Chapter 2- Kakariko village

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Revali (POV)

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping. 'Thats probably the best sleep I've gotten in forever.' I thought.

I looked around to see everyone else was still asleep but I knew they would be up soon. I looked to my left only to see link right next to me.

I looked down at his face. He looked so tired. The bags under his eyes were very noticeable. He also had horrible bedhead.

As I was looking at him he started to wake up. It was quite early but I guess I should've expected as much. He looked up at me and gave a tired smile.

Ever since he saved my soul I felt horrid about the way I treated him before. He was just doing his job and I was just jealous. When he saved me yesterday... I sorta just needed to say something, ANYTHING to him. He was kind to me. I need to make things right. Maybe him and I could spend some time together?

"Goodmorning link. You sleep alright?" He nodded and then pointed at me "Yes I did. Uhm by the by I was wondering, if you wanted to, would you perhaps like to-" I was cut off with daruk getting up from his slumber rather loudly. I internally cursed at him.

"Oh hey little guy! Hi revali!" I looked over at link who was smiling very wide. I knew he loved daruk. He always looked up to him 100 years ago. 'Wow im old...' I thought.

After that everyone woke up and we decided to be on our way. I wished I could fly. I wouldn't leave them behind I would just fly around for a bit. But my stupid wing is burned so thats out of the question.

It took us around and hour to get to the sheika village and when we did people were gossiping like crazy. Link was in front of us the whole time as a sort of protection.

While walking some little kid came up to link. "Link link! Can we pleeeease play together!!!" I expected him to ignore her or something but he kneeled down to her level "Sorry cottla maybe later?" She groaned "Okay fineeee bye link!" She said running off again. "AWE link you have a play buddy!" Zelda exclaimed. He rubbed the back of him neck embarrassed.

We walked up to the biggest building into the whole village. There were two guards standing there. "Link! Its good to see you again and... are these the champions?!" He exclaimed looking at everyone panicked. "Yes sorry dorian but we need to see impa." He nodded understanding and let us through.

When we got to the front link took a big breath before opening the double doors. He looked at impa who was smiling "Good job link. I knew you could-" she paused and looked around "Whats this? The champions?! Whats going on?" "We were hoping you would know. Link tapped this bubble of light and they just... appeared." Impa was looking increasingly confused but then smiled "I think that their duty from 100 years ago made them stay in spirit inside the beasts. Now that it is finally fulfilled they could come back. But whatever the reason..." she got up and walked to us "Im glad to see my friends again."

The whole village threw a party that night and people from all over came. Everyone was thanking Zelda and began to recognize her as there new queen. I watched from atop a hill staring down at everyone happily. I relized that I didnt see a certain hero of hyrule.

I got up and started looking around for him. Thats when I decided to look over by the entrance. Just as I thought he was there swinging his sword around. When I stepped on a branch he spun around and jabbed his sword at me. I was too far away for him to hit but he still ran over to me, a concerned look on his face.

"Link what are you doing here? Your should be over with everyone else." He looked down "Guarding." I sighed. "Come now everyone is perfectly safe. Let's go back in." He shook his head refusing. "You know there are other entrances don't you?" He nodded and started walking away back into the village.

I thought that maybe I got into his thick skull and he was going to enjoy his party but instead he went up a hill. I groaned and followed him.

He lead me to where a shrine was. He went over to the cliff and sat down letting his feet dangle. "Now you're keeping watch? Link you must enjoy yourself just a little?" "Why don't you?" He suddenly asked me looking up. I huffed. "Fine if your staying here I will too." He looked at my face suspiciously "No. Go enjoy yourself." I put my qing to the bridge of my beak "No. Not if you wont." He sighed and looked out to the party below.

After a while of silence I heard him huff. I looked over at him and saw he was attempting to blow loose hairs out of his face. He failed. Without thinking I brought my wing up to his face and moved the hair behind his ear. He looked at me and just stared. I hot flustered and put my hands in my lap looking around.

Thats when I heard laughing. I looked over to him. He was laughing into his hand. I snorted "You know I've never heard you laugh before!" He immediately stopped and frowned "Oh no no don't get the wrong idea its not bad!" He looked at me and studied my face which made my face feel hot. Why?

"Your eyes are nice." Link said before looking back to the village. I put my wing over my mouth attempting to hide my flushed face. I looked over at him and noticed his cheeks were a little pink as well. He looked embarrassed.

He also looked rather pretty. Wait what? Pretty? No I refuse to believe that I of all people think link is pretty. Maybe its just the lighting. Or maybe its the headpiece he was wearing that caught my eye. He was wearing a diamond circlet and I did love shiny gold things.

I looked at him again. He still looked pretty. This time he was tucking his hair behind his ear. He then seemed to get an idea. He suddenly grabbed my wing "W-woah link!" He pulled me along the path that led out of the village. He then stopped suddenly and I looked at my surroundings. It was the fairy fountain. It sure was pretty.

"Link why-" he shushed me and then began to crep over to something. It was glowy and pink. "Hup!" Link exclaimed as he grabbed it. There were three more and he got all of thoes before coming over to me. He looked down at the slate and brought out one. He guestured for me to bring out my wing so I did. He placed it in my the palm of my wind and closed it himself. "Thats a fairy. When you die they save you and bring you back. I..." he trailed off and looked the other way "I wanted you to have one. I don't want you to die again. I wanted to get to know you a bit better." Well thats not what I was expecting. I don't think I've ever heard link talk that much. I smiled "Thank you link. I... I feel awful about how I treated you 100 years ago. I want to be friends with you if thats alright?" He nodded and smiled a little. "S-sorry for uhm... talking so much. I- I didn't mean to." I frowned "Link I like when you talk." He looked at the ground sheepishly and smiled "Oh..."

We decided to go back as it was getting late. Urbosa, mipha, Zelda, link, and I all booked a room in the hotel which link had to pay for. Daruk said he wanted to "Be one with nature" and sleep outside. Besides he would break the bed.

We all set up for bed. I walked into our room where all the beds were after I took a shower in the river atop the hill and scanned the room for link. He was sitting criss cross on the bed with the sheika slate angled awkwardly under his chin shining light on a journal he was writing in.

Everyone else was off doing there own thing. Zelda was brushing her hair which for some reason was short by the time me and link had gotten back. Urbosa was taking off the more uncomfortable parts of her armor and mipha was staring at a wall... creepy.

My bed was unironically next to links. I began to weave my braids back into my hair. I noticed link glancing over so I tried to make the weaving more intricate looking. I don't know why though.

After I finished I sighed and laid down. Link by now had finished writing in that book. It was most definitely a journal of sorts but I was curious.

Did it talk about our time alone together?

Probably not. But who knows? I could be wrong. Link was now laying down on his side with the blanket up to his chin.

Why do I keep tabs on link? Its driving me mad. I don't know why but I feel like I should watch over him.


😃Okayyyyy so second chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far and I'll see u next time. BYE LOVE YOU!!!😃

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