ch. 1 - The letter [ october, 1979 ]

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"He hasn't been in the band since 1975!" Julie finally laughed, unable to hold back any longer. "You would know this if you followed the current artists more."

"You know I'm too busy with my job to keep up with the career of millionaire artists. Some of us have to put food on the table." He responded with mock exasperation, causing Julie to laugh again and went back to getting ready to leave.


With everything ready, Julie finally made her way to the front door. If she took longer, she might end up missing the bus that would take her from Sherman Oaks to Inglewood, a journey of just over two hours. The Jacksons would be performing at The Forum, a performance that would last about an hour.

Ever since Matthew said he'd bought her the ticket as a birthday present, that was the only thing she'd been able to talk about these past few weeks with her best friend Ana. But unfortunately for the two friends, Ana couldn't make it to the show this time because her grandmother would be visiting her and her family. However, Ana had promised Julie that next time they would go together, and asked Julie to tell her everything that happened on the show when she got back.

"I don't feel good knowing you'll be there alone." Matthew said, looking at his sister standing by the door about to leave.

"I know, Matt, but I'm going to be fine. I just turned sixteen, not ten." She replied in an amused tone. But seeing the look of concern still on her brother's face, she smiled comfortingly at him as she approached him. "I'll take care of myself, I promise. I'll be back before you know it."

"I hope so, otherwise I'll have to make Michael and his brothers pay for a search group." He smiled back, hugging her one last time before she finally left.


It wasn't until she was inside the bus that Julie allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment. She was finally getting to meet her idols and couldn't be happier. Things had been so hectic lately with Matt working more than usual just so she could go to the show. She was truly grateful to him and swore to herself that she would repay him for it. She hated that Matt had to work so hard for her and not be able to do anything to help him.

Since their parents died two years ago, Matthew has taken custody of Julie and dropped out of college so he could work and take care of her. Countless times she offered to start working too so she could help him, but he always refused. She should focus on studying and enjoying her adolescence while she could, he told her. Julie couldn't be more grateful for the brother she had.

Leaning back against the seat of the bus, Julie opened her bag just to make sure she hadn't forgotten her ticket and her documents, smiling relieved to see that everything was there. It's everything all right, she thought to herself with relief about to close her bag. She stopped, however, for a moment when she saw her notebook at the bottom of her bag.

A brief thought crossed her mind and she bit her lip lightly as she considered it. It wouldn't hurt to try, right? As she'd told Matt before, this was a once-in-a-lifetime thing and while she'd exaggerated a little, she had no idea when she'd have the opportunity to see the Jackson brothers again.

With that in mind, she grabbed her notebook and a pen and started writing what she decided would be her letter to her favorite member of the group, Michael.


Two hours by bus and then a few more minutes of long walk, Julie found herself finally making her way inside The Forum, where a huge fan base was already starting to accumulate. Struggling to make her way through the crowd, Julie felt the bliss consume her as she found herself right in front of the security fence, facing the stage. The pushes she received — and gave — were worth it.

It's the Falling in Love || A Michael Jackson FanfictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ