"Welp your question was answered Tommy sooo~ what do you think is it a deal?" Ranboo asked Tommy.

Tommy hate the idea of acting like a child, but if it help then he will do it

Tommy sighed" fine it a deal" Tommy said with a groan, but agreed anyway.

"So about the coordinates of the shop?" Ranboo asked Tommy then Tommy took out his communicator and was about to read it out before Tubbo took it out of his hand " little boy like you shouldn't have to worry about big boy number now." Tubbo said.

Tommy felt the same thing as earlier when Tubbo said 'little boy' which made him feel fuzzy and warm inside, but he ain't going to tell them that now.

As tubbo read the coordinates for the shop " ok I got it now let go" Tubbo said

As the trio arrived at Niki's shop after stopping a couple of times to tell Tommy to hold their hand so he didn't get lost like last time, even though Tommy complained about it, saying he's a 'big man' and didn't need to hold anyone's hand.

As they walked in they were met with the smell of sweet and warmth. Tommy felt a fuzzy feeling that settled in his thoughts because of the sight of everything in the shop which he didn't know that he had regressed at the moment at which his caregiver noticed it right away.

The shop was filled with a lot of things like pacifiers, sippy cups, baby bottles, stuff animals, onesies, etc (, and other things like pull up, nappy, and a lot of candy) even Tubbo and Ranboo were in awe of everything too.

Soon Tommy tugged on their shirt "look look! Dats So mwuch!" Tommy point at the candy and stuff animal
"Yea there so much here! why don't you show Ranboo what you want while I talk to niki" Tubbo said with a smile.

Tommy was very happy and dragged Ranboo toward the candy and toy section.

Tubbo went over to the cashier's register where niki was at. Niki smile and wave at Tubbo, "hello tubbo nice seeing you here!" "Hey niki!" Tubbo said, smiling "so you made a age regression shop? That cool!"

Niki chuckled "yeah I have a lot of time in my hand these days. So anything you need though?" " actually yes! So how much is every thing here? Because I don't see ain't price tag on the shelf?" Tubbo said, wondering "Oh! Every thing here is free" niki said with a smile, while Tubbo was surprised that every thing here is free.

"Wait so every thing here is free!?" Tubbo said in shock, "yep! Every thing here is free" Ranboo and Tommy come to the counter with some pacifier, stuffing animals, candy and a sippy cup.

Tubbo turns toward niki again, "look like we going to spoil tommy a bit much" niki laughs a bit at that. While Ranboo has a guilt look on his face, "would you believe me if I have said I try to tell him no?" Ranboo had a guilty smile on.

Tommy turn toward tubbo "Papa dwidnt trwy to say no!" Tommy said while giggling. Ranboo heart melt at the name "Ranboo! How could you lie to your own husband!" Ranboo raised his eyebrows at Tubbo, which caused him to be in a fit of laughter. While niki witness this wholesome moment in front of her.

"Do you have any bag to put this in?" Ranboo asked niki, nodding, and turning toward Tommy "which of this bag do you want tommy?" Niki shows Tommy three bags, one red with a cow one green with a diamond, and one plain pastel yellow.

"Hmm I wanat dats one! The cow!" Tommy point at. Niki nodded and put the stuff in the bag. Tommy kept the stuff cow in his arm. Niki handed the bag to Tubbo.

Ranboo and Tubbo wave goodbye to niki, "have a nice day you three!" Niki said with a smile "bye!" Tommy shouts it.

As the trio went back home a bit early because Tommy wanted to have a race.

As Ranboo and Tubbo were putting the stuff away, Tommy had gotten some candy and started eating it, "wait! You haven't ate dinner you gremlin."Tubbo shouted while Tommy was giggling. Tubbo finds some leftover mac and cheese from last night and starts heating it up.

Ranboo went to the sala and put some cartoon on Tommy turning toward the TV. Soon tubbo come with the food and give Tommy and ranboo plant and sat down "will you cook that quick " ranboo said while eating, "will this are just leftover from yesterday so I just reheated it up again" tubbo shrug and start eating his own food.

Soon after eating, they watched a couple of movies before Tommy and Tubbo fell asleep on the couch. Ranboo got up and went to grab a blanket to wrap them up.

Ranboo kept watching some movies before he fell asleep himself too.

Ranboo kept watching some movies before he fell asleep himself too

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Ugh finally finish this took longer then it supposed to TvT

It 3:37am and I have school tomorrow

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