Hidden power hidden in this little body.

Start from the beginning

But if I don't do anything, the riots of Yagami-kun can't stop. Maybe he'll even get to Ayanokoji-kun.

Suddenly, he was attacked by President Nagumo.

- Nagumo, Yagami, that's enough.

With these words, Mashima-sensei stood between them as a third party. Yagami-kun immediately kicked Mashima-sensei in the knee, breaking his kneecap, and hit him in the face, sending him on a flight, next to the books.

President Nagumo attacked him non-stop. Yagami-kun evaded them as if it were commonplace for him.

- Go away.

With these words, Yagami-kun evaded President Nagumo's blow, and approaching, hit him directly into the solar plexus.

President Nagumo began to bleed. The pain pierced his body. And at one point, President Nagumo fell to the ground from loss of consciousness.

Sakagami-sensei walked back in horror.

- Wise decision, Sakagami. From now on, I won't show mercy. It doesn't matter who you are, a woman or a teacher. If you don't want to suffer like Comia, I advise you not to stand in front of me.

I have to do something... I have to, but I couldn't. My body was trembling. When I uncertainly wanted to point my foot in his face, then...

- Horikita, are you afraid of him?

Ibuki-san, who got up, barely holding back the pain, told me that.

I got it.

- Hmm. Ibuki-san. Let's do the same as that time against Amasawa-san.

- I'll defeat him personally. I don't need your help, Horikita.

Ibuki-san said, trembling with pain, holding back the pain.

Our conversation seems to have cheered up Yagami-kun. He laughed with such a laugh that I hadn't heard before.

- You!? Me? Don't make it laugh. You both couldn't even defeat Ichik, who played with you. And do you think you'll defeat me? Funny. HAHA. HA...

- Damn.

Ibuki-san attacked him, ignoring that her lingerie was visible to Yagami-kuna.

Yagami-kun dodged all Ibuki-san's attacks, sharply directed his right hand forward, grabbing Ibuki-san. He started squeezing his fist, starting to choke Ibuki-san.

I just wanted to attack him like here...

- That's enough, Takuya.

Amasawa-san came through the door, with swollen red eyes.

- You? What are you doing here?

Yagami-kun, who could not be stopped, suddenly threw Ibuki-san off his hand.

Ibuki-san fell to the ground, barely breathing.

- Can you stop already, Takuya? It's over. By rioting, you won't achieve anything.

- Shut up. Teachers are waiting for me. I'm going to the first one, I have to do it. Don't get in my way, Ichika.

- Did you really want to do it? If so, I'll stop you before you meet Ayanokoji-sempa.

- You? Me? Don't make me laugh. A weakling like you, unable to defeat me. You won't even touch me with a finger.

- It's true that I'm much worse than you. But, I'll do my best to stop you, Takuya...

Amasawa-san, who was daring when she fought with us, was now also trembling with fear of him. She was afraid of him, but still stood up for Ayanokoji-kuna.

Then, why am I worse?

- I'll help you too, Amasawa-san.

Yagami-kun, who was like a maniac, was now laughing as if not to himself.

- If so, you'll both die. You are not destined to live in this world.

With these words, Yagami-kun came so close to me and hit me in the stomach that I didn't even notice how he reached me.

- Hhhhh.

I fell to the ground. The powerful blow I was hit by Yagami-kun clearly did not correspond to the thin body he had.

Amasawa-san attacked him. Her speed was fast, but not fast enough to stop Yagami-kun. He grabbed the leg with which Amasawa-san kicked Yagami-kun, and let him go, grabbing a bunch of hair.

He hit the Amasawa-san solar plexus several times. The powerful blows that hit Amasawa-san's body made her bleed.

Yagami-kun, hitting the solar plexus three times, suddenly threw Amasawa-san's body to the bookshelves.

- Weaklings. I'm coming to you, Ayanokoji...

With these words, he left the student council room.

Terrible vibrations flying around his small bodyWhere stories live. Discover now