Ch34 - PaPaPa!

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Lin Feiran only looked down at his grandpa’s book for a moment before he suddenly remembered his hand was being clasped by Gu Kaifeng, and shook their hands apart.

Being shameless, Gu Kaifeng grabbed Lin Feiran’s hand again. Lin Feiran wanted to shake him off once more, but Gu Kaifeng held onto him tightly. Gu Kaifeng leaned closer and craftily shifted the topic as he asked, “RanRan, what are you reading?”

“I’m reading a book that was left to me by my grandfather...” Lin Feiran thought that with this, maybe he could let Gu Kaifeng connect the dots by himself and figure out the truth. He quickly pushed the book in front of Gu Kaifeng and said, “Read it yourself.”

Gu Kaifeng’s eyes glanced down at the book. With a puzzled smile, he looked at Lin Feiran whose face was full of anticipation and asked, “Isn’t this blank? What are you looking at?”

Lin Feiran looked at the book. It was full of records written in blue and black inks. He gulped and trembled as he said, “It’s blank?”

Gu Kaifeng laughed. He came closer, eyes opened wide to show his sincerity, and confirmed, “It’s blank, ah.”

Lin Feiran anxiously said, “On the page...”

Halfway through, his throat closed up.

“What’s wrong with it?” Gu Kaifeng took the book and illuminated the open page beneath a lamp. He narrowed his eyes and stared so hard at the paper it seemed like he was going to burn a hole through it. Finally, he put down the book and rubbed Lin Feiran’s head. He said in a good-natured way, “Baby, are you pranking me?”

Lin Feiran looked at the handwriting in the book that probably only he could see, and silently bit his lips. A cold sense of helplessness ran up his spine. His back was so cold it hurt. This reminded Lin Feiran again that no matter how strange or hard things would be in the future, he was doomed to bear it all alone. Do not think about asking for help from other people; even telling them the truth was nothing but a dream. Lin Feiran squirmed uneasily and tried hard to rid his mind of these negative thoughts. He gloomily said, “Nothing, it’s just a joke.”

Gu Kaifeng looked thoughtfully at him for a moment. He still had not released Lin Feiran’s hand. With his other hand, he turned Lin Feiran’s face so he was looking at him. His handsome eyebrows furrowed slightly. “Why do I feel like you’re hiding something?”

I’m not hiding anything, I just can’t say it ah! Lin Feiran rolled his eyes and spoke as if nothing was amiss, “It’s really nothing.”

Gu Kaifeng did not buy it. “I can tell you’re lying. Is somebody bullying you, or is there something else going on? Hurry, tell me.”

Lin Feiran lazily gave Gu Kaifeng a sidelong glance. He raised the hand that was being forcibly intertwined with Gu Kaifeng’s and faintly said, “Besides you, who else bullies me?”

Gu Kaifeng gave him a handsome and mischievous smile. “How can you consider what your husband does bullying? If there’s something that’s making you unhappy, tell me. Don’t treat your husband as an outsider.”

——He really thinks of himself as my husband!

In the end, under Gu Kaifeng’s onslaught of questions, Lin Feiran had to admit that seeing Grandpa’s things made him miss his grandpa, so he was in a bad mood. As a result, Gu Kaifeng forced a big bowl of chicken soup for the soul down his throat...

“... Oh.” Lin Feiran had an indifferent expression.

My grandpa isn’t looking over me from heaven, okay? My grandfather is looking at my grandmother from his house!

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