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"Rin?" Haruka looked over at his fiance who was cooking dinner.
"What is it haru?" Rin asked him. "I have a question,more like a request but."
Rin walked over to him.
"Is something on your mind haru?" Rin sat next to him on the couch.
"Rin,what's your opinion on kids?"
Rin was taken a back by this. "Well It never came to my mind about kids I never thought of haveing any or none at all,I've kind of been focused on my swimming more then that." Haru looked down.
"Haru?" "Rin would you ever try to have kids?"
By now Rin was freaked out. "Haru are you- pregnant?" He asked.
"No." Rin breathed a sigh of relief.
"But what?"
Rin asked.
"I wanna try for one."
Rin stared at him for a few seconds.
Rin breathed.
"That would be awesome,a baby one with you is the best thing I could imagine.yes we can try for one if that's what you want!"
Rin exclaimed.
Haru asked.
"Yes,yes of course I like kids alot one with you is this next best thing!"
Haru smiled.
"Can we try tonight?"
Rin chuckled. "After dinner." Haru nodded.
"Thank you." Haru smiled looking down.
"Of course,I've babysat my aunts twins before so I have a little experience."
Haru chuckled. After they finished dinner Rin lead haru into the bedroom to begin trying.

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