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Reema's pov

"You can hear me right phi !? Don-t dont cry . I will tell others to come here as soon as possible. I- WAIT A DAMN MINUTE ! DOCTOR ? NURSE ? " i shouted as soon as i saw sai opened her eyes ! Nurse rushed inside & gasped .

" Mam wait here i will bring doctor " Nurse said & rushed out of the ward room in hurry. I held sai's face in my hand " Phi ? Can you hea-r me? Can you se-e me ? Iam here phi . Wait doctor is coming! You will be alright. You will be fine- " I broke down into tears with happiness. She slowly smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks. Just then doctor entered h saw us.

" Ms.chawarin please wait outside. Let me check up ! " He said & i nodded . " I will be back na phi. I love you " I went outside after taking my mobile.

Outside :

I came & sat on the chair . I can't believe she opened her eyes! She was smiling. I missed her smile alot. I wanna jump right now. I wanna hug everyone now. I want thank every freaking person here. I want to call- oh shit .

Author's pov

" oh shit" reema said & unlocked her mobile. Before she could call anyone doctor came outside.

" Congrats ms.chawarin is alright now. I think its because of her will power & your prays till now mam . We will shift her to another ward where she doesn't need to many tubes. Just IV bag , & bandage is enough for ms .chawarin. In two days she will be walking for sure if you all help her ! " doctor said with a happy smile. Even doctor was so happy. When he was saying he eyes filled with tears & happiness. After saying this doctor went from there to check other patients. Nurse came out smiling & greeted reema happily & went from there to tell others that sai is awake. Reema rushed inside & saw sai sitting on bed looking at her with a happy smile .

" Come here ma lil baby " sai said with a smile in low voice & opened her arms . Though her voice was low reema knew it immediately .

" I miss-ed you phi " reema said crying happily . Sai just smiled & hugged reema immediately & said " M-e too " she said & let her tears out . " Tell them to co-me her-e . I wan-t to see the-m . I want to hug the-m " sai said sniffing . Reema took a deep breath & sat on stool beside the bed. She unlocked her mobile & called someone . It was a group of all members(girls & boys Together) ! Reema took a deep breath again & tapped the call icon . It started to ring ...

Ring..... Ring.....Ring.....Ring.....Ring......Ring

" What happened reema ? " Zee asked & he looked worried.

" What happened nong ?" Becky , tong , mewgulf ,maxnat , ohmfluke , bounprem , poddgawin asked .

"What happened re idiot ? " New asked

" Why arent you answering nong ? "Perth asked reema . Reema just smiled but she started crying . All panicked .

" Yah tell us what happend ? " saint suddenly joined the call .

" This ! " Reema said sobbing & turned her mobile towards sai who was smiling at mobile . Everyone almost dropped their mobile .

" She is awake ! PHI IS AWAKE " NewNat screamed . No one was able to speak . They were controlling their tears . All smiled in happiness . The stress , worry , anger left their bodies the second they saw sai was looking at them with smiling .

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