Chapter 1 - Healing What's Hurt

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Tw- Fighting, blood, use of knifes

Also, if any of that triggers you, then don't worry, I will put a summary of the chapter at the end so you can still know what happened.
3rd person POV - focusing on Mk
Mk starts towards his apartment, not fully understanding where he was at.

"What time is it?" he mumbled, checking his phone. 9:51 PM. 'Did I really sleep that long?'

He looked around, realizing he actually had no idea where he was at. He went to the 'Maps' app and typed in 'Pigsy's Noodles' to the search bar, then started to go where it told him to go. Almost three-quarters of the way back, he had already been in the city for quite a while now. He could tell that someone was watching him. He turns around, checking to make sure nobody was there.

He went to go check in an alley, but as he went to see in it, he was pinned against the wall, someone choking him with two hands. He quickly tensed up his neck so he would have more time to escape. A while ago in the past, he was taught how to escape that, but he couldn't remember the exact steps, and treated it like it was a one-handed choke. This, obviously, was not fit for the job, and he noticed that soon. In response, he took out his staff and tried to push it against the opponent's torso.

He realized he didn't know who his opponent was, so he looked up and realized that it was Macaque. He took one hand off his throat, and used it to start punching Mk. Mk started to feel dizzy, he couldn't breathe easily, and his face started to get red. Macaque used his free hand to take out a small dagger, then stuck it in Mk's side. He took it out, then waited for Mk to pass out from not breathing. It didn't take too long, and once it did happen, he let go of his neck and let him fall. He then cleaned off his knife, then disappeared into the shadows, leaving Mk just sitting on the concrete, partially in the alley and partially on the sidewalk.

3rd person POV - focusing on Red son

After a long and dreadful wait, Red son was finally able to start going to meet Mk. So, he opened his window as quietly as possible, then climbed out. He then left a small opening in the window so he could get back in later. He started towards Mk's apartment, and on the way there, he noticed an alley with someone lying on the ground. At first he ignored it, but then he saw the bright red bandanna on the ground, and realized who it was and why he didn't recognize him. It was Mk, and he hadn't noticed this at first because he wasn't used to seeing his hair down.

"Noodle boy? What are you doing?" he asked, walking towards his body. As he got closer, he realized that there was a moderately large puddle of mostly dried blood on the ground. He immediately started looking for the cut, and once he found it, he moved him, making sure that the cut wasn't in a position that would make him lose more blood.

He looked around for possible stuff to help it, but the only thing he could use that might help was Mk's dirty bandanna that could get the wound infected. "He'd probably want to keep his bandanna," he said to himself, putting it in his pocket. He slipped his arms underneath Mk's knees and back, then he picked him up, carrying him bridal style. He started to run as fast as he could in a way that wouldn't hurt Mk.

'Why am I doing this? Mk is my enemy,' he thought. Eventually, after what felt like forever, he made it to Pigsy's Noodles, and shifted Mk onto one arm as he used the other for climbing. He eventually got to the part where Mk had almost fallen off earlier, then he set Mk down. Luckily, the window was open. He grabbed Mk, hoping he wouldn't fall. Then, he brought him through the window and set him down on Mk's bed.

"Stay here, Noodle brain, I'm going get medical supplies," he told him. 'His apartment is very messy.'  "I am not going to be able to find anything in this mess," he complained, as he took the handkerchief out of his pocket. After a bit of searching, he found the kitchen and started to thoroughly clean the handkerchief as fast as he could. Once it was disinfected, he went back to Mk and started to clean his wound.

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