"I have heard a lot about you". Her dad stated. "Hopefully good things??" Seo-jun asked, not even sure of himself. " I don't like you...but you are young. You learn by making mistakes." He stated. Seo-jun couldn't help but notice that her dad was just itching to punch him. Seo-jun simply nodded. "But don't even think of hurting her again as you will have to face me"

After threatening him, he just left holding Hye-jin's hand. During the whole conversation, Hye-jin was nonchalantly looking at her phone, typing away.
"YAH!!HYEJIN!!" Seo-jun called her. She stopped and looked at him annoyingly, "What??"

"Why did you tell your dad I was your ex-boyfriend? Hye-jin looked at him confused, "Aren't you??"

"I mean yeah but now his first impression of me is really bad, how ca-" he started whining but was cut off.

"Your first and last impression. Also you don't have to worry about your image to my dad as you are not my boyfriend" she said, her words hurting him.

"Shall we begin?" I said plugging in my earpods.

"Okey dokey!Is that true?Yes.
Okey dokey!Is that true?Yes."

I was vibing to the song till I turned around to see Go-woon, Ju-kyung and Hye-jin.

I was vibing to the song till I turned around to see Go-woon, Ju-kyung and Hye-jin

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I became still for a shock. Go-woon was looking at me annoyed and Ju-kyung well she was shocked. While Hye-jin "discretely" took a photo of me while trying not to laugh.

"What...You were home. Please put some clothes on when you are home!!" Go-woon stated.

"Hey" I said keeping my cool and danced my way out. Once I was out, the realisation hits me. I ran to my room and jumped into my bed embarassed. I screamed....Then I heard Ju-kyung shouting,

"Hey, we didn't see anything."

"Nice underwear, leapord boy" Hye-jin screamed. My whole face turned red, embarassed.
I walked out to see Ju-kyung walking alone. I was confused not seeing Hye-jin with her.

I called her name several times but she didn't stop. I ran towards her and accidentally pulled her hair.

"Sorry about that"

"You.. You're now pulling my hair too."

"You should've stopped when I called for you"

"Why did you call me?"

"What? Oh, no reason."

"No reason?"

"Come on, I'll walk you"

"Forget it. Hye-jin will drop me home. You should go back"

"Where's Hye-jin??"

" She left before me saying she needed to take a call and said she would wait for me near her bike"

"Ahh...I want to say thanks for what you did for Go-woon."

"Well you should thank Hye-jin for that. You should have seen her, she was so attractive"

I looked at her questionably... We bickered as we walked to where Hye-jin was. I saw her really immersed in her call and she was smiling. It was weird because Hye-jin didn't like phone calls. I heard what she was talking as I walked closer.

"I miss you...God, I really want to meet up with you......Love you too" I heard her say. I could also figure out that it was a male on the other end of the call.

"I guess it's her boyfriend" I heard her say. "What?!!!" I asked her. "Yeah, she said love you to that guy right??" she stated. "NO!!" I screamed. This made Hye-jin to turn towards us in shock.

"I will facetime when I reach home" she said and hing up. "Who was it?" I asked her. "None of your business" she said and wore her helmet.

"I miss us, Hyejin-ah"

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