Yibo internally cursed exhaustion for putting him to sleep. If his suspicions were true, he wouldn't do it again tonight.

Due to the rush of his breathing and his accelerated steps, he did not realize that a companion was following him stealthily. A few seconds later, a stone on the road tripped him. He landed on the ground on his knees and hands, both of which sustained some painful injuries. Although nothing compared to the beating he would have to receive on the way back. Some pieces of wood came out of the basket irritating him and making him curse anything.

"Damn" - he hit the ground with his fist.

Literally the entire world had turned its back on him. Nothing and no one was on his side. Even fate placed stones in front of his feet.

He was in the process of getting up and continuing when a chilling sound tensed the muscles of his body. It had been a long time since he'd seen one on this side of the woods, and when he did, it was quite a distance. However, the growl confirmed that this feared animal was right behind him.

He turned slowly, his eyes wide and his mouth tight. The fear for his father was gone, leaving only the image of that brown wolf with white streaks and teeth stained with traces of meat and blood. His head was down, his shoulders up, and his tail was positioned stretched back. A pose whose meaning was clear.

Helplessly, he gulped at the imminent attack. Running was not an option, it would catch up with him in no time. No yelling either, as it could attract the pack. And, standing still, if that would be the death of him. With a jumble of hypotheses in mind, he slowly backed away without taking his eyes off the wolf. It was as if he could see his next move in the eyes before he made it.

The basket he was still carrying on his back then collided with the trunk of a tree. As if he wasn't unlucky, now when he wanted to move, he noticed that he had caught on a protruding piece of wood. The animal approached with a stream of saliva coming out of its fearsome jaws.

It would kill him in seconds, there was no doubt about it.

With a roar that echoed everywhere, he lunged at him resolutely. Yibo could only cover his eyes so as not to see how he approached. There was nothing to do. That would be his end.

When he was ready to die, he suddenly heard a blow and a groan of pain coming from the predator. At this, he lowered his arm to find out what happened. Great was his surprise to see how a black and white wolf had come between them. The latter stepped on the opponent's head with his paws while growling.

The subdued animal squirmed to free itself, and when it had the chance, it bolted away from them. Yibo was left alone next to that menacing wolf, who still had his back to him. Taking advantage of the situation, he took off the basket and fled from there. He wasn't going to stay another second. As he did, he turned to see if the canine was following him... but it wasn't. He just watched it from a distance until it disappeared as fast as it had come. The last thing he noticed about him was his howl in the distance a few minutes later.

After a great run of speed and endurance, the young man climbed the small steps of the porch. He entered his house sweating and breathing heavily. Feeling the cold of the door on his back as he leaned against it did not help him to reduce the heat of the race. Maybe he needed an ice bath.

"Son, are you okay?"

Even with the little oxygen that reached his brain, Yibo was surprised by the sweet and worried tone of his relative. Feeling a strange atmosphere, he opened his eyes with his eyebrows together and saw the cause of why he spoke to him in such a way.

Sitting at the table next to his father was another man whom he recognized as the chief of the village where he was going to sell the game. Both seemed to be close, although the omega did not know how they knew each other. He didn't even think that someone would ever come to that humble house, let alone a person with such a high position.

"It was a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Wang. I am leaving before it gets any darker. We'll talk about this later on" - he got up easily.

"Of course, Mr. Meng" - they shook hands.

"Young man, I hope we see each other again with more time".

"Y-yes, sir" - he bowed in respect.

"See you on another occasion. See you later" — his father opened the door for him, separating Yibo gently from her.

"Be careful on the way back".

At the same time that the eldest observed his friend's departure, the youngest thought about what that other alpha was doing in his home. However, any thought was interrupted when a pain on his cheek appeared. The sound of the slap came late and he didn't see the blow coming from anywhere. Had he hit him?

"Why are you late and on top of that? You have exposed me, damned omega".


"I would whip you until you begged for mercy on your knees" - he spat on the ground. - "But I don't have the courage today" - and, without further ado, she walked towards his bedroom.

"Fa...father..., what was that man doing here?"

"It is none of your business. So don't ask" — the omega nodded.

Ending the conversation, his father entered the room leaving him alone. The flames of the fire were about to go out and the cold wind blew in through the window freezing the atmosphere and giving the room a blue and sad hue.

The boy approached the wood to cover the hole through which the air entered. However, he ended up leaning out the window with his hands under his chin. I was looking into the darkness between the first line of trees, a place that was sinister and beautiful at the same time. An idea crossed his mind and made him reflect: "Should I have died eaten by those wolves?"

That wolf. The reaction of that black and white animal seemed curious to him. They normally hunted in packs unless kicked out of their pack. For example, the brown must have been banished since, or else, he would have seen others with him. Still, it was common for two males to fight over food... but that was not the case. The one who defeated the other did not want to fight to kill the omega. Rather..., he seemed to want to save him.

Confused, he looked at the beautiful moon as another howl echoed within the mass of trunks and leaves. It wouldn't be the last time he would see him even if he didn't know. Fate had a marked path from which he could not get out even if all the forces of the world joined together to get him out. They have been telling him since he was little. The wind told him every time he left the house. The water told him every time he bathed in the river. The trees told him every time they dropped their fruit when he passed by.

Destiny was already written. 

The omega was not at all sleepy, but although he would have loved to see the sky all night, he forced himself to lie down on his bed made of bird feathers since he had to get up early. He covered himself with the deerskin, which he had kept for years, and closed his eyes dreaming of his grandmother. Tomorrow he would go to visit her no matter what happened. He was convinced.


Uff luckily they saved it...

Yibo has a very difficult life 💔

The father getting well placed with the other in front :)

✨Thank you very much for reading✨

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2022 ⏰

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