chapter 1

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-Movie starts-

A cat jumps down from the wall and its shown turning into a human.
" Minnie ! " the marauders yell.
" Don't call me that !" She tells them with a smile.
Professor McGonagall is shown with teary eyes .
" WHO HURT MY MINNIE ! " a raging Sirius stands up .
" are the rumours true Albus ? " she asks , her voice breaking .
" What rumour ? " Fleamont asked
Harry looks sad, Daisy saw that and hugs him who smiles. Neither of them saw the angry look from Lily and the admiring look from James.
" Sadly Minerva, it's true James Potter died today" Dumbeldore explained sadly.
"No" Sirius yells and hugs him like his life depends on it.
Euphemia and Fleamont hug each other with tears in their eyes.
Even Minnie has wet eyes.
And James turns to Harry and ask" I didn't get to see you grow up?"
Harry smiles sadly and shakes his head and stand up to hug his dad.

The screen then shows the house again , then to the sky the stars twinkle.
The screen changes again now the twinkling stars changing to flashes of camera going of continuously.
" What on earth is that !" A slytherin ask.
" Those are camera when they click ? The create flashes and sound ? " Daisy answered . " I would have said it better but anyway . " Lily rolls her eyes again and Eveyone was shocked at how she acts.
" I'm famous " The said girl slapped her older sisters hand continuously, " Ouch . Blimey ! Daisy Yes your famous and I love it . " Petunia says smirking at lily who looked like she swallowed a lemon much to everyone amusing.
The screen then shows cameramen and fans , screaming . Then zooms to a now older looking Daisy who was smiling , waving her hands gently . Many people gape at the screen . Daisy looked similar as she is now but her hair was well kept in a way and the flashes made her glow . " thank you for being here ! " she says smiling.

A limo pulls up , men in black suits stands around her while she walks and gets in the car

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

A limo pulls up , men in black suits stands around her while she walks and gets in the car . The car zooms off the background fading slightly.
A different house is shown which let's everyone gasp.
Much to Harrys amusent.

Daisy is seen walking in her house and their stands Lily Evans

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Daisy is seen walking in her house and their stands Lily Evans.
Daisy rolls her eyes "What are you doing in my house" she asks coldly.
Wich shocks many because their are sisters.
Lily is seen turn around with a 1 year old in her arm, she walks to Daisy with a arrogant smile and put Harry in her arms " take him I don't want him, my husband is dead, and I will get his Money and then can I travel I don't need a crying baby with me"

Everyone sits shock didn't now how to react.

arry just sit there disappointed but is happy because he has the best mom.

Daisy looks angry and cradle Harry in her arms "So the first thing you do after James died is give your son away and what is with James funeral?"
Lily is seen rolling her eyes" I don't care I just married him for his money"
Daisy slaps her "what is wrong with you, I knew you were a bitch but that is just so wrong"

Euphemia looks enraged like everyone else in the hall.
Sirius looks murderous as he sees James sad smile.
Everyone throw her disgusting glares.
Harry stand up and take his Father's hand and drags him to Daisy and whispers to her " hug him" she looks odd but hugs James nonetheless.
James sniffs and hugs her back as she rubs his back.

The movie continues.

"Lily leave!", Daisy tells her.
And hugs Harry close to her.
"Don't worry little harry I will take care of you" she says and kiss his forehead.

James smiles at her gratefully.

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