at least we got a plan!" Ace says.

"I suppose you're right, but um," Briar says, sounding skeptical.

Noticing it, Ace asks, "What's up with you, Briar? You've been acting very weird since yesterday."

"I'm.... not sure. I don't know, but I can't get this feeling that either you win the duel or not, something terrible is going to happen. I don't know why, but I feel that something is wrong with Riddle," Briar says, very concerned.

"Besides his attitude," Ace replies.

"I didn't say this to you yesterday, but was planning on letting Crowley know after the duel, but I've noticed that something's off with the gemstone on Riddle's magepen," Briar explains.

"Off? What do you mean?" Tanzanite asks.

Then Briar explains, "During the tea party yesterday, I... uh, noticed that the gem on Riddle's pen is starting to become black, and some black ooze is seeping out of it. And yesterday, I saw a frightening aura around Riddle."

"You witnessed all that?" Deuce asks, shocked.

Briar nods her head in reply.

"I wonder if that is the cause of your headache," Tanzanite replies.

"That would be weird," Jasper says.

Just then, Ace says, "Briar, didn't you experience the same head pains back in the mines."

That is when the others remember the incident at the mines when the monster attacked then, and how Briar has the same kind of headache and clenching her head in pain, and said that she senses negative energy.

"You think Briar is experiencing the same thing, but it might have something to do with Riddle," Sereia replies.

"It seems possible given what Briar explains," Tanzanite says.

"But what does it mean?" Jasper asks.

"I'm not sure," Briar says.

Then Ace says, "I think you should tell the principal about this after the challenge, just watch as we wipe the floor with Riddle's face."

"Okay, but please be careful guys," Briar says.

Ace and Deuce nod their heads.

Then Briar turns to the other, "Come on guys, let's go join up with Crowley until the duel is over."

Everyone nods their heads and the group head off to where Crowley and the other students are. Soon, Ac and Deuce are facing Riddle by themselves and Riddle is standing alone.

Riddle then says, "Headmage, please give us the signal."

"When the mirror I've thrown shatters upon the ground, that is your signal to begin," Crowley says.

Then calls out, "Ready... Go!"

With that, the mirror has been thrown by Crowley and shatters into the ground, and so the challenge begins between Ace and Deuce, battling against Riddle.

Twisted Wonderland Book 1: The Rose-Red TyrantWhere stories live. Discover now