Ch63 - I, the humble monk, have never left.

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This monk was not quite the same as the ghosts Lin Feiran saw in everyday life. Those ghosts mostly didn’t look too good due to their somber expressions, even if their features were beautiful. But this monk’s spirit, aside from being slightly translucent, was indistinguishable from a live person. Even though he was a ghost, he was still very good-looking, and his faded monk’s robes didn’t detract at all from his strong presence. Lin Feiran was momentarily stunned.

Gu Kaifeng caught hold of Lin Feiran’s hand as if in warning.

“I...” ... just thought he was too much like a living person, Lin Feiran thought, but the words stuck in his throat.

Because the two were shocked by what happened in the next second.

In front of the monk stood a long line of ghosts, and from all directions kept coming more ghosts which joined the end of the line. The garden was small and couldn’t accommodate all of them, so the ghosts even proactively wound their line into an S-shape, turning left and right until the garden was filled full, like the ticketing hall of a railway station the day before the Spring Festival.

An old man’s spirit walked in front of the monk and knelt on the ground. As if comforting a child, the monk placed a hand gently on the old man’s head, the other hand raised in front of his chest with fingers together. Then he opened his mouth and started chanting scripture. Alongside the sound of the monk chanting scripture, the old man who wore an expression of hatred seemed to have been melted by a gentle force. The corners of his eyes lifted, giving him a kind and amiable air. Following which, his silhouette grew more and more faint, just like that of Ms. Zheng’s daughter. That little girl’s ghost had also faded as her regrets lessened. But the little girl’s ghost’s regrets had faded over a very long time, while this old man completed this process within just a few dozen seconds... very quickly, the old man who had faded so much he almost disappeared now vanished into a gust of wind that blew this way.

“He’s releasing their souls,” Lin Feiran explained to Gu Kaifeng softly.

What this monk was doing was the same as Lin Feiran had done for the mother cat and the little girl’s ghost, but he was much more efficient than Lin Feiran. He released about one ghost a minute...

A ghost who released ghosts!

The two watched the soul of the monk, unblinkingly.

The monk released another two ghosts. He seemed to notice the attention and raised his head slightly, glancing at them. He met their eyes for a moment.

Gu Kaifeng’s expression shifted slightly. “......”

Lin Feiran, who was mesmerized as if he’d been drawn in: “......”

The monk: “......”

Seeing that the monk was looking at him, Lin Feiran immediately carefully said hello: “How do you do, Master.”

The monk was silent for a while. With his light brown eyes he gazed at Lin Feiran and after a while his gaze shifted to Gu Kaifeng.

“You’re very impressive.” Lin Feiran took one step closer and patted his own chest. Like a fan hurrying to prove himself in front of his idol he said proudly, “I released two ghosts too.”

The monk said calmly, “A cat and a little girl.”

Lin Feiran was stunned. “How did you know?”

He had become a die-hard fan!

“I, the humble monk, have the Eyes of Knowledge.” The monk’s eyes seemed to pass through Lin Feiran and look at something far in the distance behind him. “I can see what happens before life and after.”

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